Is the pre-new-AWB fever justified?

Apr 28, 2005
Red Sox Nation
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Gun sales are at a fever pitch right now, especially ARs and AKs anfd high-capacity stuff. Obviously there's concern that Obama will win the election and that a sudden left-of-center shift in all three branches of government could be fertile grounds for a new and much worse AWB. I've read all sorts of posts on a bunch of forums in the last couple weeks that essentially assume that things are going to get real bad for gun owners effective January 20, 2009. I'm a RKBA supporter as much as anyone elese on this site, but I can't help but think we're a little too worked up and over-reacting/

Are we?
i dont think anyones over reacting. the 2nd amendment is going one direction, and thats down.
Yes. If he gets elected, a BLACK president's first priority is not going to be to take guns away from predominantly white southerners/midwesterners. That would be a bad idea, and completely pointless. He will focus on the economy, guns won't come up for a very very long time, since our country has so many troubles with economy, wall street, banks, car industry, healthcare, retirement, social security, etc. Even if he decides that is what he wants to, it would take months upon months for anything to happen. But he has nothing to gain by even trying, as the first black president he has a lot of pressure to fix the country and have a great presidency, and get re-elected. Not going to want to go into a controversial thing like banning guns right off the bat.

Lets not get worried. The man will have millions of eyes on him, expecting him to fail at saving our country. He isn't crazy to take on something like that.
While some in the DNC leadership know that gun control is a losing issue for them, the gun-grabbers are salivating over the prospect. Biden is a banner and put forward a proto-AWB back in the day. There is a reasonable fear that if the Democrats get a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate that significant pressure will be applied to get more gun control implemented.
And THAT ladies and gentlemen

While some in the DNC leadership know that gun control is a losing issue for them, the gun-grabbers are salivating over the prospect. Biden is a banner and put forward a proto-AWB back in the day. There is a reasonable fear that if the Democrats get a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate that significant pressure will be applied to get more gun control implemented.

My real fear.
If the netroots can get Joe Lieberman, an otherwise popular Democrat, ousted in the primary, to think they can't get some bad legislation through Congress is, in my opinion, wishful thinking.
He isn't crazy to take on something like that.

Yes he is. He doesn't answer to anyone but Congress and he'll be in control of that too. No one can do anything to stop his tyranny. No matter how you look at it, it IS lose-lose.
if them dems get hold of congress.. and especially if they have 60 in the senate, a new more punative awb will breeze right through with little to no debate. It is conceivable that they could pretty much get it done with a voice vote and no debate and have it sail right up to Big O's desk.
Think of it, Big O's first act as president "To make the streets safer by banning the guns used by gangs and criminals".

I expect that there are several bills already written and ready to go at a moment's notice. Feinstein, maybe Kennedy's triumphful last piece of legislation etc and final return to the senate, blah blah, blah.

I would expect hi magazine capacity restriction( above 6 rounds), any and all semi autos etc.. Any all and "armor piercing" bullets. possibly bores over 50 cal.

Or they may play it somewhat smart and wait to see what happens with SCOTUS..
If Obama gets in, I doubt anything major is going to happen for awhile, but you never know.

I don't think there is ever such a thing as "over reacting", in any event... EG- people buying tons of guns and ammo is a "good thing", regardless of the reason. The fact that this stuff makes the news is a good thing- the pols have to face the fact people get pissed about antis getting elected... maybe it will make them think twice about their actions.

After I took a step back and looked at the rate at which regulation has been passed over the years I am definitely worried if he gets elected. You have to figure that within less than a 10 year period new production machine guns were banned and other NFA items heavily regulated then the federal AWB gets passed further limiting large amounts of firearms that you can own. Then in our own lovely Massachusetts you have the EOPS and AG regs a few years later and we kept the AWB after it was void at the federal level.
Yes. If he gets elected.....

Lets not get worried. The man will have millions of eyes on him, expecting him to fail at saving our country. He isn't crazy to take on something like that.

While I agree with your well-thought-out post, what concerns me is that the ban-centeric marketing programs have begun in earnest. "Buy before the next AWB" is standard now in every product blurb for any black rifle, and the thing is, even if Obama doesn't get around to a ban, the prices and availability are still high and difficult. As a result of the speculation. Basically, it seems as if no matter what happens tomorrow and in the short term future, we we'll be afforded the privilege of paying more to enjoy our favorite sport.
Although NOT an insider here.. I think Clinton did wonders for Gun sales. I would not be surprised if an Obama administration would not be very good for the gun business, at least in the short term.

And I whole heartledly agree w/ Drgrant. Any time a good person buys guns, ammos or goodies, it is good for everyone, good for our economy and our local gun dealers.

And if you opt to buy a few goodies or a few extras, if you can swing it why not? Buy extra ammo? You'll use it eventually. A new shooter? Shoot, enjoy and sell down the road if necessary. Being prepared and ahead of the curve (or a potential curve) is never a bad thing.
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The probability of ban occurring withing the first quarter of an Obama presidency are low. However I assign the same value to a McCain presidency. Either way with either candidate the probability of an actual ban occurring are really dependent on the news publishing another series of tragedies, which are out of the control of either nominee. Whoever is in office will have to respond to the mess or reach across the isle to respond to the mess.

So, I dont think we will see a ban immediately, though I do see new measures on the horizon.
In the past 5 days, I've spent close to $2000 on ammo alone. Last month was about the same amount on the last few guns and accessories I wanted.

I see the trends and it does not look good for us. If it isn't a ban, it'll be the price. I'm not finished buying yet. Not until HE says I can't anymore or it isn't financially possible.
I agree with drgrant. Whatever happens will take time to work the way thru the legislative process.

Here in Florida, there is a huge run on ammo. The manager of the sports department told me today that he's getting deliveries of new ammo every day.
McCain will win, that said, I've been buying... at the very least it sends a message and puts money into supporting the 2nd.
I have to disagree here.
If the dems get 60 in the senate, I see no reason why they would wait. There are far too many moonbats on in the house and senate that have only been waiting for a majority to push this through. Waiting buys them nothing other than possibly losing seats down the road and making it more difficult to get it pushed through.

And as many other issues as there are, passing this shows that they are "doing something". It gives them a big "See what we can accomplish with D leadership, we are making everyone safer" moment.

And Obama will be in a rush to show positive results within the first 100 days. This one would be a big one for him/ them.

Worst case, assume it WILL happen and take measures accordingly. The only question is when and how bad is going to hurt.
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I have to disagree here.
If the dems get 60 in the senate, I see no reason why they would wait. There are far too many moonbats on in the house and senate that have only been waiting for a majority to push this through. Waiting buys them nothing other than possibly losing seats down the road and making it more difficult to get it pushed through.

And as many other issues as there are, passing this shows that they are "doing something". It gives them a big "See what we can accomplish with D leadership, we are making everyone safer" moment.

That's what I would be afriad of. it's more like, "Look at us. We can pass laws that only affect law abiding citizens and not the criminals who threaten them. We're doing a lot by putting ink on paper. Yay democrats!" This is where they all jump up and high five each other for a job well done. Then down the road their laws experience an epic fail and they figure they need to pass more laws to fix things. It's an endless cycle.
Gun sales are at a fever pitch right now, especially ARs and AKs anfd high-capacity stuff. Obviously there's concern that Obama will win the election and that a sudden left-of-center shift in all three branches of government could be fertile grounds for a new and much worse AWB. I've read all sorts of posts on a bunch of forums in the last couple weeks that essentially assume that things are going to get real bad for gun owners effective January 20, 2009. I'm a RKBA supporter as much as anyone elese on this site, but I can't help but think we're a little too worked up and over-reacting/

Are we?

Obama walks and talks like a Marxist Communist Gun Grabber. He is going to run our country right into the ground. What makes you think that he is NOT going to touch guns?

Real Audio:

Reminder: Obama supports a federal ban on Conceal Carry and AW...
Obama covers a ton of ground when he took the battle against Keyes:

1) Ban Assault Weapons: No need for them as they are used for violence and the #1 choice for criminals.
2) Enforcement of Gun Laws on the books now.
3) Close loopholes on Gun Shows and background checks.
4) Limit Gun purchasing for one per month.
5) Supports a Federal Ban on Conceal Carry laws.
6) Strengthen Straw Purchase laws.

Not much else needs to be said: We are not going to be in a good place if this Manchurian Candidate gets into office. It is safe to say, that we are going to be restricted in some way, in light of what we already know.

Unfortunately, I fear that while the economy is the topic of the day, very few will speak out if our rights get trampled.
The libs may very well go for it pretty soon. They love banning guns so much they get sexually aroused at the thought of it. They anticipate a gun ban like a 6 year old child looking forward to opening presents on Christmas morning. I don't think they can help themselves.
The libs may very well go for it pretty soon. They love banning guns so much they get sexually aroused at the thought of it. They anticipate a gun ban like a 6 year old child looking forward to opening presents on Christmas morning. I don't think they can help themselves.

Agreed. They touched the live wire before and got zapped. However, people's 401Ks were not in the toilet, along with the economy. People are looking for change, and they'll get it. Unfortunately, this time, the "Hope for Change, Change for Hope" train is going to rail road this through at record pace, with all of the sheep agreeing with it...

America is going to dissolve into Communism with a whimper...
Boy Scout motto, 'Be Prepared'

I started last year. A case of ammo here and there when funds allowed. A new Bushy last year and another one this year. I just bought a DPMS lower at Four Seasons and an upper at MidwayUSA. Carl tells me they can't keep the lowers in stock and I got the last one he had.

Some guys on gun boards called me "paranoid". I'm just prepared.
It probably won't happen until 2009.

I'm using the Clinton administration as a benchmark. Clinton elected 11/1991 and sworn in in 1/1992. AWB of 1994 didn't take shape until 1994.
An AWB is low hanging fruit.
Obama (primarily) and the house will be pushing for all manner of things to get pushed through in the first 100 days to show the wonderous accomplishements possible under one party rule.
I think they will tackle all manner of whatever they think they can get done in the first 100 days. AWB, Increase capital gains tax (on those evil rich people). National Hispanic appreciation month. JFK or FDRs b-day as a national holiday. Clinton on the dollar coin. Lifelong welfare entitlement program. Fossil fuel emissions act, incrase all fuel tax etc (it's for the environment and the children, you know)..
Some guys on gun boards called me "paranoid". I'm just prepared.


1) A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution with or without grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason.

2) Extreme, irrational distrust of others.

As gun owners, we are informed, rational individuals who make judgements as we see them. The democrats are stated to control EVERYTHING, and we have the most liberal Congress along with (potentially) the Ramrod In Chief who will sign anything to reduce anyone's rights, Second Amendment or otherwise.

Nope... You are not paranoid!
A strong democratic government will be far more prone to a quick knee jerk reaction when the inevitable psycho with a gun goes and shoots up a school/mall/etc… The way things have been for the past few years have been pretty nice since the parties are essentially gridlocking each other and neither has been able to get much done, so when an emotionally charged tragedy takes place they all have to sit and think about their moves more.

With the capacity to get anything and everything passed immediately, I expect every tragic event to trigger a flurry of new bills, whether they be gun, knife, Gas Guzzling SUV or long pointy stick related.
With the capacity to get anything and everything passed immediately, I expect every tragic event to trigger a flurry of new bills, whether they be gun, knife, Gas Guzzling SUV or long pointy stick related.

Anyone remember what happened in 1968 after Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. were assassinated? **cough, cough** GCA **cough, cough**

The AWB of 2008 (or 2009) will greatly be accelerated if there's a disclosed threat on Obama's life. Frankly, I'm surprised it didn't get more traction after that last two crazies were busted by the Secret Service.
Bar Ob's history of gun banning in Chicago says it all for me. If you don't think banning guns are top on his list then you are only turning a blind eye to the neon sign right in front of you. If it isn't one of the first things he goes for then I will be completely surprised. The only reason he doesn't talk about it and only says he supports the right of hunters and says he's pro 2a is to try and get people to have warm-n-fuzzy feelings. The only feeling I got when I heard those lies eminate from his mouth was the same feelings I get when I eat an undercooked hamburger.
We're just screwed. I'm over-under in my house right now or I would be putting together a plan to move to Montana.

Actually, I'm already putting together a plan, there's just nothing I can do about it unless the housing market turns around and with what is coming, that doesn't look promising.

I'm not just some Hollywood a-hole making an idle threat either. If I can figure it out before I die, I'm outta here baby[sad]

I figure at my age some of those Western states will remain free for at least another few years until I reach the point that I don't care anymore
It probably won't happen until 2009.

I'm using the Clinton administration as a benchmark. Clinton elected 11/1991 and sworn in in 1/1992. AWB of 1994 didn't take shape until 1994.

To someone else's point, this, along with Brady, was pushed along with the NOLA shooting of that Japanese student and Merillon Avenue (Colin Fergusson which succeeded Brady by a few months). Without it, it would have been a tougher sell. Keep in mind that Brady (the bill) didn't happen for almost ten years after he was shot. The AWB was formulated, as what we know as the import ban, as an anti-competitive measure to keep cheap overseas firearms from coming in to the US (I would love to know if the US arms mfgs like colt supported that secretly...) during Reagan and Bush I. It was then turned into a ban by the time Clinton was in office. These things have lineages. The taxation of ammo and "providing local control" of CCW/gun rights in general are things that have current lineage. I would not be surprised if those things are attempted first. These people know that the backdoor right now is not protected.
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