Is the pre-new-AWB fever justified?

Anyone remember what happened in 1968 after Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. were assassinated? **cough, cough** GCA **cough, cough**

The AWB of 2008 (or 2009) will greatly be accelerated if there's a disclosed threat on Obama's life. Frankly, I'm surprised it didn't get more traction after that last two crazies were busted by the Secret Service.

Well, I don't buy the conspiracy theory, but yes, the occurrence of a nutbag running off killing some folks is what will force this into motion.
Brady and Clinton we trying to formulate something that hadn't been done in a while. Now that it has been done before (and recently), there is a VERY solid framework to enact a new, more restrictive, more encompassing anti-anything-A2 thing. Forget 'Assault Weapon Ban,' it will be simply 'Weapon Ban.'
An AWB is low hanging fruit.

I disagree.. Rather it's starting to become a political land mine with a punji pit behind it, and the stakes are dipped in buffalo shit. Many pols are resistant to touch the issue because the cost usually outweighs the benefit politically. The only ones that will go right to it are the full on moonbats.

Also, messing with GC can seriously compromise their agenda through infighting, even involving other democrats. Not a good idea when you have billions of dollars worth of pork to get rubber stamped, etc... etc.

As a sign of the current posture, look at the current situation... only limp wristed attempts have been made to renew the AWB, mostly all led by pure (but limited influence) moonbats like mccarthy.

I'm not saying they won't eventually get to the issue, but I think the first 100 days are unlikely... unless they're REALLY stupid.

I disagree.. Rather it's starting to become a political land mine with a punji pit behind it, and the stakes are dipped in buffalo shit. Many pols are resistant to touch the issue because the cost usually outweighs the benefit politically. The only ones that will go right to it are the full on moonbats.


I agree with you Mike, although Obama is going to try hard to get this done. Ironically, it will probably be Democrats in the House that stop it. The southern, conservative "Blue Dog" Democrats have been standing up to Pelosi on a lot of things because they know that gun control is a losing proposition for them.

That's if Obama wins and if the Democrats get a 60 seat majority in the Senate. Neither of which is a lock.
Yes. If he gets elected, a BLACK president's first priority is not going to be to take guns away from predominantly white southerners/midwesterners. That would be a bad idea, and completely pointless. He will focus on the economy, guns won't come up for a very very long time, since our country has so many troubles with economy, wall street, banks, car industry, healthcare, retirement, social security, etc. Even if he decides that is what he wants to, it would take months upon months for anything to happen. But he has nothing to gain by even trying, as the first black president he has a lot of pressure to fix the country and have a great presidency, and get re-elected. Not going to want to go into a controversial thing like banning guns right off the bat.

Lets not get worried. The man will have millions of eyes on him, expecting him to fail at saving our country. He isn't crazy to take on something like that.

I'm not convinced a new AWB is coming but under an Obama presidency its likelihood would be as high as it could be. BHO doesn't need to make the overture for the bans, his minions and cohorts in the House & Senate will get the wheels rolling and all he will need to do is sign a paper some day. I made my purchases a few months back to stay ahead of any rush to buy guns and ammo should things start going sideways. All that's left is a good reloading setup, and that will be in place by the end of the year.

The way I see it, we could face some sort of AWB, whether it is outright or incremental. In that case, it's good to have the stuff now. Or, nothing happens - and you still wind up with all sorts of cool new shooting gear that odds are will not decrease in value as time goes on.

Paranoid? No. Cautious? Yes.
I agree with Drgrant and OnTheRoad both.

Is it something that is far more likely under Obama than McCain? Absolutely, but there are a good number of congressmen and senators on the Dem side that have strong pro-gun credentials and who would likely oppose any such wide-sweeping measure. Doesn't mean that their party base won't influence their decisions, but it's a glimmer of hope. Gun control really has become a losing issue that most Dems just avoid altogether.
I agree with Drgrant and OnTheRoad both.

Is it something that is far more likely under Obama than McCain? Absolutely, but there are a good number of congressmen and senators on the Dem side that have strong pro-gun credentials and who would likely oppose any such wide-sweeping measure. Doesn't mean that their party base won't influence their decisions, but it's a glimmer of hope. Gun control really has become a losing issue that most Dems just avoid altogether.

But when you have someone at the top who has as much anti-gun passion as Hussein has, he will find a way.
If the Democrats get a ruling majority, gun control will move to the top of the agenda. They got burned on gun control in the mid-term elections of 1994, which turned both houses of Congress over to the Republicans.

Their trigger finger has been itching ever since, and they'll take their revenge now on those who cost them power then.

Gun control will be easy. It'll mask the harder issues that they'll be unable to do anything about. It'll play well in the press.

Remember Bill Clinton's first big initiative was ... gays in the military. It provided a convenient distraction for the then tougher issue of the AWB, which came a short time later.

This is it, boys. The jig is up, and we are in the crosshairs.
With Pellosi and Reed already in place, Obama is the piece that finishes that puzzle. The picutre depicted in that puzzle looks a lot like NYC on 9/11/2001...
Obama is the enemy. He is going to destroy America from with-in.
I think it a bit of a hype. Even if elected he wouldn't get sworn in until January.

Personally I think if The One is elected the first piece of gun-banning legislation will be to "close the gun show loophole" (and yes I know that is a misnomer), essentially eliminating FTF sales. That would really suck for us MA inmates.
I think it a bit of a hype. Even if elected he wouldn't get sworn in until January.

Personally I think if The One is elected the first piece of gun-banning legislation will be to "close the gun show loophole" (and yes I know that is a misnomer), essentially eliminating FTF sales. That would really suck for us MA inmates.

It may not. They may be able to slide in a provision for those states where licensing is in place. We need someone who would do this for us though...[thinking]

I didn't understand that. Mind repeating it...[rolleyes]

PS to my last post: The other thing is by "closing the gunshow loophole" if they stick to just gunshows and not all FTF transactions, we are still good on the trickle of anti-AG gun supply.
PS to my last post: The other thing is by "closing the gunshow loophole" if they stick to just gunshows and not all FTF transactions, we are still good on the trickle of anti-AG gun supply.

It might be interesting to try to predict what might be proposed in the first Obama administration ... interesting but aggrivating. I think:

National restrictions on concealed carry, but not complete prohibition

Restrictions on club/competitive shoots

AWB, to include cosmetically neutered guns, maybe a ban on all AK and AR pattern rifles and other "military" semi-auto designs - maybe a specific list of makes and models to be appended

AWB to include prohibition on FTF sales of prohibited guns, and probition on transfer through inheritance

National restrictions on gun show sales

End of full-auto sales and FTF transfer

National registration and licensing

Ban of 50 cal and above except black powder

Restrictions on "sniper" rifles (scoped, large caliber)

Ammunition bans

Ban on laser sights and other tactical accesories

Imposition of transfer taxes/excise tax on all firearms ...

Oh, good grief ... I'm going to bed.
It might be interesting to try to predict what might be proposed in the first Obama administration ... interesting but aggrivating. I think:

National restrictions on concealed carry, but not complete prohibition

Restrictions on club/competitive shoots

AWB, to include cosmetically neutered guns, maybe a ban on all AK and AR pattern rifles and other "military" semi-auto designs - maybe a specific list of makes and models to be appended

AWB to include prohibition on FTF sales of prohibited guns, and probition on transfer through inheritance

National restrictions on gun show sales

End of full-auto sales and FTF transfer

National registration and licensing

Ban of 50 cal and above except black powder

Restrictions on "sniper" rifles (scoped, large caliber)

Ammunition bans

Ban on laser sights and other tactical accesories

Imposition of transfer taxes/excise tax on all firearms ...

Oh, good grief ... I'm going to bed.

I think you are right on, everything on the list is a real possibility, perhaps not inevitable, but certainly possible, maybe even probable. I just wish I more cash [sad] At least I have 1 AR, 1 AK, and 1 M1A - but I wish I could buy a few more of each.
It might be interesting to try to predict what might be proposed in the first Obama administration ... interesting but aggrivating. I think:


Oh, good grief ... I'm going to bed.

For your own health, why did you even start that list??? [smile]
While I agree with your well-thought-out post, what concerns me is that the ban-centeric marketing programs have begun in earnest. "Buy before the next AWB" is standard now in every product blurb for any black rifle, and the thing is, even if Obama doesn't get around to a ban, the prices and availability are still high and difficult. As a result of the speculation. Basically, it seems as if no matter what happens tomorrow and in the short term future, we we'll be afforded the privilege of paying more to enjoy our favorite sport.

The "Buy before the next AWB" tactic of the firearms manufacturers / dealers is not politically driven, but driven by the well established principle in psychology / influence of Scarcity. They know it is a button they can push, as what we fear will become unavailable to us or taken from us becomes all the more desirable. It's a well tried and tested psychological tactic...well researched and documented. You have to check in with yourself to see how the "Buy X now before Y" makes you feel...

Also plays into the principle of psychological reactance - tell people they can't do something, then , damn it, they will. "You can't ( or very soon will not be able ) own black rifles" will push folks to do so.

Easy for me to say - I have the ones I want in the safe :)

But, check your own psychological pulse when you see the "Buy X now before Y" ...and see how many times you DID buy, then wondered why...
I'm switching my buying habits for the immediate future from revolvers and such that have been on my list to acquire to guns that might be included in a AWB. And keeping my eyes open for ammo sales.
I think that anti-gun legislation will sit on the back burner for awhile while the economy and the war hold everyone's attention. However, within 24 hours of the next high profile school shooting, bills will be drafted which will severely infringe upon the 2A. For the time being, though, I think it would be prudent to just save up for when bans do eventually come. That's what I'm doing, anyway. (everything I just stated is just my way of saying I'm broke and can't afford an AR right now.)
I'm switching my buying habits for the immediate future from revolvers and such that have been on my list to acquire to guns that might be included in a AWB. And keeping my eyes open for ammo sales.

That's my strategy exactly, as well as stocking up on reloading components.
I'm not really in any sort of buying frenzy, but I do make sure & grab ammo if it's on sale, even calibers that I don't shoot often. Also putting aside my obsession with handguns, I've concentrated my gun purchases on rifles & high cap magazines. I don't think there will be a new AWB right away, but it does look like a possibility in the near future, especially if the Dems get the house & senate.
I'm switching my buying habits for the immediate future from revolvers and such that have been on my list to acquire to guns that might be included in a AWB. And keeping my eyes open for ammo sales.

A wise move, IMHO. If the new Messiah is elected (along with more left-wing moonbats in Congress) I think that gun owners will be in for a rough ride. I don't think they'll launch a frontal assault on the 2nd amendment, but I think we will see an increase in what they term "reasonable restrictions."

Imagine the whole country looking like the People's Republic of Massachusetts or Kalifornia. [sad]
If Obama is elected... I will be going to the gun shop and picking up a couple of key firearms that I really don't need now and wanted to hold off on...

Yes, he and Biden (the bigger threat to our 2A) will have a form of an AWB within their first 18 months IMO.

I'm not waiting that long.

unfortunately this will hurt some other projects I have planned... [thinking]
I agree with you Mike, although Obama is going to try hard to get this done. Ironically, it will probably be Democrats in the House that stop it. The southern, conservative "Blue Dog" Democrats have been standing up to Pelosi on a lot of things because they know that gun control is a losing proposition for them.

I'm probably just rehashing this as I'm late to this thread, but I agree with Garys on this. If the Dems have learned anything from the Clinton years its that reprocussions in the next election will be forth coming if they piss off gun owners. I'm sure there will be an AWB submitted, but only the very worst moonbats from states like MA will back it. Reps from gun owner heavy states will not align themselves with this. Voters have already shown in those states that they will not tolerate that kind of mettling. Hence the reason the Dems lost the majority the last time this happened. This topic is a lose lose situation for most career politicians.

Yes, I most definitely can be wrong and I'm doing a little stocking in case Dems have a short memory. If Obama wins I'm not going to bunker myself in for the onslaught of LEOs storming my house in a full out confiscation action though.

Well, not yet anyway.
I'm sure there will be an AWB submitted, but only the very worst moonbats from states like MA will back it.

I don't agree. First of all, Democrats may get a filibuster proof majority. Secondly, a lot has happened since 1994, and a new AWB may be seen as more politically acceptable, especially since the old one had little practical inconvenience for gun owners (albeit a new one would have teeth) and we are in the post-Viriginia Tech world.

But the most important thing is that gun control is low, low, low on the list of concerns for your typical blue-collar worker. He has enough to worry about with two wars, lengthy reservist deployments, a horrible economy, outsourcing, health care, etc.

Therefore, this is a perfect opportunity for them to squeak an AWB by. Voters have bigger fish to fry, so they will not loose their majority this time.
If they are willing to kill the First Amendment with the Fairness Doctrine (and yes, it is NOT just for the airwaves FOLKS...they are looking at "Internet" fairness as well, and will require hosting facilities to split the hosting 50/50), I am SURE the Second Amendment is a matter of when NY McCarthy "what is a barrel shroud" and "High capacity clips" resubmits the bill...

It is coming. By what you can, and stack em' deep.
If they are willing to kill the First Amendment with the Fairness Doctrine (and yes, it is NOT just for the airwaves FOLKS...they are looking at "Internet" fairness as well, and will require hosting facilities to split the hosting 50/50),

Drifting a bit here... but IMO the scary thing about "fairness doctrine" is the
amount of socialist sheep willing to support it....

Wikipedia said:
In an August 13, 2008, telephone poll released by Scott Rasmussen, 47% of 1,000 likely voters supported a government requirement that broadcasters offer equal amounts of liberal and conservative commentary, while 39% opposed such a requirement. In the same poll, 57% opposed, and only 31% favored, requiring Internet web sites and bloggers that offer political commentary to present opposing points of view. By a margin of 71%-20% the respondents agreed that it is "possible for just about any political view to be heard in today’s media" (including the Internet, newspapers, cable TV and satellite radio), but only half the sample said they had followed recent news stories about the Fairness Doctrine closely. (The margin of error had a 95% chance of being within ± 3%.) [17]

One might figure... ah, there might be a few pct of moonbats out there supporting it... but no, 31%... support government regulation of PRIVATE media.... what kind of crazy shit is that? That's nuts, is what that is... the voters in this country are starting to go out of their skull.

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