Is This Legit? ACOG Bible References

officerObie, to state my point more concisely as I tend to ramble...

There is another slippery slope at work here... That is that treating all religious reference as "wrong thinking" and attempting to cleanse it completely, is itself an expression of a various belief systems.

The intention of the Constitution is that we would have a government indifferent to religion not cleansed of it. Your proposed solution precludes free expression of faith in a free market as it says that all products sold to the government must be devoid of all religious reference and symbolism identifiable now or in the the future.

THAT is a pretty onerous requirement.

Now ask me what happens when some douche puts a swastika on their scope and charges $199, but it works as well as an acog? [laugh]

My answer BTW is that it is a symbol of ignorance, so I am not terribly concerned that it _might_ happen. It is also much more blatant and symbolically different. We can cross that bridge when we get to it... There are many barriers to actually accomplishing that as civilian sales are often a key component to economy of scale when producing such things...
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The Marine Corps NCO sword has a Star of David on it now that I think about it


We also have government paid chaplains... I'm pretty sure all the religious items aren't donated either for the chapels either.

It was a PCness equivalent in 1964 which drove congress to add "God' to currency.

Exactly what I was thinking when I read that! I wonder how long it will be before all this PC bullshit has them removing those references on our currency as well.[rolleyes]
It was the equivalent of "political correctness" of the 1950s that drove congress to add "God' to the Pledge of Allegiance and paper currency.

My dad grew up in a USA without "God" on his paper money or in his pledge of allegiance, and he turned out fine. "Under God" was added to the pledge and "In God We Trust" paper currency at the height of the cold war, both changes were more about giving the finger to "godless communist enemy nations" than about promoting judeo-christian theology.

The politicians who injected "God" into public discourse in the 1950s/60s would have backed putting Him on our weapons as well, if only Joe McCarthy had thought of it!
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