Is this the year RI institutes an AWB?


NES Member
Mar 6, 2019
Escapee from MA
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A Glob article from yesterday (behind a paywall) talks about the new RI 2025 Legislative session, and its priorities. Number one on their list?: R.I. legislative session begins with focus on assault weapons ban, budget gap, leadership votes - The Boston Globe

Of course, an AWB absolutely should be their number one priority, since they have everything else under control, and because of the thousands of people killed every year in RI by "assault weapons"


R.I. legislative session begins with focus on assault weapons ban...​

Key paragraphs:

"Once the session gets rolling, attention will focus on whether the Assembly passes a ban on assault-style weapons.

Ruggerio, who has had an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association, has long maintained that any such ban should be enacted on the federal level. But said during an interview with Globe reporters, “That is my former position.” He said Governor Daniel J. McKee is planning to put something in his proposed state budget regarding assault-style weapons.

“(Ruggerio) hasn’t come out in favor of an assault weapons ban, but it sounds like he perhaps is more open to it or at least wouldn’t block it from getting a vote,” Machado said. She noted Ruggerio previously allowed a bill protecting abortion rights to come to the floor for a vote even though he opposed it. “So it’ll be interesting to see if that ends up passing,” she said."

As much as I like where we are in RI, I can't get over how f***ed up this state is.

living on the MA/RI border is such a headache for CC. Half my life takes place in RI, between Seekonk and Boston there isn’t much so my life, from leisure to shopping, mostly takes place in RI. Sad to see the state going the way of MA on this..
living on the MA/RI border is such a headache for CC. Half my life takes place in RI, between Seekonk and Boston there isn’t much so my life, from leisure to shopping, mostly takes place in RI. Sad to see the state going the way of MA on this..
How hard is it to get a non resident carry license in RI? Or do you just have to carry anyway and hope their 'just passin thru with my gun, nothing to see here folks' rule is good enough?
living on the MA/RI border is such a headache for CC. Half my life takes place in RI, between Seekonk and Boston there isn’t much so my life, from leisure to shopping, mostly takes place in RI. Sad to see the state going the way of MA on this..
I live on the boarder and was about to move to RI when the last gun control passed. It’s virtually impossible to follow the letter of the law, and also avoid unnecessary/unsafe gun handling, in your situation. I’m glad I stopped caring.
They've tried this multiple times and the bill hasn't made it out of committee. Hopefully it becomes a moot point by the end the this SCOTUS session. Along with Mag limits (thank the folks at Big Bear Hunting for pushing that initially) awaiting possible cert.

Also, reminder...RI has numerous 2A sanctuary towns that have thumbed their noses to the state...they've said we will not enforce any new gun regulations.
And those towns have reps

Obviously it's not a slam dunk, but it certainly not as easily as some reporter talking to Ruggerio and concluding this is likely to happen.
They still got a bridge to rebuild lol
How hard is it to get a non resident carry license in RI? Or do you just have to carry anyway and hope their 'just passin thru with my gun, nothing to see here folks' rule is good enough?
Well, I'm up to 15 months since my application went in. They're "shall issue" but "when" is apparently undefined.
How hard is it to get a non resident carry license in RI? Or do you just have to carry anyway and hope their 'just passin thru with my gun, nothing to see here folks' rule is good enough?
Depends on the town. Trouble is every town is allowed to do whatever process they deem pass the shooting qual, send us 3 notarized letters of recommendations, and sign all these open ended releases from psych hospitals and your primary care doc.

I did Foster before they got incredibly backed up and it took about 8 months if memory serves. They have a simple app and lots of people go there. If you're willing to submit to their BS couple be done in a couple months. Some towns decline to provide permits unless you're a resident, own property, or have a business in town
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How hard is it to get a non resident carry license in RI? Or do you just have to carry anyway and hope their 'just passin thru with my gun, nothing to see here folks' rule is good enough?
it’s not easy at all, just passin thru wouldn’t help if it was in your waistband and you are eating dinner with the family at Crossroads Pub or something haha
Ruggeirio is basically telling Everytown to make him an offer. If 2A activists in RI are smart, they'll contact NRA and GOA to make him a counter offer.

As long as you give him more of what he wants, Ruggeirio is your guy.

Given what happened with the magazine law, the RI senate is pretty much meaningless as they will pull the same stunt they did in bypassing the committee and bringing the exact same bill from the House and vote on that in which case it will pass.

So, I do expect AWB will pass and everyone holding out hope that SCOTUS is granting cert to the AWB and magazine cases isn't following the court that closely, Barrett is joining the 3 other women in a girlboss squad very often and Roberts is basically a woman himself given he's a giant pussy. He has always been on our side for 2A cases, but he's going to screw us at some point.
This is a quote from the Governor's State of the State address last night:

"I want to close on a very important topic.

Nearly 50,000 lives lost to gun violence in America each year [13]. Gun safety is a crucial public health issue impacting every single state.

Over the last four years, Rhode Island made important progress in addressing this issue head on.

We’re grateful for the partnership of organizations like Moms Demand Action, the Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence, and Everytown. Some of them are here in the gallery with us tonight.

Together with the gun safety champions in this General Assembly, we passed the safe storage law, banned high-capacity magazines, raised the age to buy guns to 21, and prohibited the open carry of rifles and shotguns. That’s real progress, but it is not enough.

Year after year, I’ve stood here and asked the General Assembly to send an assault weapons ban to my desk.

This year, I’m sending a budget to the General Assembly that—for the first time—will include a ban on assault weapons. Let’s finally get this done!"

Unfortunately, I do believe they will get it done this year, so we have to be very proactive in trying to defeat this...which is going to be hard to do in a state where the Dems hold a significant majority in the legislature. I hope we can get some of the major pro 2A organizations on board to help us defeat this in the legislature and/or courts.


Really surprised that RI hasn't implemented an AWB sooner. RI's always been MA lite with the same political moonbattery and slightly more retarded drivers.
living on the MA/RI border is such a headache for CC. Half my life takes place in RI, between Seekonk and Boston there isn’t much so my life, from leisure to shopping, mostly takes place in RI. Sad to see the state going the way of MA on this..

How hard is it to get a non resident carry license in RI? Or do you just have to carry anyway and hope their 'just passin thru with my gun, nothing to see here folks' rule is good enough?

Depends on the town. Trouble is every town is allowed to do whatever process they deem pass the shooting qual, send us 3 notarized letters of recommendations, and sign all these open ended releases from psych hospitals and your primary care doc.

I did Foster before they got incredibly backed up and it took about 8 months if memory serves. They have a simple app and lots of people go there. If you're willing to submit to their BS couple be done in a couple months. Some towns decline to provide permits unless you're a resident, own property, or have a business in town

It's not hard to get a non-res RI LTC, there are a number of towns that act on a shall issue basis. I am on my 3rd RI LTC and haven't seen anything re medical releases. AFAIK they all require the same shooting qualification which is a bit of a pain but not overly difficult; any certified NRA Pistol Instructor can sign off on your qual, you don't need to go to RI to do it.
Really surprised that RI hasn't implemented an AWB sooner. RI's always been MA lite with the same political moonbattery and slightly more retarded drivers.
Might seem that way, but they're really not. Oh don't get me wrong....they have some screwy parts, but the average person can get a blue card (20 question easy test) and buy a pistol for home protection. For a rifle/shotgun it's nothing...just the silly waiting period. Now to carry, they have to pass the shooting-qual (which is a challenge for some), but no class-room fees other than app with the PD. Granted some towns go full idiot on their own pet-requirements, but some don't. There is no AWB right now, no ROSTERS at all. They've gone with mag bans (and it may be heard in SCOTUS) and safe storage laws (compliance is near zero on my street).....but I don't put them in the same universe as MA at all.
Unfortunately, I do believe they will get it done this year, so we have to be very proactive in trying to defeat this...which is going to be hard to do in a state where the Dems hold a significant majority in the legislature. I hope we can get some of the major pro 2A organizations on board to help us defeat this in the legislature and/or courts.


Hopefully SCOTUS speaks in Snopes and removes the need to think about it.

Still haven't seen anyone lose their job over that bridge....
😂😂😂 this idiot State has a 300 million dollar deficit and they're trying to pull out every stop to generate $. Sacarchi (or however you spell his name) already said there is no money to put towards the idiot Governor's assault weapons ban so the fact that loser RI is so hurting for money means 0 dollars will be allocated to an assault weapons ban. Not saying the shithead Legislature won't try passing one the old fashioned way though
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