It's time....and I need your help. *****UPDATE IN POST 1*****

Giving it till the end of the day to collect all the emails and send out a message.

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No It needs to be some place where it's just us with no distractions. Get some pizza for food, and get down and dirty to brainstormin

I can use my club in Gardner I know it may be out of the way for most, but I want to float the offer.
we can handle 100 or so.
[laugh] slow down big papi, I gotta get a list of everyone looking to help and where they are located first, I haven't seen you this jazzed up since we talked about ordering that midget and donkey for......oh......wait......umm......nevermind!

I like it when you call me big poppa

sorry couldn't resist
I'm thinking more like a club house of a range or something. Some place with enough room to house everyone
Exactly, a place centrally located so folks from N.H. VT. MASS. CT. can converge, club would be ideal, pizza would be great. I agree, no distractions. If you need an audio system, I'll bring a package for the club so everyone can hear, that's what we do, loud and clear.
So far I've got roughly 30 people who are committed to offering help. This is great guys. I will send an email tomorrow to get some pertinent info on location and we'll set a time and place to meet.
So far I've got roughly 30 people who are committed to offering help. This is great guys. I will send an email tomorrow to get some pertinent info on location and we'll set a time and place to meet.

this is awesome if we can pick up a few more over night and each person brings a friend we already have a great number for a rally/protest
We have 10,000 already?

I don't hink we can muster 10,000 in a week we need to get a good amount of people out in public fast to gain media attention to help us spread the word the news helped the occupy movment more than they know.

My thought was a solid 100 in front of a statehouse is enought to be very noticed by the people in the building and all the passers by
You know I got your back man like many have said we should start in Boston where it all began. Don't try to get 100,000 people right off the bat if we can get even 100 people it will be enought to get on the news then more will see and join for the next rally. The occupy boston movment started with a few handfulls of people and blew up. all we need is a 100 or so to make the first leap and to quote you

I don't have sick days but your right the time is now. weekends don't do it. 9am monday morning when there all in the state house is when it needs to be done

It's time to put our asses on the line. Start in Boston with a plan to go to DC. When are the anti's marching?
Hkdrummer, no PMS until Derek cashes my latest check...LOL.

Hit me up at my screen name at gmail dot com and I'll send you my info. I've got a list of about two dozen people that will he willing to help (to various degrees) but I keep getting distracted. If I've got a list of things to do, im much more effective.
Just read through this thread. What we really need is some lobbyist organization working for us, and I think GOAL does this?

It needs to be an education campaign more than anything IMO.

We had a dicussion at work after sandy hook. One of the ladies, whose husband is an avid hunter, and was in the army said, 'why does anyone need an automatic weapon that can fire 30 bullets in 3 seconds?

I said, 'you realize that we don't have the same weapons the army has. your husband's handgun can shoot just as fast as the weapon the guy at sandy hook had?" she didn't know that. I said, 'the only difference between that weapon and what your husband has for hunting is that his holds 4 rounds, not 30, but it will shoot as fast". Again, she didn't know that.

I can go on with this. I believe we need to stop harping on whether they call it a 'clip', who TF cares about that. Start working on the bigger picture.

killings did not go down during the AWB. How come your elected officals get protected by people with guns, yet you can't protect yourself? Alls sorts of these bigger points.

Personally, I think restrictions will come nationally, like gun shows sales, and limits on capacity. OTH, I think we should go on the offensive, and get something for this. I posted this on another forum. My initial suggestion was say, 'ok, this is what we get from you, but we want a national carry program.' I think rather than have something pushed on down with nothing back, (which as I stated is my personal opinion of what will happen), get some compromise.

For all those who just say , 'shall not be infringed', I say, you have already been infringed. Except for the few states like Alaska, if you need to get a permit, you have already been infringed. What can you carry? Been infringed. How many rounds? Been infringed. etc. etc.The question is, how much more will it happen.
can somebody get a list of all anti gun politicians up for re-election in the next couple of years thats a good place to start specifically targetting the ones who will be effected the most

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for what its worth Monday Tuesday and Wednesday evenings work best for me I can adjust as much as possible
That would be too late. Threatening their re-election isn't going to do anything RIGHT NOW.

I'm pretty sure we cold get the clubhouse at Harvard Sportsmens Club except for Tuesday nights.
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That would be too late. Threatening their re-election isn't going to do anything RIGHT NOW.

when i made that statement I wasn't talking about gathering the names to write them a heated letter, it was more to boldly put their names on a picket sign for when we protest clearley showing we know who they are and were paying attention to everything they do.
Just read through this thread. What we really need is some lobbyist organization working for us, and I think GOAL does this?

It needs to be an education campaign more than anything IMO.
Absolutely agree - many, many people do not know why these stats are ridiculous. While many people complain about Appleseed, this education goal OS why I continue to instruct. Education also needs to be a component of this...outreach and POLITE AND FACTUAL education will be essential. There's no way we can get those "on the fence" to help if they keep blindly buying what the media and antis are feeding them.
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My thought was a solid 100 in front of a statehouse is enought to be very noticed by the people in the building and all the passers by

100 people in front of the statehouse won't even make the news unless there's some "radical" element to the protest.
I'm in... just tell me when and where.... I also have a buddy who is Pro 2A that does social media for a living. He doesn't own gun or shoot much but is like minded. It would be great if things were free or donated but I'm sure he would want a fee to do it. He's the real deal when it comes to social media so if we want it out fast and hard he's the guy.

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Mods, do the right thing here and sticky this shit at the top.
No ones brought up guerilla marketing. Stencils, stickers, overpass banners. If done properly, these will be seen by s**t tons of people. It can have real impact with the right placement. It has to be something that makes people question their stance on this issue. I was involved in this world when I was younger.
PM inbound HKDrummer
100 people in front of the statehouse won't even make the news unless there's some "radical" element to the protest.
We could re-import Doobie for the day. (Joking. Good guy, but I'm joking...and he'd need to be at the state house in NH, anyway.)

Not joking: We need to get a "community organizer." Don't underestimate the usefulness of someone who legitimately knows what they're doing. This last election was won by O due to turnout, not due to convincing. And we can't be picky here - we need anyone who supports the 2A, even if they're not supporting it for limited government/Constitutional/personal liberty reasons. Any of the more college-age (CRAP I'm feeling old, now) members here know someone that fits the description?

I've got 5 days time off that I've got to burn in Q1. May as well make them count. Give me a date, time, and place in the next 3 months and I'm there.

Anyone who has the time needs to make a big push with people who are on the fence, especially those who are politically on the side of limited government. I'm going to be offering range time to anyone I know who's on the fence with some of the "evil assault weapons" that various people are contemplating banning, with the condition that they AT LEAST take my sample letters and send them to their reps. I'd HIGHLY recommend that others do the same, but don't waste time with people who can't be bothered to even sign a letter and lick/stamp an envelope.
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