It's time....and I need your help. *****UPDATE IN POST 1*****

Tell me when and where and I'll be there.... Having done this before I'm not that optimistic though. We couldn't even give away FREE bus seats when we went down to DC. People are lazebags when it comes to this stuff.


This pretty much sums it up for me also.
This needs to be bigger than just NES.

I intend to make it as big as possible. This is where it starts. I've gotten a ton of pms. The proof will be in how many people attend a physical meeting to discuss where to take this.

- - - Updated - - -

This pretty much sums it up for me also.

I hope to change your view that this won't work. I really do.
Have Massachusetts gun store owners got together?.
I'm willing to do something. I have seen my share of the circle I travel with basically give up. More than half don't work or are laid off. Be damed though if they lift a finger but their mouths don't stop.....sad
ive written to reps and local officials. Next
Have Massachusetts gun store owners got together?.
I'm willing to do something. I have seen my share of the circle I travel with basically give up. More than half don't work or are laid off. Be damed though if they lift a finger but their mouths don't stop.....sad
ive written to reps and local officials. Next

They are an area of concentration in this as well.
Tell me when and where and I'll be there.... Having done this before I'm not that optimistic though. We couldn't even give away FREE bus seats when we went down to DC. People are lazebags when it comes to this stuff.


I agree here too, I put up a Karma $200 airline ticket for the 2nd amendment march in DC 2 years ago and got less than 30 entries. At the time it was a round trip. We need to do better.

On another note, there are several of the Facebook pages I mentioned before that are trying to do something too, we need to get together.
I agree here too, I put up a Karma $200 airline ticket for the 2nd amendment march in DC 2 years ago and got less than 30 entries. At the time it was a round trip. We need to do better.

On another note, there are several of the Facebook pages I mentioned before that are trying to do something too, we need to get together.

Agreed. And again, we need to bridge the gap, the firearms community does a pretty bad job at spreading the message and communicating to each other what is going on. One of the downsides to NES and other forums, is that we are lulled into a false sense of notoriety. We seem to have this impression that we represent a huge portion of gun ownership, when in fact we are a tiny little microcosm. It's sadly I think a state of being ever small firearms community suffers from.

I keep mentioning it but look at the Occupy movement. They are a group of somewhat like minded people, who have unified by using the various means of modern day communication to spread their message and communicate their movements. We need to do the same. Adapt or die.
I think one of the big problems is conveying the message and information to gun owners. I was a member here two years ago, and dont ever remember hearing about it, plus things are a bit more dire now. Let's just say there are meh, 2 million unique gun owners, how many of them do you think use twitter, facebook, and frequent forums. I'm gonna guess not that many of them. The whole idea and focal point here, is to get that message to them via any means necessary and to do so we need to get retailers, manufacturers and lobby groups to help us in providing those avenues. I just got off the phone with Business, and we both agreed that gun owners, as a collective, are not much for modern day social media and communication, so we need to work around that and find ways to get that information to the masses. The game has changed and we need to change with it.

Well, if you missed it back then there must have been something wrong, because it was plastered all over the board. The event was also announced on pretty much every gun board on the internet. Everyone was all "hurr durr!!! murricah! pitchforks!!!!" etc.... probably many thousands of people all doing that, but when it came down to actually going, only about 2300? or so showed up. I guess what I'm getting at is whatever number you want to show up, you'd better be recruiting like SIX times the number of people to say IN and then expect only a quarter of that number to actually show up. Remember the demographic is tougher, too. Most gun people go to work, etc. So that automatically increases the crapout factor by itself. The only way to overcome that is to recruit more. A shitload more.

BTW the 2 million unique gun owners you speak of, most of them are tinfoil email knitting circle types who ran out to buy a gun because they thought it would get banned. They mostly don't give a shit about the cause- just "getting their rifle before it gets banned" so they're no better of a target market than anyone else. Those guys pulling their hair out, windmilling with their arms, overpaying for rifles are the last ones that are gonna show up. [laugh] (ETA: Reading comprehansion fail on my part.... even from the twitter/faceplant universe I would be surprised if you could get 10,000 people to commit in some way or another, but it's still a good idea regardless, due to the medium alone.... and the residual over-shares to people who may not be gun owners but may be sympathetic. )

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It appears that the "Biden Group" will be rallying support from gun retailers "for measures that would benefit their businesses."

And this:

In addition to potential legislative proposals, Biden’s group has expanded its focus to include measures that would not need congressional approval and could be quickly implemented by executive action, according to interest-group leaders who have discussed options with Biden and key Cabinet secretaries.
Actually, that's what I was suggesting with the Molon Labe shit back on page 1 or 2.

If we could get a large corporation to donate money to buy what, a million of these and start handing fistfulls of them out to pro 2A individuals and these people start pasting them up everywhere, no one will be able to miss them...the antis will think (correctly) that we really are everywhere. A simple slogan is all we won't take long for everyone to know what it means.
If we could get a large corporation to donate money to buy what, a million of these and start handing fistfulls of them out to pro 2A individuals and these people start pasting them up everywhere, no one will be able to miss them...the antis will think (correctly) that we really are everywhere. A simple slogan is all we won't take long for everyone to know what it means.

Exactly. It will have effect on both supporters and detractors.
If we could get a large corporation to donate money to buy what, a million of these and start handing fistfulls of them out to pro 2A individuals and these people start pasting them up everywhere, no one will be able to miss them...the antis will think (correctly) that we really are everywhere. A simple slogan is all we won't take long for everyone to know what it means.

Exactly. It will have effect on both supporters and detractors. wouldn't even need to have the explanation of what it means on the sticker...All the Sticker needs to say is "MOLON LABE... if you don't know what it means, GOOGLE it"!
as much as it pains me to say it... the message needs to be more PR friendly than molon labe

I feel that it would isolate a lot of antis and cause them to say "see how crazy they are" and not get the message behind it

the message here is not "come and take them" is it? I figure it is more of "guns aren't bad, criminals are bad. here is why guns are GOOD"

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as much as it pains me to say it... the message needs to be more PR friendly than molon labe

I feel that it would isolate a lot of antis and cause them to say "see how crazy they are" and not get the message behind it

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner

Respectfully disagree. Needs to be short, and to the point. In any case, any combined effort would be unified, and certainly wouldnt require that as a slogan...just offering it as an example.
Respectfully disagree. Needs to be short, and to the point. In any case, any combined effort would be unified, and certainly wouldnt require that as a slogan...just offering it as an example.

I've been done being PR friendly for several years....I don't have time to pussyfoot around the fact, none of us do. That's how we have arguably lost every war since WWII...and it's how our Constitution is being eroded bit by bit, day by day....upholding the Constitution isn't a PR event, in fact it's a very hard, dirty, bloody job, and many people have and will lose their lives over this piece of parchment we hold so dear....
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I think its a better way to reach the intended audience without them shutting down within 5 seconds.

I'm talking about this specific instance not your every day life.

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Who here said they shoot with Phil from All That Remains... if we could get him to help publicize an event I'm sure we could get a huge turnout. Especially, at say, the statehouse. Think "All That Remains" gun rights show on the common.

People are lazy. Buy commercial time and hammer people on their couch. The shit head in the Oval Office has made this work as well as a number of other lying scumbag politicians. Well produced infomercials with the right spokesperson. People have short attention spans so short spots with the right message would reach the most people and you can target the group you want to enlighten.
Who here said they shoot with Phil from All That Remains... if we could get him to help publicize an event I'm sure we could get a huge turnout. Especially, at say, the statehouse. Think "All That Remains" gun rights show on the common.


Actually thought about him earlier, he has a huge facebook following if I remember correctly.
I've left a few posts on their facebook fan page but got nothing (not surprisingly). One of the members here said they shoot with him if I recall correctly.

In...PM inbound.

The bottom line is that if you're serious about keeping your guns, enjoying the sport and preserving our 2nd amendment rights, you must take action to ensure you can continue to do so. Now is as good of a time as any.
In...PM inbound.

The bottom line is that if you're serious about keeping your guns, enjoying the sport and preserving our 2nd amendment rights, you must take action to ensure you can continue to do so. Now is as good of a time as any.

Pretty much. Even if this fails, and they ban all guns, at least we can say we tried.
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