January 2025 FCAB Meeting Notes


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January 2025 FCAB Meeting Notes


The following are some take aways from the January 17, 2025, Firearm Control Advisory Board (FCAB).

First, it is important to remember that the FCAB is purely an “advisory” body to the Secretary of Public Safety and Security. As such, it can not take any legal action. This includes changing laws or officially putting regulations in place.

Long Gun Roster:

At the December meeting a great deal of time was spent discussing the addition of rifles and shotguns to the mandatory testing requirements previously held for handguns only. The change in Chapter 140, Section 123 was created by the new definition.

The unofficial consensus was that the new requirements are completely unworkable. Rifles and shotguns are not designed to be put through the arbitrary testing “standards” put in place for handguns. As a result, the FCAB put together a subcommittee to look at it further. At the January meeting, the subcommittee gave the full Board a memo outlining their research.

Subcommittee members:

Honorable Michael L. Fabbri (retired) (Firearms Instructor)
Chief Ronald C. Glidden (retired)
Assistant Attorney General Ryan T. Mingo

The memo used an end around that can be found at the beginning of the gun law definition section, Section 121. “Section 121. As used in sections 122 to 131Y, inclusive, the following words shall, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, have the following meanings…”

The subcommittee’s memo concluded:

Accordingly, the subcommittee recommends that FCAB not include rifles and shotguns in the testing regime required by § 123. The context surrounding the use of the word “firearm” in §§ 123 and 131¾ suggest that the testing and roster requirements were clearly targeted at handguns.

The full FCAB intends to vote on this advisory to the Secretary at the March 14, 2025, meeting.

Banned Assault Weapons Roster:

For the second meeting, the Board discussed the new roster for banned Assault Style Firearms. At the December meeting, Jim Wallace (GOAL) brought up several glaring issues with this type of roster, aside from the unconstitutional nature of the whole premise.

Unlike the so-called approved rosters, this one is intended to post guns that are banned.
  • Unlike the “approved” rosters that can be added to, this is a “banned” roster.
  • The approved rosters, when amended are adding firearms the citizens can legally purchase from a retailer.
  • The banned roster, if added to will essentially make additional firearms illegal to obtain or possess. (The language does not seem to limit it to retailer transactions.)
GOAL’s stance, that once a banned roster is released, it can’t be added to. Retailers and gun owners are going to view an original banned list as the official interpretation of the new Assault Style Firearm law. If there are further additions to it, that will only create legal chaos.

GOAL also pointed out that even the new Section 131M does not flat out ban anything. There are three different specific dates in the new law for the years 1994, 2016 and 2024. If any banned roster was published, every specific model would have to include a “grandfathering” date and a full explanation of that date. Once again chaos would ensue.

Once again, the Board’s Chair appointed a subcommittee to research the matter. Jim Wallace asked to be appointed to it but was not chosen.


“Use” is a new term that shows up in the roster language. After some discussion, the general consensus was that it only applied to retailers, but how? This is the first time that anything regulated the “use” of a handgun by retailers. In the end, the Board agreed to look at this in the future.


Jim Wallace was asked by a few members to bring up a few matters:
  • The new law that requires reporting a transfer if a gun is “loaned” for more than 7 days can be very problematic for veteran's assistance and suicide prevention programs.
  • Women’s self-defense classes often “transfer” pepper spray to students at the events. Transfer now requires a retailer license and a “brick and mortar” place of business.
  • Will the FCAB be meeting in other locations around the state? Jim Wallace suggested MassWildlife HQ and/or gun clubs. No official position was taken, but the consensus was yes.

Next meeting: Public is welcome. (There is strict security on entry to the building.)
Meeting Date: Friday, March 14, 2025
Meeting Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Meeting Location: Department of Criminal Justice Information Services, 200 Arlington Street, #2000, Chelsea, MA 02150
@GOALJim Thank you for posting these after each meeting. The FCAB is not easy to find on the .gov website.
What's your read/take on John Melander- Deputy General Counsel for EOPPS (Board Counsel)? He doesn't seem like a total anti-gunner.

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