March 8 - 9 2025: Big E Gun Show

PASS! Only Steers and . . . . LOL

Hot as hell in the summer. Almost as cold here in the winter in much of the state. I don't get it. You've got the big landmass to the west and this huge Gulf of America Sponsored By Sunoco to the south and east. But it still gets that bone-chilling plains temps that you'd see in Zuri and other places.

Plus I'd end up in San Antone. I was SHOCKED at the inability to drive by your average SA'er.
It was 4way stops. All these short-haired, 60ish housewives in these stupid LIFTED trucks that were UNABLE to navigate 1-2-3-4. It would be . . . . .2-3-4-. . . .2-3-4-. . . 2-4-. . . .1&2. Dudette. When it's your turn - JUST GO! GAHHH!!!!! It was constant. It was always some lady in a lifted white truck. Like, maybe Hubby shoudl buy you something that insults his meager manhood a bit more but allows you to not drive like you're scared for your life.
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