Jim’s Thoughts: Litigation

I think I've heard it said "The process is the punishment". Maybe it is time to punish the process. Is there a way that GOAL can stop the postponement of enacting the laws, so this problem can be fixed once and for all? There has to be a way to set the hook here. Thanks and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
I think I've heard it said "The process is the punishment". Maybe it is time to punish the process. Is there a way that GOAL can stop the postponement of enacting the laws, so this problem can be fixed once and for all? There has to be a way to set the hook here. Thanks and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
We really need to up the game to 4th gen lawfare.

Imagine a scenario where under Biden a red state enacted a law that was unconstitutional (in their eyes even) that threatened their communist plans for one party perpetual rule…say, requiring photo ID for all elections, or deportation of any undocumented illegals found by police.

How fast can you imagine the lawsuits would fly? What creative / unethical means would they use? What lies would they use in their arguments?

We risk being disarmed and that means enslavement is possible.

If we don’t fight with every fiber now, you may find yourself kneeling over a pit with a pistol to the back of your and your whole family’s heads within a decade. History shows this to be possible, and even likely.
I have been a 2A soldier for over 50 years.

No doubt.

But I'm not replying to the past fifty years. I'm replying to posts here, today. And not all of them are yours.

I just have no more patience for the State. At one time I did; the more fool me. They've radicalized me, and I'm done pretending I'm fine with their bullshit.
Granted. That's what tyrants do.

Meanwhile, they're not prosecuting any of it. Because the wall itself is going to crumble, thanks to SCOTUS and the other cases in the federal pipeline. That means that the only compliance they're going to get is from people who CHOOSE to comply. My point has always been that that's a choice, and you can choose the opposite just as easily. It does take a little courage, but not all that much. You just have to remember: you are right. They are wrong. These are your RIGHTS.

If they're not worth fighting for, then you're doing what this worthless state wants you to do. I'd rather not.
And years later when the do enforce the law, because they didn't rescind anything, they will use that "the law has been on the books for years" as justification that the law is OK.

We need to change how standing is determined when it comes to unconstitutional laws.
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