Joe Biden to Announce Executive Level Gun Control Office - Office of Gun Violence Prevention


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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President Joe Biden will announce the Office of Gun Violence Prevention on Friday and the new office will be coordinated with Mike Bloomberg gun control proponents and others.

According to the Washington Post, “The new office will report up through Stefanie Feldman, the White House staff secretary and a longtime Biden policy aide who has worked on the firearms issue for years.”

Coordination in the office is expected between the “White House, the Community Justice Action Fund and Everytown for Gun Safety.”

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Screw boiling the frog. Go all in and get it over with.
We've had a drug czar since 1971 - how's that worked out? Now a gun violence czar? Bad guys still sell drugs - bad guys will still sell guns.
Will the illegals need guns when they already started to practice killing our kids in day care with fentanyl 🤔
If they focus on a few things, it could be good-

1) shutting down gang-banging drug biz violence. Hard.
2) nailing straw buyers and bad acting FFLs to the wall. There is plenty of low hanging fruit to get cleaned up.
3) explore constitutionally ok way to keep damaged young men from having access to guns and using them to act out their anger, neurosis, fear, racism, and other deep poop issues.

The third is statistically a low cause of death relative to the mayhem enabled by 1&2, but is usually tragic and causes lots of political drama.

If they spend all their energy making life more annoying for the 99% of sane, boring, law-abiding gun owners it will be another waste of time and money.
We've had a drug czar since 1971 - how's that worked out? Now a gun violence czar? Bad guys still sell drugs - bad guys will still sell guns.

1) shutting down gang-banging drug biz violence. Hard.
We lost the drug war. How about we stop fighting it already? Let people Buy what they want, and put it in their bodies if they want. Let them operate as real businesses, with recourse through the courts.

2) nailing straw buyers and bad acting FFLs to the wall. There is plenty of low hanging fruit to get cleaned up.
Let's take a second lesson from losing the War on Drugs. Gun ownership is lawful. Stop trying to prevent free people from their efforts to own, possess, and carry guns. Suddenly, "straws" don't exist any more.

3) explore constitutionally ok way to keep damaged young men from having access to guns and using them to act out their anger, neurosis, fear, racism, and other deep poop issues.
I'm on board, and if we count the young men involved in your #1, this is the main source of violence and death with firearms. But this has nothing to do with guns, and everything to do with community and mental health.

Of course, most of these solutions would require reducing government power and involvement in our lives. We can't have that, can we?
They need to add ALL gun control groups in there. That way it would be one huge circle jerk and nothing would get done (and we could laugh at them).
reality is more depressing, as all those old farts including soros - it is all the past now, faces you know - but the real actors behind the scene now are way younger, way more aggressive and do not really have a lot of stop factors behind their actions. soros was still not a 100% communist - but those in the white office now are. a new generation that isn`t afraid to destroy the world they aren't happy with.
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