Jury finds NRA and Wayne LaPierre liable in civil corruption trial


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Any trial held in New York concerning anything having to do with guns or people involved in the gun culture is a predictable lost cause.

The trial should have been moved to a less biased venue and I'd bet the farm it would have had a different outcome.
It is an interesting judgement since Wayne paying back doesn't really punish him with penalty it is merely reimbursement. Is the Ack Mack lawsuit still active? Maybe NYS is waiting to see if those two destroy one another
There's a lot of misreporting, even in the gun media, about the judgment. I've seen some saying the judgment is against the NRA.

It's not. The NRA was the victim, and the money that Wayne and Woody have to pay goes to the NRA as reimbursement.
Any trial held in New York concerning anything having to do with guns or people involved in the gun culture is a predictable lost cause.

The trial should have been moved to a less biased venue and I'd bet the farm it would have had a different outcome.
What's wrong with the current outcome?
Any trial held in New York concerning anything having to do with guns or people involved in the gun culture is a predictable lost cause.

The trial should have been moved to a less biased venue and I'd bet the farm it would have had a different outcome.
It's a lost cause that LaPierre has to repay to the NRA the money that he stole and squandered? Turn your brain back on.
given the reporting.. this sounds like a good thing.. forces Wayne and Co. to pay back all the funds they stole living it up on our dimes.

maybe we can get some real leadership there who'll fight harder for us.
Just sent in my ballot for the BoD... Jim Wallace was the only name I checked. I didn't want to dilute the vote by selecting others.
So if I read this right, Wayne has to REPAY THE NRA 5 mil... That's a WIN in my book... The DA's efforts to dissolve the org were dismissed. The NRA will live on, and be made whole. I fail to see a problem with the outcome here. This makes the NRA stronger...
Regardless, hunting an endangered species - African Elephants - not a good look... The dude is a f***ing tool bag. Way to advocate for conservation Wayne. Dude deserves to get shot in the dick.
They are not endangered everywhere. In fact there are places the population has risen to the point they are destroying the ecosystem. (Overgrazing ).
The hunts also bring in a lot of money to the local economies and help pay for anti poaching measures in areas where they are endangered.
The meat all stays there and feeds the locals as well. It can't be brought back.
So if I read this right, Wayne has to REPAY THE NRA 5 mil... That's a WIN in my book... The DA's efforts to dissolve the org were dismissed. The NRA will live on, and be made whole. I fail to see a problem with the outcome here. This makes the NRA stronger...
A real win would be Charles Cotton and the special lawsuit committee repaying the $200 million paid to Brewer since 2019.
They are not endangered everywhere. In fact there are places the population has risen to the point they are destroying the ecosystem. (Overgrazing ).
The hunts also bring in a lot of money to the local economies and help pay for anti poaching measures in areas where they are endangered.
The meat all stays there and feeds the locals as well. It can't be brought back.
Don't confuse AFRICAN and ASIAN elephants. African elephants are very much endangered as they are ruthlessly hunted and poached for their ivory. There are now parts of the African continent that are now devoid of the species. Do your research. Let me Google that for you.

Don't confuse AFRICAN and ASIAN elephants. African elephants are very much endangered as they are ruthlessly hunted and poached for their ivory. There are now parts of the African continent that are now devoid of the species. Do your research. Let me Google that for you.

View attachment 855285
I have done my research and actually know someone who went on a hunt last year.
They are Not endangered on the whole continent .
There are a couple of shitty counties where poaching has done serious damage.
If you're quoting WWF as a source you must get your gun news from the Bloomburg foundation or the Brady group.
WWF is a fear pedaling money maker.
Don't confuse AFRICAN and ASIAN elephants. African elephants are very much endangered as they are ruthlessly hunted and poached for their ivory. There are now parts of the African continent that are now devoid of the species. Do your research. Let me Google that for you.

View attachment 855285
Don't confuse African FOREST elephants and African BUSH elephants.

I love elephants and would never dream of killing one for sport. I don't like sport or trophy hunting at all. But, I recognize that sport hunting has saved many species by making their preservation for the sake of hunting them quite valuable. It's led to many species that were on the verge of extinction becoming damn nuisances... like whitetail deer in suburbia.

Globally, African elephants are endangered. African elephants don't exist globally. They don't even exist throughout most of Africa (with or without hunting pressures). The parts of Africa where elephant hunting for sport is profitable, poachers are dealt with with Extreme Prejudice. DRT.

All that to say this: Wayne sucks, can't shoot for shit, elephants are awesome and as much as I hate it, hunting them for sport where the population is managed, has ensured survival of the species.
Don't confuse African FOREST elephants and African BUSH elephants.

I love elephants and would never dream of killing one for sport. I don't like sport or trophy hunting at all. But, I recognize that sport hunting has saved many species by making their preservation for the sake of hunting them quite valuable. It's led to many species that were on the verge of extinction becoming damn nuisances... like whitetail deer in suburbia.

Globally, African elephants are endangered. African elephants don't exist globally. They don't even exist throughout most of Africa (with or without hunting pressures). The parts of Africa where elephant hunting for sport is profitable, poachers are dealt with with Extreme Prejudice. DRT.

All that to say this: Wayne sucks, can't shoot for shit, elephants are awesome and as much as I hate it, hunting them for sport where the population is managed, has ensured survival of the species.

I'm not confusing them. Take your pick of either African elephant. They're both classified as endangered. One critically.

If you have Netflix, there is a documentary you may want to check out. It's called Ivory Game. Seems like it would be up your alley.

I agree, fascinating creatures.
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