Just got a legislation alert from Four Seasons. Important.

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Aug 15, 2007
Feedback: 28 / 0 / 0
This the text from the email. I hope GOAL knows about this.

The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security abruptly announced it would hold a public hearing on a package of anti-gun bills pertaining to "Gun Trafficking and Gang Violence." The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, January 23, at 1:00 PM in room A-1 in the State House. The following list of legislation is on the agenda as a part of this anti-gun package:

* Senate, No. 1354, introduced by State Senator Jarrett T. Barrios (D-Middlesex, Suffolk, and Essex), is being touted as a measure to curtail illegal gun trafficking and “gun violence” among youth in the Commonwealth. However, this proposal would also place further regulations on licensed firearms owners and dealers by prohibiting anyone from possessing more than 15 firearms, and prohibiting the sale of more than 15 firearms to a law abiding person in any 1 year.

* Senate, No. 1383, sponsored by State Senator Cynthia S. Creem (D-First Middlesex and Norfolk), would prohibit law-abiding citizens from purchasing more than one handgun at a time, and would impose a 30-day waiting period between handgun purchases.

* House, No. 2293, presented by State Representative Paul C. Casey (D-Thirty-first Middlesex), would require the ballistic “fingerprinting” of all firearms sold in Massachusetts. This bill would make it a requirement for manufacturers to include a shell casing to be marked with the make, model, caliber, serial number, weapon type and the date of which the casing was discharged. The sale of firearms that do not include a shell casing would be prohibited.

State Representative David Paul Linsky (D-Fifth Middlesex) has introduced three anti-gun bills, HB 2340, HB 2342, and HB 2343.

* House, No. 2340 would require federally licensed firearms dealers to deliver identifying projectiles and shell casings from firearms sold in the Commonwealth to the Criminal History Systems Board.

* House, No. 2342 would regulate all aspects of the design, manufacture, firearm reliability, and sale of handguns in Massachusetts.

* House, No. 2343 would further regulate the sale and licensing of assault weapons in the Commonwealth.

Please contact the members of the Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose this package of bills and any other proposal that limits the rights of lawful gun owners.

Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee Members:

Senator James E. Timilty (D-Bristol and Norfolk), Chair

(617) 722-1222

[email protected]

Senator Stephen M. Brewer (D-Worcester, Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin)

Vice Chair

(617) 722-1540

[email protected]

Senator Stephen J. Buoniconti (D-Hampden)

(617) 722-1660

[email protected]

Senator Gale D. Candaras (D-First Hampden and Hampshire)

(617) 722-1291

[email protected]

Senator Patricia D. Jehlen (D-Second Middlesex)

(617) 722-1578

[email protected]

Senator Scott P. Brown (R-Norfolk, Bristol and Middlesex)

(617) 722-1555

[email protected]

Representative Michael A. Costello (D-First Essex)

(617) 722-2230

[email protected]

Representative Harold P. Naughton, Jr. (D-Twelfth Worcester)

(617) 722-2013

[email protected]

Representative Timothy J. Toomey, Jr. (D-Twenty-Sixth Middlesex)

(617) 722-2692

[email protected]

Representative Bruce J. Ayers (D-First Norfolk)

(617) 722-2230

[email protected]

Representative Kathi-Anne Reinstein (D-Sixteenth Suffolk)

(617) 722-2230

[email protected]

Representative Christopher J. Donelan (D-Second Franklin)

(617) 722-2230

[email protected]

Representative Michael F. Rush (D-Tenth Suffolk)

(617) 722-2637

[email protected]

Representative Geraldo Alicea (D-Sixth Worcester)

(617) 722-2060

[email protected]

Representative Stephen L. Dinatale (D-Third Worcester)

(617) 722-2460

[email protected]

Representative Jeffrey D. Perry (D-Fifth Barnstable)

(617) 722-2396

[email protected]

Representative Bradford Hill (R-Fourth Essex)

(617) 722-2489

[email protected]
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