Justice Kavanaugh

Every other peninsula house in CA looks like a dump because the weather doesn't wreck them, so as a consequence of that, nobody bothers updating anything. It's often
like stepping into a time machine. Often times you'll see a house like that, but someone will redo the inside.

Curb appeal/landscaping/cosmetic stuff is lost in the noise of the price of one of those houses. It might swing the price a hundred grand or something, but on a
house in that neighborhood, that's like whoopty do, 50-100 grand is noise.

Oh and a Half Mill? LMAO. On the peninsula that gets you a big case of absolutely nothing. Add a couple hundred grand and you might get the worst studio sized condo on the peninsula.

15+ years ago my friend drove me into East Palo Alto, which was, not long before then, the murder capital of northern california. (it's on the east side of the highway) its much better now because they destroyed a lot of the crap aprtments etc) but we drove by a tiny house on a corner lot with boarded up windows. Looked like it was damaged by fire or something. He said "Mike how much you think thats worth?" I said "maybe 4 500 grand?" he's like "try 750, and it's probably sold already".

It's big money, though, too, given the market conditions in that area. And often time, the rental isn't even long term- just until (whoever) it is, actually finds housing. Also,
It's not like renting a room in Brockton or something, lol- the person renting the room is probably making high 5 low 6 figures... or is about to....


damn, that's like Tokyo level insanity minus tentacle porn
In Palo Alto, space for a king-size mattress costs over $80,000
In Palo Alto, space for a king-size mattress costs over $80,000

"The top seven most expensive neighborhoods in the U.S. to buy the space needed for a king mattress are all in Palo Alto, California. In the number-one-ranked Old Palo Alto neighborhood, this would amount to more than $97,000." [Looking at cost per square foot, for 42 square feet of space that would fit a King size mattress]

I bet Atherton is more expensive but they probably omitted it because nothing (barely anything?) gets rented there...

Cases like the one detailed here are instructional on how false rape charges can get quite a bit of support from the hierarchy and how women can be driven by motivations other than actual sexual assault - to file sexual assault charges:

Kavanaugh Lynching: Campus Rape-Culture Hysteria Invades America | Articles

Worth reading the whole article - but here's some salient points:


Which brings us back Ludlow. Yoona Ha (a Korean immigrant) accused Ludlow of forcing alcohol on her and groping her, insinuating that he’d raped her (“sexually assaulted”). When Lauren Leydon-Hardy, a Canadian citizen, heard Ha’s charges, she accused Ludlow of rape, or “non-consensual sex.” Both initiated secret Title IX campus actions and public, federal, Title IX-based lawsuits. Ha also sued Ludlow using the Illinois Gender Violence Act [Yoona Ha v. Nw. Univ., Casetext, Nov. 13, 2014.]

Unusually, Northwestern did not uphold Ha’s charge of “sexual assault,” but its Title IX administrator did rule that Ludlow was guilty of “sexual harassment” and issued a set of draconian punishments. Ludlow resigned during his termination hearings.[ Another Harasser Resigns, By Colleen Flaherty, Inside Higher Ed, November 4, 2015]

But then Kipnis contacted Ludlow. He shared thousands of text messages showing that both girls initiated contact with him, inviting him out to cultural events or lunch.

Leydon-Hardy’s lawsuits asserted that she and Ludlow had sex only twice, both times after drinking, with one time being “nonconsensual.” But in fact Leydon-Hardy and Ludlow had been lovers for almost three months, a secret she kept from Northwestern administrators and the courts.

Ludlow gave Kipnis 2,000 text messages that proved the affair. Leydon-Hardy had spent a few nights a week at Ludlow’s apartment, and drove his car. He dreamed of marrying her.

But Leydon-Hardy was juggling two lovers. Her boyfriend in Boston didn’t know about Ludlow, but Ludlow knew about him. Eventually, she dropped Ludlow, and married the other man.

Kipnis’ theory: a strapped Ha needed the money from a frivolous Title IX lawsuit to pay her pricey tuition, while Leydon-Hardy needed to hang a rape charge on Ludlow to pacify her jealous husband. Feminist professors, Kipnis wrote, aggressively encouraged both students.

Leydon-Hardy also published a dishonest op-ed about her case in Huffington Post under her own name, but without revealing that she was the “victim.” [What’s A President to Do?: Trampling Title IX And Other Scary Ideas by Lauren Leydon-Hardy, Huffington Post, Updated June 5, 2015.]

Yoona Ha lost her Title IX lawsuit against Northwestern, but she’s still there as a journalism graduate student.

Peter Ludlow lost his Title IX lawsuit against Northwestern for gender discrimination and defamation, and against NU Vice President Alan Cubbage and Lauren Leydon-Hardy.

However, that is the case in which “Leydon-Hardy” was identified by name by federal District Court judge Sara L. Ellis as Ludlow’s lover and antagonist:

“Ludlow and Leydon-Hardy had a consensual, romantic relationship from approximately October 2011 to January 2012”. [Ludlow v. Northwestern University et al, Justia, August 28, 2015]

Leydon-Hardy has initiated secret Title IX actions and federal Title IX lawsuits (as “Jane Doe”) against everybody. Before her rape hoax against Ludlow, she’d initiated an action against a young male friend from school. She then sued Ludlow and Northwestern separately.

After Kipnis’ first Chronicle of Higher Education essay, Leydon-Hardy and another anonymous classmate initiated a Title IX action against Kipnis. This inspired Kipnis to write a second Chronicle of Higher Education essay. Leydon-Hardy’s grounds were that Kipnis had described her as “litigious,” and Kipnis’ first essay constituted “retaliation”. [My Title IX Inquisition, by Laura Kipnis, May 29, 2015]

Leydon-Hardy is mounting a contradictory defense. Truth is an absolute defense against charges of defamation. The facts are in the text messages. But Leydon-Hardy is suing to suppress them, claiming invasion of privacy.

Where that lawsuit will end is anyone’s guess, but Kipnis counts six frivolous Title IX actions and lawsuits by Leydon-Hardy so far. But who knows how many she has filed? She wages legal war as “Jane Doe.”

And get this: One of Leydon-Hardy’s philosophy classmates at Northwestern, now at Yale Law School, is named Kathryn Pogin. Aside from trying to discredit Kipnis with letters to the Chronicle of Higher Education, she is one of the activists leading the charge against Kavanaugh at Yale Law School. [Hundreds Of Yale Students Protest Kavanaugh, Demand Investigation by Nina Golgowski, Huffington Post, Sept. 25, 2018].

Leydon-Hardy is still at Northwestern, as a Ph.D. student in philosophy. Her victim, Peter Ludlow, whom she has rendered unemployable, moved to Mexico, where it is cheaper to live.

Now we can guess where Christine Blasey Ford got the idea for her war on Brett Kavanaugh. She’s been in university—or as I call it, antiversity—her entire adult life

This is the tyranny that Ford, feminist Cultural Marxists, Congressional Democrats and their MSM adjunct, seek to impose on us all.

Apparently among some women at least - rape charges are sort of like marriage or having a baby. If one woman does it - then the other ones all have to do it as well.
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Marty Walsh is a union shill and committed meathead.

Hard to believe someone that stupid gets into office.

Ed & Adam kept him a company today.

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MA Senate Pres Karen Spilka with some harsh words for Kavanaugh. “He is unhinged, he is unfit, he is unaware, and he is unqualified. Simply put, we do not need two sexual predators on our Supreme Court.”
Karen Spilka -hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

What an a-hole. Stupidest person in the Mass. Senate.

Eddy Markey - hahahahahahahahahaha

Low IQ tool.

Anyone who listens to either one of them has serious mental issues.

If they are against it, I am for it.

Boston Strong Today!
Harvard Students “Burst Out in Cheers” When Kavanaugh Said He Might Never Teach Again
Kavanaugh has taught at Harvard Law since 2008.

View: https://twitter.com/i/status/1046786763245670400

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I was listening to talk radio today, they had some interesting facts about the poly - pen changes to her own statement before the test; changing the year to 1982 as her ‘mid 1980’s’ put Kavanaugh 300 miles away in college.

Lots of other stuff too - I now am comfortable in saying nothing happened to her, and she is simply using this to manipulate her husband with remodel and performing a political hit that may have been seeded with the media calling all his old classmates.
Renting out part of your house to strangers seems like a desperate move.

The Bay Area has become a different world. My brother-in-law was fortunate enough to buy a 3 unit house in San Francisco 20 plus years ago, so I know you can rent a nice 2 bedroom apartment for $50,000/year and add 50% to that if you AirBnB it. Ms. Ford's second front door would be worth $50,000/yr. easy. The whole point of a separate front door is you have a separate AirBnB entrance into ideally a completely separate small unit.
whether the did it or not, if they can prove he even told one insignificant little fib while under oath he is done. That is a big problem with this process. B. Clinton told lie after lie under oath and no issue
The Bay Area has become a different world. My brother-in-law was fortunate enough to buy a 3 unit house in San Francisco 20 plus years ago, so I know you can rent a nice 2 bedroom apartment for $50,000/year and add 50% to that if you AirBnB it. Ms. Ford's second front door would be worth $50,000/yr. easy. The whole point of a separate front door is you have a separate AirBnB entrance into ideally a completely separate small unit.

it sounds like second front door wasn't even an issue. The issue was probably let's make some money to offset taxes etc. I bet the husband didn't really want strange people going into his house, but we'll never see those therapy notes.
We end up like North Korea, where a simple accusation gets you (and your family) thrown in a horrific prison camp, and maybe for life.

In MA we are half way there already. Just ask Steve:
Steve Wynn's lawyer: Gaming Commission chair Stephen Crosby defamed casino mogul with 'predator' comment
Wood added: "Mr. Wynn is aware of numerous witnesses who have been interviewed by MGC [Mass. Gaming Commission] who have denied that Mr. Wynn engaged in sexual misconduct. There are pending defamation lawsuits filed by Mr. Wynn which have established publicly that accusations of sexual misconduct made against him were not credible."

Wood said Steve Wynn is demanding "any and all" commission investigations into his personal life "cease immediately," no further public statements about a finding against Wynn, and a "full and fair retraction of the false accusations."

Wynn does not want to go to court, but "he is fully prepared to aggressively pursue all of his legal remedies in a Nevada lawsuit, and if necessary, by litigation in Massachusetts."

Crosby's comment on Sept. 13 came in response to a question from MassLive about a separate comment from fellow Gaming Commissioner Gayle Cameron, who told the new CEO of Wynn Resortsearlier this year that it looked like the company "didn't value women until they got into trouble."
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