Justice Kavanaugh

I can’t decide who is the worst Democrat idiot. I thought it was Leahy, then Durbin spoke. The Booker and Harris. I just heard Whitehouse grilling him on his High School yearbook and a fascinating discussion of flatulance. Graham pulled up his big boy pants though and laid into them.
And get off me with the effin FBI.
The difference is I'm pretty confident Roy Moore did it.

Meh. OK. 4 witnesses came forward, 3 of them were discredited. The yearbook nonsense was a legit fake.

But, you are welcome to believe what you like as the first accuser was not discredited and may have been telling the truth. Still not enough to ruin some dude's career over, but here we are. And we are only here b/c the hitjob against Roy Moore was SUCCESSFUL!
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They want the FBI investigation to stall the appointment process indefinitely.
Apparently, so we're told, the R's did this to Obama.
They want the FBI investigation to stall the appointment process indefinitely.
Apparently, so we're told, the R's did this to Obama.

Yup. We’ve seen how long the FBI can drag out an invest, even with not having a shred of evidence yet after 2 yrs.
They want the FBI investigation to stall the appointment process indefinitely.
Apparently, so we're told, the R's did this to Obama.
Of course. They want it be like the Mueller witch hunt. Even if the Dems don't win back the Senate in November, they could make an FBI investigation last a year and throw Merrick Garland back in the Repubs face on January 1st, 2020.
BK, just tell the truth, I do not want an FBI investigation for two reasons; 1, because it is not my responsibility to prove my innocence. 2, because I want to be a supreme court justice and an FBI investigation could delay the confirmation long enough that it could jeopardize my confirmation
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