And chalk one more visit to the bare walled shop. What is the attraction there? I still dont get it. A Muslim dude selling guns to red necks with intellectual flare? (Yours humbly included)? Overplayed. Anyway…
This time I felt like a real man- parked at the correct parking lot (pro tip - if you just got your driver license - do t park there- it is not for the feint of heart… (or for those older folks with weak hearts trying to squeeze big pickup trucks). Last time I saw big things go through small places I got babies. I am talking about the delivery of course - not the process of causing it since the geometry there is somewhat the opposite. Of course YMMV. Anyway- feeling empowered by my parking prowess I entered the shop through the correct door.
The things I learned this time visiting the Egyptian wonderland were as follows:
Glocks are not real- well at least those on his back wall. Not very killy at all.
My PTSD when I see the business end of a (toy) gun is still alive and well- Thank you wide guy for being there so I could hide behind you.
In search for readers' interest media will post (the darnest) things they might not agree with- in MA that is a news- worthy item by itself. I will leave it at that.
The owner has a way of doing things and if you rush him he will scold you like a little kid. Guilty.
The guberment should not have your money. No problem here- my wife has my money so I must agree.
All his neighbors have strangely identical first name- Karen. The chances of that are mind blowing. Who woudda thunk? EDM - no, not electronic dance music - more like Entitled Democratic Magic.
Oh, and still no dog.
So.. don’t go there, nothing to see, one star because I cannot give zero.