KRISS Anyone?

Actually, I love carbines in .357 and .44 Mag. From 16" barrels, then gain a lot of velocity. And you can have a common ammo for you sidearm.

Not sure about .45 ACP though, but yeah, if there is no gain from the barrel length and here in MA I am limited to a 10 round mag, I will take a pistol.

But it is still one neat firearm. Now NFA it and cut the barrel down and it might be even more interesting.

Sorry, I meant 'no benefit' in a semi auto rifle being pistol caliber vs. rifle caliber long gun. You do point out one valid bene however and that is the common ammo with your sidearm. I'll conceed that.
i'm in the guard, former Active Army.. [wink]

we have troops using M16/M4's in the sand boxes and winning.

i guess thats my point. 120 rounds is 4 mags of 5.56 NATO to failure.

just like any other gun used out there (Glocks, M&P's, Remingtons)

i prefer something battle proven and tested in austere conditions for a "go to" carbine...


Keep in mind that the buffers ARE going to a different supplier so the life (after extensive testing) will be much longer. Its a personal thing. No offense to you, but as a retired 30-year military person....most with the MP's....I do have my own personal preferences. Never liked or cared for the AR-15 or the M-16. Just me. Loved the M-14 and the Garand. Given my penchant for ACP, a 16" bbl. is a hell of a lot better than 5", and high mag capacity is a plus. I personally don't own a Glock, but the fact that the mags are interchangeable with the G-21 should be a plus. No, I didn't like it when DOD did away with the .45 and went to 9mm. I still wonder what lobbyists and corporate $$$ had a hand in that change. Guess I'm just an old fogey that loves and believes in the .45. [wink]
Thompson is a sub-gun and was popular as such. Unless you've got a green card, you're not going to be utilizing a full auto feature. Given the handicap of semi-auto only there's no benefit to using a pistol caliber long gun. Happy you like your gun, but I'm going to go with Chet on this and say an AR with a nice optics package is a better bang for your buck. YMMV.

Grin, the benefit is up to the individual user. This piece with an EoTec 512 suits me just fine. Am happy with it and am sure any bugs will be worked out. As stated earlier....different strokes for different folks. [wink]
Given the handicap of semi-auto only there's no benefit to using a pistol caliber long gun. Happy you like your gun, but I'm going to go with Chet on this and say an AR with a nice optics package is a better bang for your buck. YMMV.

The only advantage to a PCC is that if you are a reloader .45 ACP (or other common pistol calibers) are patently easy to reload for compared to any kind of rifle ammunition. So if you like to plink a lot, your costs of operation will be lower, unless you are already set up to reload .223.

You can also shoot a PCC on many indoor pistol ranges where rifles typically are not allowed.

Sure you can. A FTF can be ejected by manually cycling the bolt just as if you were putting in a new mag with the bolt closed. So far, with my ammo, have come across only two duds. Used the charging handle to cycle, dud came out, and fresh round went in. Hint: Don't be gentle. Quick and snappy seemed to do the job.

Are you sure? On mine it absolutely does not work. I have to either drop the mag, or tilt the gun sideways.
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