Riiiiight.... Here is the thing about the internet.... it's forever..... Below is Feinstein dancing with glee after Trump advises Congress to include her renewal of the '94 AWB.
View: https://youtu.be/uOHsNIxwQlc?feature=shared
And just a bunch more of his advocating gun control, ending due process for red flag law, an other such nonsense your aging mind forgot he ever advocated for.
View: https://youtu.be/8bVT3TnBt2Q?feature=shared
View: https://youtu.be/5A5-ikLYPzg?feature=shared
View: https://youtu.be/VMHPe9CSEkY?feature=shared
View: https://youtu.be/6ilh3yF7DzM?feature=shared
Now I know, to old fogies such as yourself, you may be unaware you can actually watch video, like TV, on the internet now. So the above is a bit of a history lesson for you, since I know your memory is slipping. Can't be helped at your age. You have some company with our President, so take comfort in that. Father time waits on no man.
We also have this thing called Google. Now I know it can be tough for seniors such as yourself to figure out. But if you put down your apple sauce and prune juice for a minute, you can learn.. It makes it really easy to validate your beliefs before you lie about them or make ill informed comments. Not only will Google answer it for you, it will then list a ton of sources on the internet you can access for validation and more information. It's really quite amazing. Maybe sometime after the nurse changes your depends, you can give it a try.
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You may want to bookmark this now. That way, after it slips your mind an hour from now, you can come back to refresh your aging mind.
See here is the thing about you and I.... You listen to Trump talk, and you believe him. Your aging mind has forgotten about all the broken promises from his first term in office. Well - I have no such age related lapse in memory. I remember very well that what he advocated as policy - he never fulfilled in practice.
I remember the promise to drain the swamp, and then watched him fill his cabinet with deep staters.
I remember the promise of a wall Mexico would pay for, that never got built, and that Mexico never paid for.
I remember the promise to eliminate the deficit.
I remember the promise to prosecute Hillary for her crimes.
I remember his promise to end gun free zones.
I remember his promise to get the Keystone pipeline built.
I remember his promise to allow health care plans to cross state lines.
I remember his promise to extend national carry to all 50 states.
I remember his promise to advance school choice.
I remember his promise to eliminate common core.
I remember his promise to end funding to sanctuary cities.
I remember his promise to triple ICE agents on the border.
I remember his promise to use antiTrust laws to limit corporate monopolies, like the AT&T and Time Warner merger.
I remember his promise to end birthright citizenship of babies born to illegals.
I remember his promise of a Federal hiring freeze.
I remember his promise of enforcing the maximum sentence for those re-entering the country illegally.
I remember his promise of seeking the death penalty in all cases where a police officer was murdered.
I remember his promise to advance the case of term limits in all Federal positions.
....and he didn't do any of that.... I know some of the above require acts of Congress, but he didn't even try to get it done. .....and I could go on.... Trump's Presidency is a trail of tears of broken promises. Like practically all politicians, he talked the talk to gets the votes, and then never walked the walk. Now that your aging mind has had a refresh, maybe you can ponder this while you wait for Wheel of Fortune or the Golden girls to come on.