Kyle Rittenhouse’s dramatic U-turn after saying he won’t vote for Donald Trump as he calls his comments ‘ill-informed’

It's not going to matter here anyways, geographically as voters probably 95% of the people on this forum are completely irrelevant in a presidential election, because they don't live in like the 10 states that basically decide presidential elections, nor do most of any of us have any influence over people that are in those states, unless you guys think that swing state wobblies visit NES on the reg. [rofl]
Agree totally. And as I stated before with the corruption and cheating….voting doesnt matter.

Kamala will be installed.

Eventually we go full retard.

We made the government to powerful long ago
and continue down that road at an exponential pace by letting them borrow trillions and spend our tax money to make themselves even more powerful.
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Riiiiight.... Here is the thing about the internet.... it's forever..... Below is Feinstein dancing with glee after Trump advises Congress to include her renewal of the '94 AWB.


And just a bunch more of his advocating gun control, ending due process for red flag law, an other such nonsense your aging mind forgot he ever advocated for.





Now I know, to old fogies such as yourself, you may be unaware you can actually watch video, like TV, on the internet now. So the above is a bit of a history lesson for you, since I know your memory is slipping. Can't be helped at your age. You have some company with our President, so take comfort in that. Father time waits on no man.

We also have this thing called Google. Now I know it can be tough for seniors such as yourself to figure out. But if you put down your apple sauce and prune juice for a minute, you can learn.. It makes it really easy to validate your beliefs before you lie about them or make ill informed comments. Not only will Google answer it for you, it will then list a ton of sources on the internet you can access for validation and more information. It's really quite amazing. Maybe sometime after the nurse changes your depends, you can give it a try.

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You may want to bookmark this now. That way, after it slips your mind an hour from now, you can come back to refresh your aging mind.

See here is the thing about you and I.... You listen to Trump talk, and you believe him. Your aging mind has forgotten about all the broken promises from his first term in office. Well - I have no such age related lapse in memory. I remember very well that what he advocated as policy - he never fulfilled in practice.

I remember the promise to drain the swamp, and then watched him fill his cabinet with deep staters.
I remember the promise of a wall Mexico would pay for, that never got built, and that Mexico never paid for.
I remember the promise to eliminate the deficit.
I remember the promise to prosecute Hillary for her crimes.
I remember his promise to end gun free zones.
I remember his promise to get the Keystone pipeline built.
I remember his promise to allow health care plans to cross state lines.
I remember his promise to extend national carry to all 50 states.
I remember his promise to advance school choice.
I remember his promise to eliminate common core.
I remember his promise to end funding to sanctuary cities.
I remember his promise to triple ICE agents on the border.
I remember his promise to use antiTrust laws to limit corporate monopolies, like the AT&T and Time Warner merger.
I remember his promise to end birthright citizenship of babies born to illegals.
I remember his promise of a Federal hiring freeze.
I remember his promise of enforcing the maximum sentence for those re-entering the country illegally.
I remember his promise of seeking the death penalty in all cases where a police officer was murdered.
I remember his promise to advance the case of term limits in all Federal positions.

....and he didn't do any of that.... I know some of the above require acts of Congress, but he didn't even try to get it done. .....and I could go on.... Trump's Presidency is a trail of tears of broken promises. Like practically all politicians, he talked the talk to gets the votes, and then never walked the walk. Now that your aging mind has had a refresh, maybe you can ponder this while you wait for Wheel of Fortune or the Golden girls to come on.

I don't think you get it. 95+% of people are not single issue voters. @drgrant is right the demographics we live in will probably not make a difference in the election. You focusing on one issue is just immature. I said from the beginning, vote for who you want. You like to fight and argue with people. You can't have a conversation without name calling. Hopefully you grow up like most of the rest of us did and make better decisions.
Rittenhouse thinks he is waaaaay more important than he actually is....

I think if this country wasn't so f***ed up... that he really wouldn't be that big of a deal... but he is a big deal because a whole bunch of people identify with him in some way or another; with regards to the fact that here now in clown world people are punished for trying to do the right thing or defend their communities or things like that. I think emblematically he's way more important than some piece of shit like David Hogg. Rittenhouse is a sort of beacon of hope for young people that aren't commie shitbirds. I think that's what part of it is.

It's kind of like the same sort of thing where if the country wasn't so f***ed up that Donald Trump would have continued to be irrelevant but once the fabric of our society started to fall apart when somebody comes along that doesn't hate our country or hate it's values that are supposed to be inherent the good people start paying attention even if necessarily the person exhibiting the behavior didn't do anything dramatic in consequence on a large scale.
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I don't think you get it. 95+% of people are not single issue voters. @drgrant is right the demographics we live in will probably not make a difference in the election. You focusing on one issue is just immature. I said from the beginning, vote for who you want. You like to fight and argue with people. You can't have a conversation without name calling. Hopefully you grow up like most of the rest of us did and make better decisions.

You started the name calling with your thinly veiled age-related insults. You then justified your personal insults with "that's how I talk". So stop calling the kettle black you hypocrite. If you can't take it, then don't dish it out.

You apparently also can't count. You talk about single issue voting and yet I listed a litany of issues with Trump.

I "get it" very well. You're just a bitter old man who's been publicly out maneuvered and now you're trying to save face.

Maybe next time, keep the insults out of your posts and stop trying to piss off the people you converse with. Maybe you'll get a little respect back in turn. That's the thing about respect, it's a two-way street. You want it for me I better be getting it from you.
I was unaware the president sets the budget. You can lay that at the feet of Congress.

The whole "mexico will pay for it" was a stupid push.

The president does wield a veto pen, does he not? So when a budget with a two plus trillion dollar deficit lands on his desk, he's under no obligation to sign it, correct?
Did anyone here actually watch his video? If so, try to tell and justify to me anything he said is wrong... Trump is not a friend of the 2nd Amendment community. He's 100% on point with that. IDK why people here seem to conveniently forget that inconvenient truth.

Trump supported Feinstein's assault weapons ban
Trump supported red flag law
Trump banned bump stocks
Trump violated the 4th amendment and seized legally owned bump stocks without compensating owners

Trump makes Obama blush when it comes to gun control and anyone who think's that is going to change in term 2 - after he took a bullet - you're delusional. Rittenhouse is on point. You don't have to like it, but that makes him no less right...

Stop talking sense, man. This is MAN-FEELINGS-ZONE. He hurt my feelings.

I love whiny gun owner conservatives pointing out whining liberals. It's a human thing. You toads do it all the time. Knock it off. Good on Kyle. Got the Admin to double-down on 2A issues. Seems like a win.
The president does wield a veto pen, does he not? So when a budget with a two plus trillion dollar deficit lands on his desk, he's under no obligation to sign it, correct?
He did veto one. If I recall correctly, the 3 times he did not was because they already had enough votes to over ride his veto and I would assume he didn't bother with the symbolic, albeit pointless, gesture of a veto.

I would rather point out his failings early in his presidency where he let pacific trade deals expire in order to try to negotiate for better terms, and allowed China to swoop in and instead take up the slack.
1000% Trumps record on the 2A was mostly good.

I have been around the block a few times. Those that bash Trump most times do not have TDS. They are Leftists spewing Leftists talking points. The say Trump supported gun control and they cite the bump stock issue. They only talk about the bump stock issue as its really all they got. The entire story is mostly pro 2A.

The Left writes this story line and those who run with it are sometimes not inflicted with TDS but are Leftists trying to fool us.

The worst thing that Trump and the idiot republicans (v. evil democrats) was focusing on abortion and obamacare and other moral issues that are none of their damn business. They should have passed national reciprocity. Useless azzholes.
TLDR, but horse sh!t, who cares?
that and I like the Redheaded Libertarians POV, she said "great psyop to get everyone to read Dr Pauls stance on guns"
🤓 👍
You started the name calling with your thinly veiled age-related insults. You then justified your personal insults with "that's how I talk". So stop calling the kettle black you hypocrite. If you can't take it, then don't dish it out.

You apparently also can't count. You talk about single issue voting and yet I listed a litany of issues with Trump.

I "get it" very well. You're just a bitter old man who's been publicly out maneuvered and now you're trying to save face.

Maybe next time, keep the insults out of your posts and stop trying to piss off the people you converse with. Maybe you'll get a little respect back in turn. That's the thing about respect, it's a two-way street. You want it for me I better be getting it from you.
I never called you names. I said you were young and immature. You said if we were in a room together, I wouldn't be talking about that. I would. That's based on how you talk to people and get upset so easy.

You started this by talking about bump stocks and 2A. That is one issue.

Thinking you "out maneuvered someone is a very childlike to say.

Saying you are childlike and immature isn't name calling its fact based on how you interact with people. I saw how you are talking in the layoff thread. You will get respect when you stop being emotional.

Try and have a good day.
I never called you names. I said you were young and immature. You said if we were in a room together, I wouldn't be talking about that. I would. That's based on how you talk to people and get upset so easy.

You started this by talking about bump stocks and 2A. That is one issue.

Thinking you "out maneuvered someone is a very childlike to say.

Saying you are childlike and immature isn't name calling its fact based on how you interact with people. I saw how you are talking in the layoff thread. You will get respect when you stop being emotional.

Try and have a good day.

Okay buddy. Okay. You drag the conversation into the gutter, and now you're going to try to take the high road. Whatever. The thread is open for the world to see that you dragged it there.

Like I said before, respect is a two-way street. You want it from me, I better be getting it from you. And if I'm not, then don't expect it back from me.

Throw shit my way, you're going to get it right back. If you don't like that, then might I suggest you stop talking trash.
Okay buddy. Okay. You drag the conversation into the gutter, and now you're going to try to take the high road. Whatever. The thread is open for the world to see that you dragged it there.

Like I said before, respect is a two-way street. You want it from me, I better be getting it from you. And if I'm not, then don't expect it back from me.

Throw shit my way, you're going to get it right back. If you don't like that, then might I suggest you stop talking trash.
You can't demand respect. You get it by your actions. In your first post to me, you asked me if I was smoking crack. I stated what was important to me. I never called you any names. You did start that. Telling you how I feel isn't talking trash.
You can't demand respect. You get it by your actions. In your first post to me, you asked me if I was smoking crack. I stated what was important to me. I never called you any names. You did start that. Telling you how I feel isn't talking trash.

Reading comprehension fail on your part. Go back and re-read. Make sure you finish the entire sentence.

And I'm not demanding anything. I'm informing, you're not giving it to me, you're not getting it from me.

You're not worth any more of my time.
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