I should have been more specific when I wrote that comment, I really meant "we" as in most people that are like alive on this board now. I think if theres any 2A presidents that ever existed, they all existed before JFK etc. I don't think there are any afer GCA68.
The other problem is that back when someone like Grant or even Teddy Roosevelt existed, Guns were about as politically polarizing as a broomstick or a hammer. So one could even argue that, while these people appeared to support citizens rights to bear arms, their resolve was never really tested all that well on the ground because it simply didn't matter.
I don't think we'll ever see a true 2A president, and by true I mean "at least ACTIVELY does a few things to support RKBA initiatives" and I'm not even talking absolutism. Like for example if Trump did literally like ONE or TWO things in his last presidency and said something like "the idea that the NRA wants me to ban bump stocks is foolish, it is clearly not within the governments authority to do something like that, and I also think red flag laws are dangerous because they dodge due process and are a form of regulatory overreach" (not in those words but you get the idea) basically most of us here would say that he was the best 2A president that ever lived when you add in the SC nominations etc. And thats sadly a VERY low bar compared to the stuff thats truely hardline 2A support.