Kyle Rittenhouse’s dramatic U-turn after saying he won’t vote for Donald Trump as he calls his comments ‘ill-informed’

You just made my point. You are very immature. You certainly can't take criticism. I have always talked this way. I think its my generation. If we were in the same room you may puff out your chest, but that would be about it. The very first time I voted was for ronald reagan.
There are only 2 people that can possibly win, Trump or harris. If you don't vote Trump you're taking a vote away from him. So you're helping harris win.
RFK may be more liberal than harris[rofl]
Like I said, it's your vote. You do with it what you want.
You pretend 2a is important to you. You use it to come here to argue with people. You won't even let people know what state you live in. I moved from NH to Alabama because I see NH going the way mass is. Are you willing to move to a better state when you grow up? Plus Alabama is a good place to retire. You won't need to worry about that for 50+ years. It comes on fast.

Age doesn't always mean wisdom, and in your case - that much is clear. It seems you really believe there is an ounce of between Trump and Harris. When really the only difference is if you're going to be forced to take it from the front or behind.... because either way - you're getting f***ed.

It's comical that the TDSS (Trump Dick Sucking Syndrome) suffers here think that a man who pushed so much gun control he made Feinstein dance with glee and Obama blush, added more to the national debt in 4 years than Obama did in 8, failed to secure the border, failed to deport all, most, or even a significant percentage of illegals, and appointed his cabinet full of DC deep swamp state insiders, is actually any different than the alternative. Such people - are fools.

So yea, I'm not voting for either one of those ass clowns, and I don't care what the TDSS crowd thinks of that.

It's equally comical that my complaints about Trump come from the right, and the TDSS clowns call me a liberal or a Harris supporter.... Fools gonna be fools I suppose... I don't know what power Trump has over these people, that they're willing to turn a blind eye to his pissing on their civil rights or mortgaging their children's future to buy short term gov funded economic "growth" in the present... But such people are far more aligned with the liberal belief system than I am... Which is why it's so laughable to me to see you, and others, call me a Harris supporter, or a liberal.
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Idk why the fuss. I’m glad we can all have opinions and a**h***s to deposit shit. Trump is a egocentric fool from time to time but I love his policies outside of the rather nuanced rkba grievances. Can you imagine how rkba would be under Hillary?

Since Kamie had been placed, literally chosen by the cabal, without any DNC votes to be the nominee, one must realize we’ve crossed the pale. This is not normal. This is third world shit.

It’s pointless for a write in or sitting it out. Just vote Trump. Can anyone here really say the country was worse off during his 1st term than it is today? Trump did a hellova job imho. We needed 4 more years of that. Most of the time you are choosing the least worst candidate anyways.
Idk why the fuss. I’m glad we can all have opinions and a**h***s to deposit shit. Trump is a egocentric fool from time to time but I love his policies outside of the rather nuanced rkba grievances. Can you imagine how rkba would be under Hillary?

Since Kamie had been placed, literally chosen by the cabal, without any DNC votes to be the nominee, one must realize we’ve crossed the pale. This is not normal. This is third world shit.

It’s pointless for a write in or sitting it out. Just vote Trump. Can anyone here really say the country was worse off during his 1st term than it is today? Trump did a hellova job imho. We needed 4 more years of that. Most of the time you are choosing the least worst candidate anyways.

Depends on how you measure "good". I don't think adding 7 trillion to the national debt in only 4 years - is "good". Increasing the national debt by 33% in only 4 years is not "good". Not when our children are going to have to repay that - with interest. Not when the interest on the national debt is so much annually now it's squeezing out other items from the budget - like national defense. None of that is "good". Then we can talk about the printing press. 20% of all dollars ever created - were created under Trump's watch... I wonder if that has some effect on the inflation we see today? No one wants to talk about that.... I wonder why....

Is any of that "good"... I sure don't think so... But maybe when the check from Mexico comes in to pay for the wall that never got built, we can pay down the debt a bit... Anyone know when we should expect that?
Depends on how you measure "good". I don't think adding 7 trillion to the national debt in only 4 years - is "good". Increasing the national debt by 33% in only 4 years is not "good". Not when our children are going to have to repay that - with interest. Not when the interest on the national debt is so much annually now it's squeezing out other items from the budget - like national defense. None of that is "good". Then we can talk about the printing press. 20% of all dollars ever created - were created under Trump's watch... I wonder if that has some effect on the inflation we see today? No one wants to talk about that.... I wonder why....

Is any of that "good"... I sure don't think so...
Reagan is not coming back. Neither is Bill (when we had a budget surplus and peaceful Congress).

I get your concern about debt, deficits, and spending. That’s a result of our global fiat based system and Trump really doesn’t have much to do with that. That’s a can that’s been kicked down the road for a very long time and it’s perpetually getting heavier to kick. MMT purveyors and central planners should be the focus of your disdain.
Reagan is not coming back. Neither is Bill (when we had a budget surplus and peaceful Congress).

I get your concern about debt, deficits, and spending. That’s a result of our global fiat based system and Trump really doesn’t have much to do with that. That’s a can that’s been kicked down the road for a very long time and it’s perpetually getting heavier to kick. MMT purveyors and central planners should be the focus of your disdain.

On November 2, 2017, President Donald Trump nominated Powell to serve as the chair of the Federal Reserve, replacing Janet Yellen...

Remind me again of where that disdain should be pointed, and how these planners of which you speak, became such planners....
On November 2, 2017, President Donald Trump nominated Powell to serve as the chair of the Federal Reserve, replacing Janet Yellen...

Remind me again of where that disdain should be pointed, and how these planners of which you speak, became such planners....
It should be pointed at the banking system. Go study up on the BIS and get back to me.
I have had some try to convince me RFK is a moderate, I just shake my head, he is a Liberal, a quirky one, but a Liberal non the less.
Hopefully this generation of kids learn. I was fortunate to grow up with a very conservative family. My grandfather and uncles served during WW2. This generation of kids don't have that.
Age doesn't always mean wisdom, and in your case - that much is clear. It seems you really believe there is an ounce of between Trump and Harris. When really the only difference is if you're going to be forced to take it from the front or behind.... because either way - you're getting f***ed.

It's comical that the TDSS (Trump Dick Sucking Syndrome) suffers here think that a man who pushed so much gun control he made Feinstein dance with glee and Obama blush, added more to the national debt in 4 years than Obama did in 8, failed to secure the border, failed to deport all, most, or even a significant percentage of illegals, and appointed his cabinet full of DC deep swamp state insiders, is actually any different than the alternative. Such people - are fools.

So yea, I'm not voting for either one of those ass clowns, and I don't care what the TDSS crowd thinks of that.

It's equally comical that my complaints about Trump come from the right, and the TDSS clowns call me a liberal or a Harris supporter.... Fools gonna be fools I suppose... I don't know what power Trump has over these people, that they're willing to turn a blind eye to his pissing on their civil rights or mortgaging their children's future to buy short term gov funded economic "growth" in the present... But such people are far more aligned with the liberal belief system than I am... Which is why it's so laughable to me to see you, and others, call me a Harris supporter, or a liberal.

No one said age brings wisdom, but try and learn from you mistakes. It sounds like you have not, but you are still young.

You are misinformed or delusional to think there is no difference between trump and Harris. She is the most liberal progressive person to serve in the senate. Worse than Bernie.
What gun control did trump push when president? He put on over 300 conservative judges on the benches across the country. Trump all but shut down the border with the liberals kicking and screaming of course. I suppose you were in middle school when that happened so you weren't paying attention.

You've said several times now Feinstein dance with glee or Obama blush. Where did you read that? You certainly didn't make that up. What are you talking about. What do you have to back that up?

Again you have proven how immature you are. The way you talk to people here. You come here for a fight. I posted 7 websites about what you say trump did or didn't do. I never called you stupid or a fool or a clown. That's you, that's immaturity. You can't seem to debate or show proof. Instead you name call. I never said you were a Harris supporter. I said a vote against trump is a vote for Harris.
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Reagan is not coming back. Neither is Bill (when we had a budget surplus and peaceful Congress).

I get your concern about debt, deficits, and spending. That’s a result of our global fiat based system and Trump really doesn’t have much to do with that. That’s a can that’s been kicked down the road for a very long time and it’s perpetually getting heavier to kick. MMT purveyors and central planners should be the focus of your disdain.
Prebanman wasn't even around when they were president. Im sure he's reading things on the internet.
Rittenhouse is entitled to his opinion. But maybe he should keep it to his f***in self next time when we’re in the middle of an election with 2A our Country literally at stake.
FIFY...I keep saying that Trump may be an a**h*** but he's the best a**h*** we have to work with...
It’s pointless for a write in or sitting it out. Just vote Trump. Can anyone here really say the country was worse off during his 1st term than it is today? Trump did a hellova job imho. We needed 4 more years of that. Most of the time you are choosing the least worst candidate anyways.
It seems @ThePreBanMan can. It sounds like he was still in middle school when trump was president. He doesn't realize what good he did.
Boy…this is why Republicans cant get their head out of their ass. Dems are already solidly lined up behind Kamala even though shes a cackling retard that hasnt seen the light of day in a year.

Yet morons here cant get behind Trump because hes imperfect.

Last time I checked there were two candidates.
Any write in vote for Desaantis or whoever is throwing your vote away. And I say it gives an edge to Cameltoe.

Kamala is a leftist commie for sure that is guaranteed to take your guns if given a whisper of a chance. A total commie fredom robbing agenda as well

The other while no huge friend of 2a is gonna be better than the aforementioned commie.

Trump is near from perfect but he will secure the border which is a major fxcking problem.

Both idiots will spend equally and are stupid.

Kamala.will eviscerate the supreme court to a leftist shit show.

Shit on Trump all you want. Hes the guy running. Vote for anyone else your voting for Kamala.
FIFY...I keep saying that Trump may be an a**h*** but he's the best a**h*** we have to work with...
This says it best.

No one likes the choices on either side.

But you have to choose one of them or your giving your vote to the other or nullifying it.

My feeling is they are gonna cheat anyway.
The media is gonna lie about pols, and people are gonna believe Kamala is ahead before this election

Then the boxes of fraud votes come out in the cities of swing states and Kamala wins.

We are past voting really
Hopefully this generation of kids learn. I was fortunate to grow up with a very conservative family. My grandfather and uncles served during WW2. This generation of kids don't have that.
We weren't indoctrinated in school nor bombarded 24/7 by the Leftist Media. We can hope that life lessons learned along the way bring them back from the edge but it won't be easy.
Some people refuse to accept the real world.
Either Trump or Harris is going to be the next president.
"I'm gonna vote for a third party candidate and maybe they will win" is a fantasy in their heads only and is another vote for Harris.
If you're standing on the edge of a cliff you have two options , jump or don't jump.
Thinking you have option C , jump and flap your arms real hard ends in your death no matter how hard you want it to be true.

No one said age brings wisdom, but try and learn from you mistakes. It sounds like you have not, but you are still young.

You are misinformed or delusional to think there is no difference between trump and Harris. She is the most liberal progressive person to serve in the senate. Worse than Bernie.
What gun control did trump push when president? He put on over 300 conservative judges on the benches across the country. Trump all but shut down the border with the liberals kicking and screaming of course. I suppose you were in middle school when that happened so you weren't paying attention.

You've said several times now Feinstein dance with glee or Obama blush. Where did you read that? You certainly didn't make that up. What are you talking about. What do you have to back that up?

Again you have proven how immature you are. The way you talk to people here. You come here for a fight. I posted 7 websites about what you say trump did or didn't do. I never called you stupid or a fool or a clown. That's you, that's immaturity. You can't seem to debate or show proof. Instead you name call. I never said you were a Harris supporter. I said a vote against trump is a vote for Harris.

Riiiiight.... Here is the thing about the internet.... it's forever..... Below is Feinstein dancing with glee after Trump advises Congress to include her renewal of the '94 AWB.


And just a bunch more of his advocating gun control, ending due process for red flag law, an other such nonsense your aging mind forgot he ever advocated for.





Now I know, to old fogies such as yourself, you may be unaware you can actually watch video, like TV, on the internet now. So the above is a bit of a history lesson for you, since I know your memory is slipping. Can't be helped at your age. You have some company with our President, so take comfort in that. Father time waits on no man.

We also have this thing called Google. Now I know it can be tough for seniors such as yourself to figure out. But if you put down your apple sauce and prune juice for a minute, you can learn.. It makes it really easy to validate your beliefs before you lie about them or make ill informed comments. Not only will Google answer it for you, it will then list a ton of sources on the internet you can access for validation and more information. It's really quite amazing. Maybe sometime after the nurse changes your depends, you can give it a try.


You may want to bookmark this now. That way, after it slips your mind an hour from now, you can come back to refresh your aging mind.

See here is the thing about you and I.... You listen to Trump talk, and you believe him. Your aging mind has forgotten about all the broken promises from his first term in office. Well - I have no such age related lapse in memory. I remember very well that what he advocated as policy - he never fulfilled in practice.

I remember the promise to drain the swamp, and then watched him fill his cabinet with deep staters.
I remember the promise of a wall Mexico would pay for, that never got built, and that Mexico never paid for.
I remember the promise to eliminate the deficit.
I remember the promise to prosecute Hillary for her crimes.
I remember his promise to end gun free zones.
I remember his promise to get the Keystone pipeline built.
I remember his promise to allow health care plans to cross state lines.
I remember his promise to extend national carry to all 50 states.
I remember his promise to advance school choice.
I remember his promise to eliminate common core.
I remember his promise to end funding to sanctuary cities.
I remember his promise to triple ICE agents on the border.
I remember his promise to use antiTrust laws to limit corporate monopolies, like the AT&T and Time Warner merger.
I remember his promise to end birthright citizenship of babies born to illegals.
I remember his promise of a Federal hiring freeze.
I remember his promise of enforcing the maximum sentence for those re-entering the country illegally.
I remember his promise of seeking the death penalty in all cases where a police officer was murdered.
I remember his promise to advance the case of term limits in all Federal positions.

....and he didn't do any of that.... I know some of the above require acts of Congress, but he didn't even try to get it done. .....and I could go on.... Trump's Presidency is a trail of tears of broken promises. Like practically all politicians, he talked the talk to gets the votes, and then never walked the walk. Now that your aging mind has had a refresh, maybe you can ponder this while you wait for Wheel of Fortune or the Golden girls to come on.
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Yeah Trump has supported gun laws. This is not a new revelation. He also picked SCOTUS judges that essentially made all the things he's supported impossible to implement st the Fed level now due to Bruen.

So Trump, despite his best efforts, has become a net positive for gun rights.
Yeah Trump has supported gun laws. This is not a new revelation. He also picked SCOTUS judges that essentially made all the things he's supported impossible to implement st the Fed level now due to Bruen.

So Trump, despite his best efforts, has become a net positive for gun rights.

This is true, but we got lucky on that. How the judges would rule on such cases was never known until the cases came before the court. One could maybe infer based on past records... but like any stock broker would tell you, past performance is no guarantee of future results. I prefer not to play a game of chance with my civil rights...

I am very happy for the Justices he appointed. They all seem to be good Justices. I appreciate Justices who stick to the letter of the law and don't change their interpretation of the Constitution based on their own political biases or the political headwinds. I do not believe in judicial pragmatism or the belief that the Constitution's meaning can just change based on the whims of a Justice. The Constitution is a bed rock. If politicians or the people don't like it, there is an amendment process to change it. That process doesn't involve court shopping or kangaroo courts rubber stamping the Gov's violations of the rights of the people.
Don’t bail on the Kenosha Kid just yet. He screwed up, and owned it. How many people do you see these days owning a mistake? When all is said and done, he has done more for 2A rights and to combat (literally) the criminal, pedophile left than all of us combined, all before the age of 21.
Depends on how you measure "good". I don't think adding 7 trillion to the national debt in only 4 years - is "good". Increasing the national debt by 33% in only 4 years is not "good". Not when our children are going to have to repay that - with interest. Not when the interest on the national debt is so much annually now it's squeezing out other items from the budget - like national defense. None of that is "good". Then we can talk about the printing press. 20% of all dollars ever created - were created under Trump's watch... I wonder if that has some effect on the inflation we see today? No one wants to talk about that.... I wonder why....

Is any of that "good"... I sure don't think so... But maybe when the check from Mexico comes in to pay for the wall that never got built, we can pay down the debt a bit... Anyone know when we should expect that?
I was unaware the president sets the budget. You can lay that at the feet of Congress.

The whole "mexico will pay for it" was a stupid push.
Riiiiight.... Here is the thing about the internet.... it's forever..... Below is Feinstein dancing with glee after Trump advises Congress to include her renewal of the '94 AWB.


And just a bunch more of his advocating gun control, ending due process for red flag law, an other such nonsense your aging mind forgot he ever advocated for.





Now I know, to old fogies such as yourself, you may be unaware you can actually watch video, like TV, on the internet now. So the above is a bit of a history lesson for you, since I know your memory is slipping. Can't be helped at your age. You have some company with our President, so take comfort in that. Father time waits on no man.

We also have this thing called Google. Now I know it can be tough for seniors such as yourself to figure out. But if you put down your apple sauce and prune juice for a minute, you can learn.. It makes it really easy to validate your beliefs before you lie about them or make ill informed comments. Not only will Google answer it for you, it will then list a ton of sources on the internet you can access for validation and more information. It's really quite amazing. Maybe sometime after the nurse changes your depends, you can give it a try.

View attachment 905590

You may want to bookmark this now. That way, after it slips your mind an hour from now, you can come back to refresh your aging mind.

See here is the thing about you and I.... You listen to Trump talk, and you believe him. Your aging mind has forgotten about all the broken promises from his first term in office. Well - I have no such age related lapse in memory. I remember very well that what he advocated as policy - he never fulfilled in practice.

I remember the promise to drain the swamp, and then watched him fill his cabinet with deep staters.

Not wrong.

I remember the promise of a wall Mexico would pay for, that never got built, and that Mexico never paid for.

Not wrong, but hamstrung by Congress. Mexico would have never contributed a dime apart from "pledges" to ramp up patrols on their side.
I remember the promise to eliminate the deficit.

A stupid promise, he doesn't make the budget.

I remember the promise to prosecute Hillary for her crimes.

Ask Comey.

I remember his promise to end gun free zones.

Has no power to do so, therefore stupid promise.

I remember his promise to get the Keystone pipeline built.

Started being built in 2010 under Obama, and Trump did everything he reasonably could to continue the project, including rescinding and re-issuing permits to make lawsuits hobbling it moot. Biden canceled it 1st day in office. He fulfilled that promise 110%, and was one of the few things on this list that he could control.
I remember his promise to allow health care plans to cross state lines.

He has no power to do so, stupid promise.
I remember his promise to extend national carry to all 50 states.

Stupid promise. At this point - no reply = no power, stupid promise
I remember his promise to advance school choice.
I remember his promise to eliminate common core.
I remember his promise to end funding to sanctuary cities.
I remember his promise to triple ICE agents on the border.

Hamstrung by Congress. Still increased agents, but I am unaware of a single year where ICE Agents has a decrease in staffing.

I remember his promise to use antiTrust laws to limit corporate monopolies, like the AT&T and Time Warner merger.
I remember his promise to end birthright citizenship of babies born to illegals.
I remember his promise of a Federal hiring freeze.
I remember his promise of enforcing the maximum sentence for those re-entering the country illegally.
I remember his promise of seeking the death penalty in all cases where a police officer was murdered.
I remember his promise to advance the case of term limits in all Federal positions.

....and he didn't do any of that.... I know some of the above require acts of Congress, All but one require acts of Congress.

but he didn't even try to get it done. .....and I could go on.... Trump's Presidency is a trail of tears of broken promises. Like practically all politicians, he talked the talk to gets the votes, and then never walked the walk. Now that your aging mind has had a refresh, maybe you can ponder this while you wait for Wheel of Fortune or the Golden girls to come on.

also want to say I am taking your word as I don't have time to re-check all of these claims.
Shit on Trump all you want. Hes the guy running. Vote for anyone else your voting for Kamala.

It's not going to matter here anyways, geographically as voters probably 95% of the people on this forum are completely irrelevant in a presidential election, because they don't live in like the 10 states that basically decide presidential elections, nor do most of any of us have any influence over people that are in those states, unless you guys think that swing state wobblies visit NES on the reg. [rofl]
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