Lack of situational awareness?


NES Member
Oct 21, 2008
Sweating my nuts off in SouthWest Florida!
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Perhaps the NYPD needs to provide some refresher training....

Perhaps the liberal judges who let these asshats out a revolving door need to do their part of the job and put these punks away
Perhaps the NYPD needs to provide some refresher training....

It doesn't help matters that between covidiocy and general anti cop malaise that a lot of more experienced police officers have basically retired at this point and basically just said " f*** this s***" and checked out of the whole system..... so you have a bunch of newbies getting clocked with bottles and things like that..... I'm waiting for the day when one of them just gets pissed, snaps, has had enough and just starts blowing these (strike that, thugs.... ) away...... they gonna channel Frank....


....and for mint frosting, there's better than even odds it will be a female cop or a minority officer of some sort and then suddenly the media will get very "verklempt" about the whole thing....
It doesn't help matters that between covidiocy and general anti cop malaise that a lot of more experienced police officers have basically retired at this point and basically just said " f*** this s***" and checked out of the whole system..... so you have a bunch of newbies getting clocked with bottles and things like that.....
Or you can look at it like a bunch of power tripping a**h***s don't want to be cops anymore because they can't get away with beating the shit out of people without any consequences :) They stood by and let cities burn because they were following orders, and also detained people and enforced mask laws... No f's given anymore for the Kings men. They brought it upon themselves, they basically started this whole chain of events and WE are paying the price for their arrogance.
Or you can look at it like a bunch of power tripping a**h***s don't want to be cops anymore because they can't get away with beating the shit out of people without any consequences :)
Sure there are cops like that, but pretend for a moment you are in that position as a decent cop.... DAs revolving door catch and release, seeing a co worker get shot or stabbed by a thug that was arrested last week, etc, so on. Then administration says "you will take ze shots or else" suddenly anybody in that position is going to look at their retirement account and be like hey wait a minute I can actually just leave now and I'll be okay f*** this s***.... can't say that I blame them in those circumstances.
Or you can look at it like a bunch of power tripping a**h***s don't want to be cops anymore because they can't get away with beating the shit out of people without any consequences :) They stood by and let cities burn because they were following orders, and also detained people and enforced mask laws... No f's given anymore for the Kings men. They brought it upon themselves, they basically started this whole chain of events and WE are paying the price for their arrogance.

I think you're both right. I personally am taking a more meta-analysis approach to this. Anyone who is still a cop post-floyd is a bootlicking faggot.
I think you're both right. I personally am taking a more meta-analysis approach to this. Anyone who is still a cop post-floyd is a bootlicking faggot.

I don't think cops can be bootlickers, because they are the ones wearing the boots.

People who blindly support everything cops do are generally the bootlickers lol
I know cops who I wouldn't call boot lickers, theres plenty more who for sure are

Yabut, if they are wearing the boots, who's boots are they licking?

I thought the whole point of being a cop was the special elite citizen status rewards, banging nurses, marrying teachers and having civis lining up to shine your boots with their tongue.
I'm not sure what the cop could've done different in regards to the thread title.

She was scanning and the shady person was the fat one in black not the dude that brained her...i mean until he brained her
Or you can look at it like a bunch of power tripping a**h***s don't want to be cops anymore because they can't get away with beating the shit out of people without any consequences :) They stood by and let cities burn because they were following orders, and also detained people and enforced mask laws... No f's given anymore for the Kings men. They brought it upon themselves, they basically started this whole chain of events and WE are paying the price for their arrogance.
Lot of truth to what you say here. They will have to start upholding the constitution instead of worrying about their pensions if they ever want my respect again. The standing by when communists went nuts in this country really made me lose respect for them. There is a time when you gotta do what's right even if you get fired. This country will die if we can't fix this selfish attitude, which doesn't just pertain to the cops.
Obviously the guys had it handled but it is very troubling her instinct as a officer was to run away

I don't think she ran so much as turned away from the blow and fell into the other officer.

But neither officer seemed to be focused on much of anything.

The cops were providing backup as the sheriff's office conducted a raid on a "smoke shop". NY has legalized pot, but they've only granted a very few licenses to sell- gotta work out the diversity winners for that. In the interim, tons of shops have sprung up and are selling weed all over the place- including one across the street from city hall. Untaxed weed of course, so the city government is trying to crack down on shops. Thus why the cops were standing around at that spot.
I don't think she ran so much as turned away from the blow and fell into the other officer.

But neither officer seemed to be focused on much of anything.

The cops were providing backup as the sheriff's office conducted a raid on a "smoke shop". NY has legalized pot, but they've only granted a very few licenses to sell- gotta work out the diversity winners for that. In the interim, tons of shops have sprung up and are selling weed all over the place- including one across the street from city hall. Untaxed weed of course, so the city government is trying to crack down on shops. Thus why the cops were standing around at that spot.
After that point she runs into the street
Perhaps the NYPD needs to provide some refresher training....

Nah. Just higher capacity mags so they can dump more bullets into someone or the general surrounding area.
Lot of truth to what you say here. They will have to start upholding the constitution instead of worrying about their pensions if they ever want my respect again. The standing by when communists went nuts in this country really made me lose respect for them. There is a time when you gotta do what's right even if you get fired. This country will die if we can't fix this selfish attitude, which doesn't just pertain to the cops.

The main takeaway from the last 3 years is that cops will follow orders blindly and without question.

Prepare accordingly :)
Stand with your back towards the wall, face the sidewalk and scan left to right.
Read about levels of awareness and non-verbal, visual cues like eyes, hands and body movement.
It's worth the training.
It's NYC.
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