Latest Paul Harrell video on training during the ammo shortage

Its not often that I will watch a 30 minute long youtube video, but he pulls me in from time to time. I enjoy his content. I couldn't tell if it was a distant sound of construction equipment or a steady wind, but man, that video made me chilly!
Its not often that I will watch a 30 minute long youtube video, but he pulls me in from time to time. I enjoy his content. I couldn't tell if it was a distant sound of construction equipment or a steady wind, but man, that video made me chilly!
He has a good presentation. I watch most of his stuff. Some of his content I find useful and some not so much. Many tacticool internet experts say he is a fudd and hate him and in many ways he is old school. I take the info I like and just ignore what I don't. Not too many gun channels on YouTube have guy presenting info that have actually killed someone in self defense and walked away from the legal ramifications being ruled as justified self defense. I like him.
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