leather slings and who to buy from


NES Member
Dec 26, 2008
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For the most part I have been useing a web sling for matches.
I do have a cheap m1907 leather nocoff sling on my garand. Its really cheesy but has worked for a bit but the rivets are comeing loose and before it has even started to break in its cracking where it bends.
So I'm looking for a real sling. I have found it easier to mark holes for different positions and rifles. And now that I'm used to the sling, just as easy to use as a web.
Basically I have found 3 slings that seem to come up
Turner, brown or tam(sp) there doesn't seem to be a huge swing in prices between them.
Any input on which one( I been leaning brown as it has numbered holes) also who to buy from. Maybe a particular vendor worthy of the money from with in the sport?
thank you

Ps also looking for a Left handed jacket my chest size is 41
Andy Langlois (supporter on NES) does some fine leather work, assuming you aren't trying to buy an original sling.
I have 2 Les Tam's, one Turner, and 1 JHW

the tams break in the fastest, but also stretch the most. that being said, its still my most used sling (definitely the most comfortable right now)

the turner was too short for me, and they dont offer custom length slings (i run a 60" SR sling)

my JHW is awesome, but dear god is it STIFF. he sells a "leather treatment". HIGHLY recommend you treat the sling before you ever use it. it'll help. your keepers will probably also need a bit of *tuning* with a pair of pliers (mine were almost TOO tight)

have you tried a web sling? they're CHEAP, and arguably easier to use (I keep 1 in my truck as a spare for those who forget to bring their slings, and 1 in my cart for Offhand (the leathers too bulky and gets in the way for me)
No leather sling will be easier to use than the USGI web. Your scores won't go up or down because of what material your sling is made of. All I've ever used was the web sling. I have yet to hear a convincing reason for me to switch.

Of course, I'm in the minority.
Even though the repro cheapo sling I have sucksxquality wise. I'm finding it to be more comfortable. Easier to repeat adjustments. The web sling is by far simple to use compared to the leather sling. With a little time on the leather sling I don't find it hard go use now.

So yes I most likely will buy a leather sling. My scores are not going to improve until I get more practice time and matches. Which is not any time soon.
I use a Ron Brown at the moment, but the leather is almost too soft once it breaks in and the keepers don't seem to last more than one season. I was thinking about trying a JWH next year, with the hope that the stiffer leather will last and stay consistent (not stretch) longer.

Canvas is fine too, I just like the numbered holes so that I have some chance of consistency.
I use a Ron Brown at the moment, but the leather is almost too soft once it breaks in and the keepers don't seem to last more than one season. I was thinking about trying a JWH next year, with the hope that the stiffer leather will last and stay consistent (not stretch) longer.

Canvas is fine too, I just like the numbered holes so that I have some chance of consistency.
At under $10 per sling, I don't mind putting a mark on it with a black magic marker.
I dont mind the web slings, Im just having a hard time finding ones in good shape that actually work. I purchased 3 from CMP new manufacture all of which have fallen apart or the keepers dont hold anymore. I have a web sling from korean war era that is going strong stays locked. Im just tired of switching from rifle to rifle.
Been looking for decent slings and extra sling hooks to add to sling for quick removal.
Numerich has the hooks, still looking for surplus slings.
I still will get a leather sling
I order hooks through nemerich. I gave a shot at numerich used slings also? I will order a leather sling for my Bday in november
I dont mind the web slings, Im just having a hard time finding ones in good shape that actually work. I purchased 3 from CMP new manufacture all of which have fallen apart or the keepers dont hold anymore. I have a web sling from korean war era that is going strong stays locked. Im just tired of switching from rifle to rifle.
Been looking for decent slings and extra sling hooks to add to sling for quick removal.
Numerich has the hooks, still looking for surplus slings.
I still will get a leather sling

creedmoor has new production web slings for like ~ $13

i have 3 of them. they work quite well for their intended purpose
Check out the Appleseed Project online. They sell web slings in both nylon and cotton. I bought two cotton and like them. I agree that it's easier to be consistant with a numbered sling but I just keep adjusting mine until I like the way it feels. I'm thinking about going back to a leather sling again to see if it helps wring out a few more points but some of my best scores have been shot with a web. Maybe if I install it right side up....
Not sure if they even still make them but..... I needed a sling and picked up a Turner a few years back. When we went to put it on the rifle, we found that it was made of neoprene. The bag said leather but we thought what the hell, it should last forever! Not even sure if Turner made it as someone could have switched it out before I bought it. Problem was, the thing is a bitch to adjust. Once you get it on, it doesn't move but getting into and out of it is nearly impossible. Instead of finding something to make the keepers slide easier, we just picked up another sling. The local guy said that he never sold anything like that. Instead of arguing and that being the second time he sold me something that wasn't as advertised, I just stopped giving support to the local guy. Too bad because I like doing business with local people and he's about the only one in the state that is into target shooting equipment.

The Turners are good but do loosen up a bit much after a while. My son won a Tam but went into the service shortly after getting it and it's still pretty new. Looks like a super quality sling and I guess the 13 month wait proves that out.
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