legal clarification on new laws

Feb 4, 2006
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I'm sure this has been covered but just wanted to make sure I understand. I am a former mass resident (now live in Maine). I have a non-resident LTC. I have a few ARs from my mass days locked in a safe at my dad's house in mass (he also has an LTC). These rifles are of the post-94 ban variety. Purchased in mass in the early 2000s with "compliant" features (ie welded muzzle brake, fixed stock). Given the new law these would be grandfathered "assault weapons" and could be changed to "pre-94" configuration with flash suppressors and collapsable stocks, correct? Could they be sold in mass? Thanks
Only care about them because I do take them to the range in Mass sometimes when I visit. To clarify, these rifles have never left mass.
I'm quite certain that if you asked 20 gun owners in MA, hell even 20 gun owners on NES, to write down legal clarification of the new law all 20 documents would not resemble each other.
That’s the whole idea of the laws. Pass laws that no one can understand, that way you can prosecute anyone you don’t like. The state spends your tax dollars to jam you up as you drain your bank accounts trying save your a$$
So consensus seems to be I could modify the rifles but not sell them?

...not sure where you get that from. @AMV was correct in post 5.

You can sell them. Not that it matters; the new law does not at this point require a record of the transaction, so how would anyone know you'd sold it?

This was bad info, because I forgot the OP is not a MA resident.
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...not sure where you get that from. @AMV was correct in post 5.

You can sell them. Not that it matters; the new law does not at this point require a record of the transaction, so how would anyone know you'd sold it?
He's not a mass resident. How can he legally sell them directly to a mass resident?
So consensus seems to be I could modify the rifles but not sell them?
Technically no on modifying since they’re not even grandfathered. But if your guns are being looked at THAT closely in storage or in use at a range, someone already fcked up.

Should’ve just transferred to your dad before leaving the state. Or if you moved recently, maybe they already changed hands since efa10 doesn’t exist.
Exactly, I don't want to read 1000 pages to answer two yes or no questions

the answer is Yes and Yes

This is false. Unless If the guns were in Mass on 8/1/24, they cannot legally be brought into the state in any configuration.

If the guns in question were possessed by an LTC holder on (not “on or before”, but ON) Thursday, August 1st, 2024, then they could be brought back into the state in any configuration (all the features) and/or sold to a Mass. LTC holder through a Mass. dealer/FFL.

Otherwise, nope.

Edit: I misread the original post. Corrected.
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So consensus seems to be I could modify the rifles but not sell them?
This is very much in debate these days and not open and shut. My opinion is that IF a rifle is an ASF that is grandfathered that it no longer has to pass a three feature test. It definitely would not have to pass the me two feature test. But informed minds differ on this.
I'm on record as saying that AR buffers can have any adjustable stock without being a telescoping or folding stock anyways. You could stick an eraser on the end and call it a stock.

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