Legislative push starts to repeal Massachusetts gun law

Feb 6, 2024
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Legislative push starts to repeal Massachusetts gun law
Durant called the new law ineffective at deterring crime, and brought up the recent arrest of Leonardo Andujar Sanchez, an illegal immigrant allegedly busted with pounds of lethal drugs and an AR-15 rifle at a state-run family shelter in Revere.

"And he doesn't care what our laws are. He's got an AR-15 and he's dealing drugs out of one of the hotels. So who are these laws meant to protect, or who are they meant to harm? That's the problem that we have here," Durant told reporters.

The senator said he would also file five other bills aimed at eliminating "some of the more egregious sections" dealing with gun registration (Section 32), semiautomatic rifles and shotguns (Section 33), live fire training requirements (Sections 74 and 152), a nonresident ban on semiautomatic hunting (Section 35), and pre-ban magazines (Sections 21, 22, 49, and 71).
"trying to do something" is almost worthless in the PRM as far as gun laws go. Not to mention interpretations that can make residents instant felons in the state.

I'd be beyond shocked if this grows any legs at all. Chances are it won't go any distance at all (in the process) be that out of committee (or however the PRM does things) or whatever. Executing a "legislative push" probably has more to do with the person just wanting to be able to point to voters and say "See, I TRIED to get things done but everyone else cock blocked me 😭"
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