I like revolvers for helping new shooters get started, preferably in .22. The manual of arms is simple, and it is very difficult to do an accidental double tap.
But the old school recommendation that a .38 revolver is a good first gun for a girl is actually a horrible idea. It is fine for recreation, but a poor choice for a defensive gun. If a person has poor hand strength that makes racking a slide difficult, then shooting a revolver double action is unlikely to be a good solution. Or the revolver can be shot single action, which is an even worse idea in defensive situations.
Right now, I believe that the S&W EZ line of pistols are be best solution for people with hand strength issues. They were specifically designed for this niche, and the slides are very easy to rack. The magazines are also pretty easy to load. I don't think they are great quality pistols, but they seem to work OK. When hand strength is an issue, there are hard compromises to be made, and the EZ pistols are often the best choice.