Which gun to shoot for complete gun n00b?

Which shall be the first gun my wife shoots from the given choices?

  • Savage FV-SR bolt action 22LR with 6.5-18x50 scope

    Votes: 40 64.5%
  • AR15 16 inch 5.56 suppressed with 1-10 FFP LPVO

    Votes: 5 8.1%
  • AR15 7 inch braced 300BLK suppressed with dot

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • Beretta 92FS

    Votes: 5 8.1%
  • HK VP9 with Holosun dot

    Votes: 6 9.7%
  • SP101 2.25in with .38, not tree fidy 7.

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • Mossberg 940 Pro with Holosun dot

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
M&P 15-22 with a red dot.
Tons of fun, she won't want to put it down.

Lever action 22

Pump action 22.

22 bolt action is hard to maintain interest with.
I don't have one of those tactical looking ARs in 22. Maybe I'll get an upper or an MP5 in 22
f*** the boomers, dont bring any 22.

Start her on suppressed 300blk, itll have the same recoil and is wayyyy more fun
f*** the boomers, dont bring any 22.

Start her on suppressed 300blk, itll have the same recoil and is wayyyy more fun
I dunno about spoiling her with suppressed subs to begin with. She's gotta know guns are supposed to go bang/pow not snap
I dunno about spoiling her with suppressed subs to begin with. She's gotta know guns are supposed to go bang/pow not snap
If theres a chance she hates it, she needs to at least shoot a 9mm to understand what police have and what most people carry.

This helps stop any "why dont they just shoot them in the leg" comments
None of the choices provided. Most are loud or have some recoil*, which aren't the way to intro people to our world. When I've brought newbies to the range in the last five years I always start .22 LR. The one everyone loves is the S&W MP 15-22. It's low recoil, low noise, and easy to operate. They can hit targets easily and experience the fun factor of the range. They leave wanting to come again, which is when they can try some of the options on your list.

* The FV-SR has no recoil and isn't loud, but is has a higher power scope which is not good for learning ranges, such as a max of 50 yards!

It might sound silly, but when your a noob it's not so much the recoil as it is the sound and concussion that gets you, especially if it's indoors.

Everyone knows guns have recoil, so it's not really surprising. Most people do not really have a sense for how loud guns are up close.

That said, with good instruction I'm sure any of those would be ok.
.22LR pistols / rifles to start.

Bring a breadth from small to big.

Make sure she has electronic earmuffs like Razer's so she doesn't have to ever take ears off during the range trip for hearing.

Outdoor range? Disposable hand warmers.
I started one group of friends at the rifle range at braintree on ARs and AKs. Then burned through a whole ton of ammo on my Glock 19. That was a fun day.

Depends on the guest. If they're unsure or skittish .22 or a really heavy 9mm or 38 special is probably fine for pistols. For rifle the AR is so easy to handle for a newbie there's no reason not to start people there. All shoulder-fired small and mid caliber rifles are really easy to control.

But Dr. Grant is right. If someone wants to shoot your hi point then you should let them.
Haha yeah she doesn't have much hand strength at all. I think that's where the old school recommendation of a good first "girl-gun" to be a .38 wheelie.
Or maybe a .22 magnum or .32 S&W? I haven't shot my .32 yet but I've read that the round has low recoil.
Make it a .22 wheelie
Yup, this. Keep it simple at first. If she wants more noise and smoke, you can always upgrade later. My wife shot a few .22 revolvers, including a .22 WMR Single Six, before deciding that a Ruger Bearcat was her absolute favorite. Size, weight, balance, recoil--she loves the sumbich.
Haha yeah she doesn't have much hand strength at all. I think that's where the old school recommendation of a good first "girl-gun" to be a .38 wheelie.

Make it a .22 wheelie

I like revolvers for helping new shooters get started, preferably in .22. The manual of arms is simple, and it is very difficult to do an accidental double tap.

But the old school recommendation that a .38 revolver is a good first gun for a girl is actually a horrible idea. It is fine for recreation, but a poor choice for a defensive gun. If a person has poor hand strength that makes racking a slide difficult, then shooting a revolver double action is unlikely to be a good solution. Or the revolver can be shot single action, which is an even worse idea in defensive situations.

Right now, I believe that the S&W EZ line of pistols are be best solution for people with hand strength issues. They were specifically designed for this niche, and the slides are very easy to rack. The magazines are also pretty easy to load. I don't think they are great quality pistols, but they seem to work OK. When hand strength is an issue, there are hard compromises to be made, and the EZ pistols are often the best choice.
I started one group of friends at the rifle range at braintree on ARs and AKs. Then burned through a whole ton of ammo on my Glock 19. That was a fun day.

Depends on the guest. If they're unsure or skittish .22 or a really heavy 9mm or 38 special is probably fine for pistols. For rifle the AR is so easy to handle for a newbie there's no reason not to start people there. All shoulder-fired small and mid caliber rifles are really easy to control.

But Dr. Grant is right. If someone wants to shoot your hi point then you should let them.

I'd be the guy trying to throw you some boxes of ammo afterwards when I realized how much they go for.

I like revolvers for helping new shooters get started, preferably in .22. The manual of arms is simple, and it is very difficult to do an accidental double tap.

But the old school recommendation that a .38 revolver is a good first gun for a girl is actually a horrible idea. It is fine for recreation, but a poor choice for a defensive gun. If a person has poor hand strength that makes racking a slide difficult, then shooting a revolver double action is unlikely to be a good solution. Or the revolver can be shot single action, which is an even worse idea in defensive situations.

Right now, I believe that the S&W EZ line of pistols are be best solution for people with hand strength issues. They were specifically designed for this niche, and the slides are very easy to rack. The magazines are also pretty easy to load. I don't think they are great quality pistols, but they seem to work OK. When hand strength is an issue, there are hard compromises to be made, and the EZ pistols are often the best choice.

The "first" in terms of shooting, not owning. It's his wife. Once he gets her into shooting, "his" collection becomes "their" collection.
Yes, the Marines turned out some good shooters but not paying attention to the PMIs would have resulted in some very unpleasant consequences. Go with the .22 and some reactive targets.
None. Why would you want your wife to know how to kill you and also not be able to escape her for a day at the range?

Follow me for more marriage advice.
Dragging my wife out to the range tomorrow to pop her gun cherry - she's never shot a firearm ever. Which should she shoot first out of the list? I'll get her to take a few shots with all of em but which one shall be the first?
None of the above. You need a .22 rimfire with a red dot if you want her to have a pleasant experience. Your bolt action 22 would be nice, but even at 6x the scope has too much magnification for her to figure out and get behind. And if the parallax doesn’t focus down to 10 yards the (hopefully) close targets will be fuzzy and will frustrate her. Also, if the reticle isn’t focused that will also be a pain. Seems like you have a great excuse to get yourself another gun.

This new one from Ruger looks perfect, small and light, put a red dot on it and you will have a fun range day.

Ask me how I know?

Dragging my wife out to the range tomorrow to pop her gun cherry - she's never shot a firearm ever. Which should she shoot first out of the list? I'll get her to take a few shots with all of em but which one shall be the first?
Just took a complete noob to white birch, she had never fired a gun. Spent an hour going over all the good stuff, every weapon is loaded etc, loading unloading, clearing jams, moved to finding the red dot then off we went. 7 yards and she put everything, every damn shot in a 3 inch circle. Weapon used? Hk Vp9 with a trijicon SRO and she loved it.
I had my wife start out with a Ruger single six.
Took everyone's suggestions. She loved it! Tried out the FV-SR with my newly mounted MONSTRUM PANZER 1-10x I took off the AR. She's played enough Fallout and Far Cry games to have an understanding at least mechanically how these things work. Pretty decent shot too.
Took everyone's suggestions. She loved it! Tried out the FV-SR with my newly mounted MONSTRUM PANZER 1-10x I took off the AR. She's played enough Fallout and Far Cry games to have an understanding at least mechanically how these things work. Pretty decent shot too.

That's a win all day long.
Took everyone's suggestions. She loved it! Tried out the FV-SR with my newly mounted MONSTRUM PANZER 1-10x I took off the AR. She's played enough Fallout and Far Cry games to have an understanding at least mechanically how these things work. Pretty decent shot too.
Excellent, glad she had fun.
But, you should still get yourself a lightweight 10/22 with a red dot...
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