Length sizing 308

After three firings I still have no need to size for length. When do you guys start noticing stretch? My brass also resizes fairly effortlessly. I could probably get away without using any lube.
3-5 reloads for me and i have to start trimming, but almost never happens because there is always .308 brass scattered everywhere at the range, so I just put anything out of spec in scrap brass bucket.

Always use the lube....when you get a case stuck...you'll wish you did.

I use the hornady one shot because its easy but its not cheap. Ive though of just using a lanolin spray I use for the truck frame but its too thick.....I ve sprayed it Fluid film on a rag and used it that way before and it works
If you have a tight chamber and don't reload hot then the stretch will be minimal.

As for lube, I use lanolin - a stuck case is too much of a pain to deal with.
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