Letter of personal reference

I wrote one for a friend. He lived in a town where I actually knew the licensing officer. I made sure to work in some stuff to make the letter a bit more light hearted like making questionable decisions like always buying gas station sushi" lol
Just be sure to start it with "Dear sir or madame, singular or plural as the case may be, greetings and salutations".

What do you do if you don't have friends? Does that make you automatically eligible for an LTC?
Asking for a friend.
You had to do it the hard way, eh?

Love it! "If they like forms... give them forms!"
I wrote one for a friend. He lived in a town where I actually knew the licensing officer. I made sure to work in some stuff to make the letter a bit more light hearted like making questionable decisions like always buying gas station sushi" lol
Whats wrong with gas station sushi? Thats like knocking Kevin Sorbo. Greatest actor alive
why am i so cynical you all ask....i don't know, when grown american adults who supposedly went through the public school system and got themselves a 12th grade education can't pen a f***ing simple letter of recommendation. makes one wonder what we all did before al gore and his internet.

time to take a break from nes before i stroke out.
A search for the most simple terminology would have proven One Eye Jack correct in his dupe post numbers.

A hilarious show that doesn't get anywhere near enough credit. The "University Challenge" episode (which, BTW, features a very young Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry, and Emma Thompson as 3/4 of the Footlights College team) is hands-down one of the funniest things I've ever seen on television.
Gary - here's another sample:

123 My street
mytown, MA xxxxx
today’s date

Chief of Police
Mytown Police Department
mytown, MA xxxxx

Dear Sir:
I am writing to recommend Bobthe Builder for issuance of a License to Carry Firearms within your jurisdiction.

I have known Mr. Builder for about xx years, having worked with him at xxx corp. We are both in the xxxxxxx department there.
Throughout this time, I have always known him to be a fair and square guy, a good citizen and a responsible person.
Through difficult situations he always remained calm and showed good judgment.

On numerous occasions I have gone shooting with Bob, both in scouts, and marksmanship programs at Legendary Sportsmen’s Club.

About three years back, he took our Massachusetts Basic Hunter Education at Legendary Sportsmen’s Club.
During the sessions he handled a variety of firearms in a safe and correct manner, and demonstrated knowledge of responsible firearms ownership.

I have always observed him handling firearms – rifle, pistol, shotgun & muzzleloader - in a safe, responsible, and correct manner.

Recently, he also took a Gun Safety Class at Almost-as-Good Rod & Gun club.

I am pleased to heartily recommend Bobthe Builder to you.


Impressive credential #1
Even more impressive credential #2
Gary - here's another sample:

123 My street
mytown, MA xxxxx
today’s date

Chief of Police
Mytown Police Department
mytown, MA xxxxx

Dear Sir:
I am writing to recommend Bobthe Builder for issuance of a License to Carry Firearms within your jurisdiction.

I have known Mr. Builder for about xx years, having worked with him at xxx corp. We are both in the xxxxxxx department there.
Throughout this time, I have always known him to be a fair and square guy, a good citizen and a responsible person.
Through difficult situations he always remained calm and showed good judgment.

On numerous occasions I have gone shooting with Bob, both in scouts, and marksmanship programs at Legendary Sportsmen’s Club.

About three years back, he took our Massachusetts Basic Hunter Education at Legendary Sportsmen’s Club.
During the sessions he handled a variety of firearms in a safe and correct manner, and demonstrated knowledge of responsible firearms ownership.

I have always observed him handling firearms – rifle, pistol, shotgun & muzzleloader - in a safe, responsible, and correct manner.

Recently, he also took a Gun Safety Class at Almost-as-Good Rod & Gun club.

I am pleased to heartily recommend Bobthe Builder to you.


Impressive credential #1
Even more impressive credential #2
I would trust Bob the builder
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