Local antis at it again


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Jan 14, 2006
South Eastern, MA
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I've posted segments from Marc Folco's column before. Today there was one I thought I'd pass along. This from today's Standard Times newspaper where I live:


OPEN SEASON: Two decades of divided opinions
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Print this Article Email this Article Share By MARC FolCO
Open Season
October 14, 2007 6:00 AM
I've been writing this outdoors column for The Standard-Times just a few months shy of 20 years. The subject matter shouldn't be controversial, but some people devote their lives to making it so. They write in and complain about me, my column and the lifestyles of hunters and shooters. They tell the editors that the paper shouldn't run my column. And I can't understand why.

Hunting is a time-honored American tradition shared by millions of people, but the animal-rights groups try outlaw it — pecking away, bit by bit. They try to eliminate bear hunting, then they want to stop pheasant hunting. Next will be bowhunting. They try to outlaw it by court injunctions, ballot referendums and through the legislature.

It's the same thing with the shooting sports. Guns are not bad, but the gun grabbers try toto take them out of the hands of good people, blaming guns for the failure to keep criminals under control. Anybody with at least half a brain knows that it's the criminal that's bad — not the gun, baseball bat or golf club.

The State of Vermont has the most lenient gun laws in the nation and also the lowest crime rate. So, if it's so easy for a Vermonter to buy a gun — and with guns being so bad — then why aren't they robbing and shooting each other up in the streets there?

The wimpy Bambi Brigade and the whiny gun grabbers certainly rile-up us hunters and shooters. Some people tell us that we take it too personal. And that is absolutely true. We take it very personal. I'll tell you why. It's because they are trying to outlaw our lifestyle. They want to take away what we love to do. And some of us have to take time away from families, work and leisure to go to meetings and form groups to raise money to pay lobbyists to fight this silliness. I still can't understand how the politicians and the courts even give these people the time of day.

If they set their sights on outlawing baseball or golf, the baseball players and fans and the duffers would be just as outraged. After all, people have been beaten to death with bats and golf clubs. Players have died from being hit with line drives. Fans have been injured by baseballs and broken bats flung into the stands and golf balls hit into the gallery. And what about boxing? Paying money to watch and cheer-on two human beings beating the snot and blood out of each other — and betting on them besides?

I'm a registered voter (independent) and have never seen any ballot referendums to outlaw boxing, or golf or baseball. I've never heard of any grassroots organizations formed to save the future of these sports like the NBHA (National Baseball Hitters Assoc.) or COAL (Club Owners' Action League).

Andy Rooney said it best when he did a piece on guns. "Cars and baseball bats kill people too, but nobody is trying to stop you from driving to the ball game."

So, there is no need to make hunting and shooting controversial issues. But for some people, it's just too simple to understand. I recently was approached by an anti who proceeded with glee to tell me how much he hated my column. He made a controversy and confrontation out of it in a public place, where he thought people would be on his side.

A tall, thin man with a pony tail (just the opposite of myself) tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Excuse me, but would you be that guy who writes the hunting and fishing column for The Standard Times?"

I replied, "Howdy. No, I wouldn't be. I am. In person. So, you like my column."

To my surprise, he said, "No. That's why I wanted to confront you. I think it's ghastly and in poor taste. There's no need to hunt animals today, nobody needs guns today — and to write about it is even worse. I can't see how the paper can print your rubbish."

Rubbish? Come on wheels — turn quickly. "Well, everybody's got a right to their opinion, but opinions are like armpits. Most people got a couple and lots of times they stink. But I'll agree with you on one thing — there is no need to hunt animals today." His brow wrinkled, a puzzled look came over his face and he leaned in to see how I would quantify that statement. Then I continued. "It's Sunday. You can't hunt on Sunday. But there is a need to hunt animals tomorrow."

He leaned back again, nodded his head and folded his arms across his chest. "Think you're smart, don't you."

"Pretty smart. Top of my class in the reform school," I said proudly, raising an eyebrow and pointing a thumb to my chest. I had been waiting for a table at the entrance of a restaurant with a buddy of mine. An elderly couple was sitting on a bench and they were eavesdropping. They giggled at my reform school comment.

"We love your column — did a lot of hunting and fishing back in the day," the husband said.

"Give it to 'im," his wife added, shaking her little clenched fist with the handles of her purse draped over the crook of her arm.

I said, "Thank you, kindly," then turned my attention back to Mr. Pony Tail. "So, what are you eating tonight? I don't think they have any veggie platters on the menu."

"Um, Steak, I think."

"Where do you think it came from? You think they pick those off a tree? They cut them off a dead animal."

"Well, I didn't kill it."

"So, you have someone else do the dirty work for you? You couldn't roll a deer over and gut it yourself, could you?

"Heavens no. You are a Neanderthal man."

"Why, because going hunting is my lifestyle and you have to make a controversy out of it? And aren't we supposed to be more tolerant and accepting of others' lifestyles in today's society?"

"Nevertheless. You are a cave man."

I think I'll get over it.

Just then, the hostess called Mr. Pony Tail and wife to their table. My buddy and I chitchatted with the elderly couple, and he regaled us with tales of bagging big bucks when he was a strapping young buck himself.

The hostess then led us to our table and as we passed Mr. Pony Tail, I said, "Enjoy your dead animal meat." I don't think his wife liked me very much. Ladies shouldn't make those one-finger gestures, especially in public.

Maine's Kittery Trading Post will hold a Hunter's Gear Up Weekend from Friday through Sunday featuring 26 seminars, clinics and events from deer, bear, turkey and upland hunting to GPS usage, dog training and game-meat preparation and cooking. For a complete schedule, visit www.ktpevents.com; e-mail [email protected] or call (888) 587-6246.

Marc Folco writes the outdoors column for The Standard-Times on the walls of his cave. Contact him at [email protected]
This guy had way more restraint than me.

A discreet knee in the a**h***'s groin would have him doubled over in pain and me wondering what happened to him.
This guy had way more restraint than me.

A discreet knee in the a**h***'s groin would have him doubled over in pain and me wondering what happened to him.
And that would have had you in restraints and under arrest for assault and battery, which you'd have deserved. No, the columnist had the proper response. Verbally destroy the guy and point out his inconsistent attitudes. I'd have done the same... and call him a hypocrite for having someone ELSE kill the animal for him.

No reason to hit the guy, though, and prove his point for him.
And that would have had you in restraints and under arrest for assault and battery, which you'd have deserved. No, the columnist had the proper response. Verbally destroy the guy and point out his inconsistent attitudes. I'd have done the same... and call him a hypocrite for having someone ELSE kill the animal for him.

No reason to hit the guy, though, and prove his point for him.

It's easier to just be smarter about it... Put him into a corner with logic. Violence would only have made the pony tailed guy's point.
So i posted this comment to his article

It is just the liberal state we live in where people do not use commonsense to form opinions about topics they have no background in. I am originally from a city in northern Michigan and as a child was introduced to hunting and shooting. You are taught the importance of culling the herd to help the overall health and survivability of the herd through the cold months. As a teenager who had a valid hunting license you where given opening day of deer season off from school. My brothers and i where taught safety and respect for firearms and where trusted to be alone in a home with (god forbid i should say) unlocked guns. The locked away hidden object becomes the objective of untrained, unsafe curiosity and that is the policy that liberals push and kill children with. I think back to the last time i was in Michigan for hunting season and i remember a radio add i heard. It was from the DNR urging people to go out hunting that weekend and not stay home to watch the "important" rivalry football game because the herd depended on you. Could you imagine hearing something like that in Massachusetts it would be a scandal. I would just like to thank you for your column and remember many people read it and enjoy it
I've found that the worst anti gun/hunter types are often the biggest hypocrites.

Starting with that C***, donna-dees thomas, or whatever that
bitch's name is that was a big MMM supporter- got caught with
an illegal firearm.

Rosie O Fatwell- armed bodyguards (Nobody needs guns- except
for the bodyguards of the beautifiul people)

Joe/Jane bradyite gun hater- it's OK by them for the police to have
guns, but it's not OK for the neighbors, despite the fact that as a
demographic their neighbor is far less likely to shoot somebody (deserved
or otherwise) with a firearm.

-Anyone who eats meat but is opposed to hunting (like mr ponytail
above). I would have said to him "So, hunting a wild animal is
barbaric, but you buying a a portion of an animal that someone
else raised and then slaughtered in a cage is not?"

The list goes on and on.

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