Local Firearms Safety Instructors

Adaptive Firearms Training Systems
Joe Hattabaugh, President
PO Box 242
Bolton, MA 01740
NRA Certified Instructors offering Firearms and Remote Medical Training and Certifications

AFTS specializes in Firearms education and training courses to fit your learning styles. We offer individual and small class environments to facilitate learning with "your pace" in mind. AFTS offers customized trainings and curriculums to foster experiential learning. Courses are scheduled according to your need and availability.

Our mission is to create a highly adaptive and experiential learning environment for all participants.

A.F.T.S. uses “live fire” training and exercises. Although there is some benefit to computerized firearms simulators, we feel there is no way to exactly replicate muzzle flash and recoil management. Whether you are taking your first shots, interested in home defense or tactical applications, we have the courses to suit your changing needs. Our curriculum will grow as your skill level develops.

AFTS is a modern firearms school that is based on experiential based learning. We specialize in firearms licensing certification, education and training. We also specialize in wilderness/remote medical training and "everything outdoors!"
Western Mass Instructor

Rick's Firearms Training
NRA Certified Basic Pistol Instructor
NRA Certified Home Firearm Safety Instuctor
NRA Certified Personal Protection In Home
NRA Certified Range Safety Officer
Fully Insured

Classes Held at the
Royalston Fish and Game Club
Woodsman Pistol and Rifle Club
Orange Gun Club
Classes include live fire, Ammo, Ear and Eye protection provided

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Claudia Stewart
Be Safe Firearms Training
Website: www.Besafefirearmstraining.com
Email: Info@Besafefirearmstraining.com
Phone: 978-760-1847

Be Safe Firearms Training provides professional firearms instruction in a variety of disciplines for basic safety and firearms handling skills in a safe, supportive and friendly environment. Our NRA Basic Pistol Class, taught with Mass State Police Basic Firearms Safety, will qualify you for your Massachusetts License to Carry (LTC-002)

Our "Women's Only" classes are taught by women. Individuals or private small groups can be accommodated. Classes are offered evenings and weekends and are held at Harvard Sportsmen's Club, Maynard Rod & Gun Club or your own gun club. We can even bring our courses to your home or office and work with your schedule. Private range time is also available.

NRA Certified Basic Pistol Instructor
Massachusetts State Police Certified Basic Firearm Safety Instructor
NRA Certified Basic Rifle Instructor
NRA Certified Basic Shotgun Instructor
NRA Certified Range Safety Officer
SABRE Certified Civilian Safety Awareness Program (CSAP) Instructor
NRA Certified Refuse To Be A Victim
NRA Certified Pistol Coach - Level I
Red Cross CPR/First Aid/AED Certified

National Rifle Association (NRA)
Gun Owner's Action League (GOAL)
Harvard Sportsmen's Club
Maynard Rod & Gun Club
Second Amendment Sisters
Association for Women's Self Defense Advancement
Northeast Shooters

Please visit our website or feel free to call should you have questions or need additional information.
Walker Firearms Training
website: Walker Firearms Training | Firearms Education for the Masses
email: tom_walker@walkerft.com

Walker Firearms Training focuses on training new and inexperienced shooters to get their MA LTC. I offer NRA Home Firearm Safety and NRA Basic Pistol classes in the home. Training can be done one on one or with groups in your own home or business. Shooting portions of the NRA Basic Pistol class take place at Worcester Pistol and Rifle in Boylston, MA. Pricing is available on my website and varies depending upon the number of students enrolled in the class.
Charlie Cook
phone: 508.981.6402
email: personalshootinginstruction@gmail.com
website: personalshootinginstruction.com
facebook: facebook.com/personalshootinginstruction

NRA Certified Home Firearm Safety
NRA Certified Basic Pistol
NRA Certified Basic Rifle
NRA Certified Personal Protection Inside The Home
NRA Certified Refuse To Be A Victim
Utah Concealed Firearm Permit Instructor

I do all classes in student's private residences. Live fire at Worcester Pistol & Rifle Club.
Very easy going & good with beginners.
Group discounts if more than 6 students.
Classes on an 'as needed' basis.
Bob Canning

NRA Basic Pistol
NRA Chief Range Safety Officer-Teach Range Safety Officer Course
Front Sight Firearms pistol malfunction/jam education

Private in home lessons and full classes
Contact~ bocan3@aol.com

All of my info and links are in my signature. I now have my courses approved to teach at Worcester Pistol and Rifle Club, and will be posting a Carbine Applications 1 Course very shortly. You can call/text anytime, I'm always on my cell and work late.

I also have one slot open in a custom 1 day course on July 19th in Lebanon CT for an NES'r. 75$ for the day, and the thread link is in my signature as well.

-CFG [mg]
Matt Lichenstein
Leominster, MA

NRA/MSP Certified Instructor
NRA Certified Range Safety Officer
SASS Range Officer II

I teach

NRA Basic Pistol
NRA Home Firearm Safety
NRA Metallic Reloading
NRA Shotshell Reloading
NRA Basic Rifle
NRA Basic Shotgun
NRA Personal Protection in The Home
NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home
NRA Defensive Pistol

Classes once a month @ Leominster Sportsmen's Association w/ private instruction available on request.

Contact me at
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First Defense Firearms, Inc. offers very detailed, quality training for the beginner, intermediate and advanced student. Current courses include Handgun, Rifle/Carbine, Shotgun and Force on Force. Dates, subject matter and detailed info will be posted in our NES sub-forum, our website and our Facebook page. Please "Like" our Facebook page to receive updates on our training and store products.

Dennis Doti:
Chief Instructor / Director of Training

Current Full-Time Police Officer with 19 Years of Full-Time Law Enforcement Experience
Current Police Department's Senior Firearms Instructor
Former SWAT Officer
MA State Police Certified Firearms Instructor
Master Pistol Instructor
Master Rifle Instructor
Master Shotgun Instructor
MP5 Submachine Gun Instructor
Active Shooter Response Instructor
Suarez International Affiliate Instructor
Force on Force Instructor
Combat Handgun Instructor
NRA Certified Pistol Instructor
NRA Certified Home Firearms Safety Instructor
NRA Certified Personal Protection In the Home Instructor
Utah Concealed Carry Firearms Instructor
3 Gun, IDPA and USPSA Action Shooting Competitor
Awarded IDPA "King of New England" 2013
Multiple National, State and Regional Championships Winner
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Cape Cod & Islands, South Shore

Strong Foundations Firearms Education LLC.
Andrew B. Goddard

Basic Firearms safety class for MA licensing
NRA Basic Pistol
NRA Basic Rifle
NRA Personal Protection inside the home
NRA Personal Protection outside the home
Personal coaching and individual skill building classes

see our website, www.strongfoundationsfe.com for classes offered, classes scheduled and more info.
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Anthony Linden
Dighton, MA

NRA Certified Pistol Instructor
Kids safety courses, group classes, and one on one instruction for new shooters.

PM me here or email me directly: dadlinden@gmail.Com

I'm a new pistol instructor but I have been teaching classes for over 17 years. I try to be as accommodating and comfortable as possible. When you're done taking a class from me you will have a solid understanding of pistol, revolvers, and shotguns. No live fire during kids classes or group classes. Live fire is required for the NRA basic pistol course. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
Jeff Riopel
Millis, MA
NRA/Massachusetts Certified
Senior Instructor with Tactical Dynamics

NRA Basic Pistol
NRA Home Firearm Safety
NRA Range Safety Officer

Prefer one-on-one or small groups. Best location would be at your home. Live fire can be done at a local range.

I can do most nights and weekends, so message me with a particular time.

PM Contact or at jeffriopel@gmail.com
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Center Mass Arms Training
Dean E. Shannon
Firearms Trainer - NRA and MA State Police Certified
  • NRA Home Firearm Safety/LTC
  • NRA Basic Pistol
  • NRA Refuse To Be A Victim

Available Settings throughout Central MA:
  • Small Classroom settings in Clinton, MA
  • Private classes available for small or large groups
  • Classes available at your facility (call for details)
  • Available for Corporations, Organizations, Communities, Churches, etc

Contact us with any questions:
Crosshairs Firearm Training offers classes to help you obtain your LTC A or FID card in Massachusetts. Classes are held monthly in Haverhill MA. using high tech LASER shooting. Please feel free to contact us at www.crosshairs-firearm-training.net or via email at Instructor@crosshairs-firearm-training.net or by phone at 781-771-8503.

Donald Roberts
NRA Basic Pistol
NRA Home Safety
NRA Range Safety Officer
I conduct classes for the MA LTC class once a month at Faneuil Hall Marketplace on the second Saturday of the month. My next class is on August 12th. The cost of the course is $75.00. I also provide instruction/certification for the Utah CHP. Both of these courses are no live-fire. For those who reside in towns that require live fire training, there is a slight additional cost to cover range time, handguns, targets, and ammunition. If interested, PM me or call Practical Defense Concepts at (617) 973-6441.
Modern Defense Systems, LLC
Randolph, MA
Braintree Rifle & Pistol Club

NRA Home Firearm Safety
NRA Basic Pistol
Certified Glock Armorer Services
FFL/SOT Class 3 Manufacturer & Dealer

Classes are set for once a month, but can accommodate most schedules.
1-on-1, and small groups (no more than 8) are preferred.

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Larry Buck
Lowell and surrounding areas

Course for MA LTC
General pistol instruction, improve accuracy and general skills
Private or small groups

Sig Sauer Academy Pistol Instructor
NRA Certified Pistol
MA State Police Certified 002

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2A Training Classes

As many here know, my primary expertise is Mass Gun Laws and how to stay out of jail as a legal gun owner in this Gulag.

Mass Gun Law by and for Non-Lawyers - Seminar
  • 6+ Hour course on the intricacies of MA Gun Law (constantly updated to reflect any changes in information or proposed legislation)
  • This is designed to keep you out of legal troubles and goes a lot deeper than any other course on MA gun law (or BFS course) and it is taught in plain English not legalese!
  • Currently taught at Mansfield F&G www.mansfieldfish.com regularly on Saturdays & Sundays. Also available during the week for a private class if requested at no additional cost.
  • Available to teach this for a flat fee at any gun club that provides a venue.
  • Available to teach this for any gun shop as well.

NRA & MSP BFS Courses
  • NRA Home Firearm Safety (enhanced version with live fire - 6-7 hrs) for your MSP BFS Certificate
  • NRA Basic Pistol (Instructor Led Course) - only taught upon request for those needing it for non-MA licenses
  • NRA Personal Protection In the Home (10 hour class plus pre-work)
  • NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home (NRA requires that you take PPIH first) (~16 hour class plus pre-work, over 2 days)
  • Refuse to Be A Victim - not a gun course but covers lots of things to avoid ever having to use a gun in self-defense!
  • LEOSA Certification Course - annual certification needed to keep your LEOSA status active, taught privately upon request.

Additional Training
  • Moon Island Training (required by Boston & Brookline PD to obtain a LTC or for renewal) - Taught upon request
  • Defensive Handgun 101 & 102 - Taught upon request.
  • Additional training 1-on-1 with the instructor - Taught privately upon request

Complete Schedule of Courses is always posted at http://2atraining.weebly.com- not everything is posted here on NES.

ALL Courses are taught at Mansfield Fish & Game Club.

Graduate of the Law of Self Defense Instructor Program
NRA Certified Instructor - Personal Protection In the Home, Personal Protection Outside the Home, Basic Pistol, Advanced Pistol, Home Firearm Safety, Refuse to Be A Victim
NRA Certified Range Officer
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Defensive Strategies, LLC
27 Lowell Street, Suite 207
Manchester, New Hampshire 03101
Contact Bob Boilard (Mass Approved Instructor)

Student & Instructor Level Classes Available:

Student Level:

Private Firearm Instruction
NRA Basic Pistol Course
Basic Pistol Shooting & Safety (FREE)
Ladies Only Pistol Class
NRA Personal Protection In The Home
NRA Personal Protection Outside The Home
NRA Home Firearm Safety
NRA Range Safety Officer
Use of Force & The Law
NRA Basic Rifle Course
NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting
Active Shooter Response
Active Shooter Preparedness Workshop

NRA FIRST Steps Rifle
NRA FIRST Steps Shotgun
USCCA Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals
NRA Defensive Pistol
NRA Basic Metallic Cartridge Reloading Course
NRA Basic Shotgun Shell Reloading Course
Utah Concealed Firearms Permit Course
SAFTD Officer LEO Program
SAFTD Precision Rifle
SAFE - Situational Alertness for Everyone
SAFTD Defensive Handgun 1
SAFTD Defensive Handgun 2
SAFTD Defensive Handgun 3
SAFTD AR Armorer Course
SAFTD AR Technician Course

SAFTD Defensive Carbine 1
SAFTD Defensive Carbine 2
SAFTD Defensive Carbine 3
SAFTD Defensive Shotgun 1
SAFTD Defensive Shotgun 2
SAFTD Defensive Shotgun 3
SAFTD F.A.S.T. Carbine
SAFTD F.A.S.T. Shotgun
SAFTD F.A.S.T. Handgun
SAFTD Range Officer
SAFTD Women's Defensive Handgun 1
SAFTD Women's Defensive Handgun 2
SAFTD Baton Course
SAFTD Handcuffing Course
SABRE PSA Pepper Spray Class
SABRE College Safety Program
Defensive Urban Rifle with John Farnam

Instructor Level:

NRA Basic Instructor Training
NRA Basic Pistol Instructor
NRA Personal Protection In The Home Instructor Course
NRA Personal Protection Outside The Home Instructor
NRA Basic Rifle Instructor
NRA Basic Shotgun Instructor
NRA Chief Range Safety Officer

NRA Home Firearm Safety Instructor
NRA Basic Shotgun Shell Reloading Instructor Course
NRA Basic Metallic Cartridge Reloading Instructor Course
NRA Refuse to be a Victim Instructor Development Workshop

SAFTD F.A.S.T. Handgun Instructor Course
SAFTD Defensive Handgun 1 Instructor
SAFTD Defensive Handgun 2 Instructor
SAFTD Defensive Handgun 3 Instructor
SAFTD Defensive Carbine 1 Instructor

SAFTD Defensive Carbine 2 Instructor
SAFTD Defensive Carbine 3 Instructor
SAFTD Defensive Shotgun 1 Instructor
SAFTD Defensive Shotgun 2 Instructor
SAFTD Defensive Shotgun 3 Instructor
SAFTD Methods of Instruction (MOI)
SAFTD Precision Rifle Instructor
SAFTD Range Master Course
SAFTD S.A.F.E. Instructor Development
SAFTD Pepper Spray Instructor
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Jake Stambulski

NRA and Mass. State Police Certified

NRA Basic Pistol
NRA Home Firearm Safety

One on one or small private group to obtain Mass. State Police Certificate required for MA LTC or FID card
Range time is also available.
I have no set days/time and I can accommodate most schedules.

My Site


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OnSight Firearms Training
Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Knife, Hand To Hand, Medical.

We teach at several locations:

Blue Mountain Sportsman Center – Cortlandt Manor, NY

Pitcairn Monroeville Sportsmans Center - North Versailles, PA

Hudson Valley Shooting Sports / Paladin Center - Carmel Hamlet, NY

Nassau County Rifle & Pistol - Uniondale, NY

Maynard Rod and Gun Club, Inc - Maynard, MA

New Bedford Rod & Gun – New Bedford, MA

LI Outdoorsman - Rockville Centre, NY

Ridgeline Training Center - Dalton NH

F3 Tactical, Inc. - Chantilly, VA

Coyne Park Rifle and Pistol Range - Yonkers, NY

International Defensive Training Groups - Nottingham, PA

Cape Gun Works - Hyannis, MA

Roll Call – Scranton, PA

Cedar Mountain Youth Range – Culpeper, VA

Red Rock Lodge – Sugarloaf, PA

Oak Hill Farms Range – Yale, VA

Gun Craft – Ruskin, FL
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