Local Police to use FRB lists to arrest gun owners?

My experience was the same yesterday. They (Boston PD) weren't jumping out of shoes in support of us, but they were very tolerant and respectful.

That would be the day when they would fire tear gas canisters into a crowd shouting "Blue Lives Matter!"

I will save you posts for few months. Let's see if you will change your opinion then.

I have no illusions. I lost them in Oregon for good.
One person reported a cop asking to look in his trunk. He reportedly told the cop respectfully to kick rocks and nothing further happened.

All of a sudden the word on the street is no knock raids and drone strikes.

Paranoia prevails when the rule of law ceases to exist.
Let's not jump to conclusions, we know some police senior management support Healey, and we've heard a story of one cop stopping range goers, but that's about it.

I think any cop who arrests a guy with an AR is going to get a call from the AG's office. She doesn't want any of us on the national news.

Will the simple minority of you folks just STOP with the rumors, paranoia, anti-cop crap? Maura Hitler is the enemy, not the boots-on-the ground cops! Shes the agenda driven stupid cow. I can't see any Commonwealth or municipal agency actively seeking to arrest anyone under the current circumstances. Nope.
She's going to monitor the poor FFL's in this state now and see if she can bring some case forward that way , if ever......
Cops kickin in doors? Just grow up please!?!?

This ^^^.

This thread is absolutely ridiculous. No one is taking any lists and going door to door doing confiscations. And do you think this type of attitude is helpful? You are making all cops out to be mindless slaves who will do whatever told. Sorry to break it to you, but there are cops on here who feel the exact same way you do. Way to alienate them guys.
Let's not jump to conclusions, we know some police senior management support Healey, and we've heard a story of one cop stopping range goers, but that's about it.

I think any cop who arrests a guy with an AR is going to get a call from the AG's office. She doesn't want any of us on the national news.

The bigger problem for her would be that instantly gives us standing for a legal challenge. Right now she is accomplishing what she wants with simple threats.

Will the simple minority of you folks just STOP with the rumors, paranoia, anti-cop crap? Maura Hitler is the enemy, not the boots-on-the ground cops! Shes the agenda driven stupid cow. I can't see any Commonwealth or municipal agency actively seeking to arrest anyone under the current circumstances. Nope.
She's going to monitor the poor FFL's in this state now and see if she can bring some case forward that way , if ever......
Cops kickin in doors? Just grow up please!?!?

If the Cape Ann story is true, and I have no reason to doubt it, it's not rumor, or paranoia, or even anti-cop. And until the Thin blue line extends to protect us from the AG, they are part of the problem. And there have already been instances of "cops kickin in doors" for less shit. Get your head out of the sand and look around.
Even though Healey said she won’t go after people who own AR’s and AK’s it sounds like some of the local PD’s are starting to look at people leaving ranges. At least I heard this about the North Shore.

Here is a question, what is the stop a local PD in a gun unfriendly town from pulling the FRB list for each person in their town and then going through them looking for AR’s and AK’s and if they find evidence of one, then getting a warrant and arrest the person who has it?

I know when I requested my list a couple years ago it had every gun I had ever bought.

Not a GD thing. Remember, we are criminals in possession of illegal assault rifles.
Has this ever happened (cop at a range) to anyone prior to 7/20?

Do local LEOs have access to the FRB list of firearms? It's rumored some can't even see if you have an active LTC.
Let's not jump to conclusions, we know some police senior management support Healey, and we've heard a story of one cop stopping range goers, but that's about it.

I think any cop who arrests a guy with an AR is going to get a call from the AG's office. [STRIKE]She doesn't want any of us on the national news[/STRIKE]. She doesn't want this to even get close to a courtroom!


Will the simple minority of you folks just STOP with the rumors, paranoia, anti-cop crap? Maura Hitler is the enemy, not the boots-on-the ground cops! Shes the agenda driven stupid cow. I can't see any Commonwealth or municipal agency actively seeking to arrest anyone under the current circumstances. Nope.
She's going to monitor the poor FFL's in this state now and see if she can bring some case forward that way , if ever......
Cops kickin in doors? Just grow up please!?!?

I wonder if people in 1775 were saying a similar thing just days prior to the British heading for Lexington and Concord to seize powder and ball. [hmmm]

Will the simple minority of you folks just STOP with the rumors, paranoia, anti-cop crap? Maura Hitler is the enemy, not the boots-on-the ground cops! Shes the agenda driven stupid cow. I can't see any Commonwealth or municipal agency actively seeking to arrest anyone under the current circumstances. Nope.
She's going to monitor the poor FFL's in this state now and see if she can bring some case forward that way , if ever......
Cops kickin in doors? Just grow up please!?!?

This is a coordinated attack on our rights. I know that we have cops on this thread. So what? I did not see one active cop in the uniform with us yesterday. THAT IS WHAT MATTERS.

By the way, you need to stare at this picture for a day to finally see one Maura only. I see many like her:



  • healey.jpg
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Russian store in Brighton sells actual size glass AK filled with cognac. They can watch me emptying that baby into myself at the range parking lot while waiting for my gorgeous ride. That message should be clear in about an hour.

I actually have one of the glass AK's. It's sitting on my desk right now. I bought it a few years ago, in fact before I had my LTC. Here's the strange part. I hate alcohol, so I poured it out and gave it to a friend lol. I just wanted the bottle. Mine even has a leather rifle sling as well ;)
I don't think that's going to happen. LEOs are already freaked out about the possibility of BLM targeting them in random attacks, I doubt there is going to be widespread support among law enforcement to create a new group of much better trained people that they have to look out for.

I'm sure on day one with the element of surprise, they could pull a few arrests off without incident but sooner or later people would stop going quietly.

But you never know, a department here or there could certainly pull something stupid. I'm lucky, I live in a pretty 2a friendly town.

This. They might bag a few unsuspecting folks in the beginning until prepared folks hide their firearms, fight back, form militias, etc. It would get ugly quick.
Jesus H.......the pants pissing has got to effing stop. You do remember you are armed, yeah? I have a few friends that are on the PD, none are in favor. They already have a hard enough time as it is with all the bs going on, now they want to pick on the best armed faction of society? I think not. LEO's have a few things going against them to engage in that type of shenanigans. First they are very conspicuous. Secondly that badge is a serial number. They are also part of the community they live in. What happens when that community is attacked by them? Makes it kinda hard to walk through the super market with their family after, don't you think?
This ^^^.

This thread is absolutely ridiculous. No one is taking any lists and going door to door doing confiscations. And do you think this type of attitude is helpful? You are making all cops out to be mindless slaves who will do whatever told. Sorry to break it to you, but there are cops on here who feel the exact same way you do. Way to alienate them guys.

Are you kidding me? Please, please, tell me that you are kidding! In 24 hours you became a felon without prior warning but you worry now about alienating those who were standing there with her and clapping hands when YOUR sentence was delivered?

Who asked us how we feel?
Is this complete and utter horseshit, or are you able to provide specific evidence to show that this is happening or is planned?
Any chance somerville mayor curratone will let us in somerville with our rifles - it is a sanctuary city right?

Try to approach him first with a nice request to put one of our banners right under that nice BLM banner on the city hall. He informed police union that he does not care what they think and the banner is there to stay. Let me know how it went, you, rebel, you!
Ok, here it is. Starts on post 15.


Confirmed in post #48

I just confirmed with the club president of Cape Ann Sportsmans Club that cops were in fact asking members what they had for guns in their cars. He told me he's contacted a few of our members that are on the fire department to see what they can find out...not sure why they would know but anyway...

Any of the legal experts (Knuckle Dragger or Len) know if this is even legal for them to do???

Edit: I may start a new thread on this rather than hijack this one, if it's needed....Or feel free to PM me. Thanks.
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Is this complete and utter horseshit, or are you able to provide specific evidence to show that this is happening or is planned?

It's possible. Whether or not it's already happened is irrelevant.
Jesus H.......the pants pissing has got to effing stop. You do remember you are armed, yeah? I have a few friends that are on the PD, none are in favor. They already have a hard enough time as it is with all the bs going on, now they want to pick on the best armed faction of society? I think not. LEO's have a few things going against them to engage in that type of shenanigans. First they are very conspicuous. Secondly that badge is a serial number. They are also part of the community they live in. What happens when that community is attacked by them? Makes it kinda hard to walk through the super market with their family after, don't you think?

This. Even in China the government brought in troops from distant provinces for Tienanmen Square, knowing Beijing troops might balk at firing on their own people.
I actually have one of the glass AK's. It's sitting on my desk right now. I bought it a few years ago, in fact before I had my LTC. Here's the strange part. I hate alcohol, so I poured it out and gave it to a friend lol. I just wanted the bottle. Mine even has a leather rifle sling as well ;)

You have 24 hours to deposit it into a dumpster of your choice. Best Regards, Maura![smile] *

*Normal people buy alcohol in government approved containers and they do not need to drink from a copy of the most successful weapon in the world. Simple fact that you did not drink the alcohol shows that you have purchased it with an intent to promote illegal weapons. I do not want to start shopping frenzy again so do not expect any public announcements. Do as I wish. I will check on you when I am back from Philly.
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Are you kidding me? Please, please, tell me that you are kidding! In 24 hours you became a felon without prior warning but you worry now about alienating those who were standing there with her and clapping hands when YOUR sentence was delivered?

Who asked us how we feel?

First, the Boston Chief and the other guys in no way shape or form speak for the rank and file officers. They are and always have been Democrat political puppets. So those are not who I'm talking about. I'm talking about the average officers.

And no cop is gonna show up in uniform. Why would they? Showing up at a political event representing the department tends to be frowned upon regardless of the event.
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You can't expect LEO to attend a rally in uniform, they would lose their job instantly. Are you willing to do the same?

That's like a Marine posing in uniform for a photo with an M4 and using it to call for an AWB in a newspaper... Oh wait. That happened.

Clearly there are two sets of rules and we are not part of the ruling class.

I don't have any answers for this: I'm stumped.
The bigger problem for her would be that instantly gives us standing for a legal challenge. Right now she is accomplishing what she wants with simple threats.

Did Martha Coakley file even ONE LAWSUIT against Out-Of-State Gun Shops ?

Yet how many now refuse to sell us Ammunition or ship ANY FIREARMS to Mass, even to FFL-01's ?

- - - Updated - - -

You can't expect LEO to attend a rally in uniform, they would lose their job instantly. Are you willing to do the same?

That's like a Marine posing in uniform for a photo with an M4 and using it to call for an AWB in a newspaper... Oh wait. That happened.

Clearly there are two sets of rules and we are not part of the ruling class.

I don't have any answers for this: I'm stumped.

GOAL needs to begin planning for the next Rally - and it will NOT be on Beacon Hill.
First, the Boston Chief and the other guys in no way shape or form speak for the rank and file officers. They are and always have been Democrat political puppets. So those are not who I'm talking about. I'm talking about the average officers.

And no cop is gonna show up in uniform. Why would they? Showing up at a political event representing the department tends to be frowned upon regardless of the event.

We should be all set. Obviously, Maura is also ARMY OF ONE and nobody will ever listen to her either. You know what? I am going to wash dishes by hand now because this thread made me into Crying Baker. Good Night!

First, the Boston Chief and the other guys in no way shape or form speak for the rank and file officers. They are and always have been Democrat political puppets. So those are not who I'm talking about. I'm talking about the average officers.

And no cop is gonna show up in uniform. Why would they? Showing up at a political event representing the department tends to be frowned upon regardless of the event.

Correct. I have attended previous rally's and hearing and have known certain individuals personally that are LEO. Not a single one has shown up in uniform. Don't forget, almost every Cops wet dream is to be a plain clothed officer. Its almost the LEO equivalent to a bearded SF Jeff.
How about those sugary fat filled donuts? Wait when they will become illegal and all stores will have to replace them in 24 hours with healthy bananas. Those who ate donuts in last 18 years may or may not be waterboarded randomly in Healey's Scrubbing Car Wash. Dunkin Donuts will be allowed to bake here, so Morona can keep her peasants in place, but their products will be sold legally only in Cuba. [laugh]
I am sure that she would have a LEO exemption in that directive. [rofl]
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