Local Police to use FRB lists to arrest gun owners?


Will the simple minority of you folks just STOP with the rumors, paranoia, anti-cop crap? Maura Hitler is the enemy, not the boots-on-the ground cops! Shes the agenda driven stupid cow. I can't see any Commonwealth or municipal agency actively seeking to arrest anyone under the current circumstances. Nope.
She's going to monitor the poor FFL's in this state now and see if she can bring some case forward that way , if ever......
Cops kickin in doors? Just grow up please!?!?

Hope this does not happen....

Don't think it will.....
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Well, the happy prisoner type of feeling has arrived. Cops are not beating me today, they must be like us. I do not care what they do behind the fence. They were invited and did not show up. That is all what matters. Please, do not come back at me with a claim that even the Duck Boat was quacking JUST FOR US. YOU WERE KICKED ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THAT FENCE BY EVANS, HEALEY and bunch of other eager beavers. If I will hear us shouting again "Blue Lives Matter!" I will brake in hives.

You didn't hear me chanting "BLM...". I had no illusions of uniformed cops joining us but I did expect them to do their job in a manner that did not interfere with the rally. Expectation met- there's no story as far as I'm concerned.

As for the fence, I can walk through at the entrance around the block. I didn't see the need yesterday as my rep is supporting the cause. I will call her tomorrow to thank her for the support and to express my concern about overzealous LEO's trolling for the big AR bust.
I actually have one of the glass AK's. It's sitting on my desk right now. I bought it a few years ago, in fact before I had my LTC. Here's the strange part. I hate alcohol, so I poured it out and gave it to a friend lol. I just wanted the bottle. Mine even has a leather rifle sling as well ;)

Young lady, you had better hope that leather sling is not interchangeable with other glass rifles.
While normally i would suggest some one interacting with law enforcement about what firearms are in the trunk to say no and nothing else.....in this situation i wish they would have said sure lookin in my trunk i have an illegal AW... so we can get the ball rolling on the court case..

Rarely does anyone want to be the test case. As far as GOAL recommendation not to take them to the range.....noone should be that afraid of their Government...spending a few hours or days in a cell is hardly taking you behind the chemical shed to be executed.

I dont like when i take my m16/ ar15s to the range ill be under extra scrutiny but all my stuff is legal regardless of the new interpretion, that doesnt mean i wont be arrested...
As far as all of you felons taking your illegal AWs to the range.... i only wish i had one to bring with.

One more blemish on my record doesnt bother me in the least and im sure the community would back me financially.. so to all you felons out there take them proudly where ever you want.

Edit. too bad no wifi in those cells, ill personally come bail you out.. if i hear about it before your out, ill be on my way ASAP

Edit... apparently i was wrong about GOAL alleged warning..i had read it from more than onec source....and no not forum posts.
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The cape ann incident did in fact happen.
Are all cops going to jump on the band wagon to jack up every gun owner the come across?
Of course not.
But it's the one dickhead that's going to ruin your life beyond what you could ever believe that you need to worry about.
Be smart about what your doing till this gets resolved
Just about every town has that one little dink looking to make a name for himself and i'm sure our LE friends will confirm that.

Will the simple minority of you folks just STOP with the rumors, paranoia, anti-cop crap? Maura Hitler is the enemy, not the boots-on-the ground cops!

Has Maura ever served a warrant or made a traffic stop? Who do you think enforces the law: the AG, or the boots-on-the-ground cops?
I spoke to an LEO frend today. He's on our side, mostly. I asked him if he had received any guidance from above on this. He hadn't. I then posed the question of what would happen if an anti cop discovered an AW during vehicle stop. He said you prob wouldn't be arrested, but you weren't getting your property back.
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Even though Healey said she won’t go after people who own AR’s and AK’s it sounds like some of the local PD’s are starting to look at people leaving ranges. At least I heard this about the North Shore.

This doesn't make sense to me. The police would have to present their case for prosecution, but the AG has already issued a directive that says she won't prosecute. So help me out here, I am not understanding how this would work in the real world...

Also, some people have commented about disobedience etc... such as modifying pre-July 20 weapons with previously banned items (sliding stock, flash hiders etc)... just remember that the AG would have the prerogative to prosecute if she wants to. In other words, keep your noses clean and don't go looking for trouble. IMHO.
just remember that the AG would have the prerogative to prosecute if she wants to. In other words, keep your noses clean and don't go looking for trouble. IMHO.

I'm glad the signers of the Declaration of Independence didn't feel this way...just sayin'
If the AG is the top cop in Mass articulating how law's should be administered, how does a local LEO and Prosecutor feel that they have freedom to stray from that guidance? She's stated in writing that there will be no prosecution for anything purchased prior to or on 7/20 How does a Cape Ann cop feel that they now have the go ahead to screw with people?
Which is why, if they do come for them, it will be flashbangs and SWATT teams at 2am. primed to shoot anything that blinks. Overwhelming force and MA storage laws. I wonder how many could even get a shot off if they wanted to. If you are actually obeying the storage laws it's doubtful you'll even see one of your rifles before they get to you.

That is a huge part of the problem when it comes to fighting it. I mean actually "fighting". There is no body of the enemy to attack. This isn't a potential force or force confrontation. Like at the bundy ranch where you had a group that may or may not be engaging another group. In the incremental confiscation case there is no one to back your play. It's just you against 5-6 guys w/ select fire weapons in a room full of teargas and smoke. It won't go down like a militia group fighting the big bad gov army. It will just be one or two at a time. A couple homes a night, whatever.

After the first one or two people try to stand up and get themselves killed, along with their dogs and maybe a family member or two, that will be that. This isn't a fight you'll will win. Not that way. You'll just be posumously named a domestic terrorist tea party libertarian, whatever. Just some lone gun nut trying to keep his baby killers.

Until people get organized into groups and consolidate their forces into a group that can't be ignored by the media. A group the PD would have to meet force on force. You don't have a chance. It can't be won through conflict on an individual basis. Of course that leaves the problem of, jobs, families, trying to get organized and not infiltrated by LEOs/feds., etc...

Somewhere along the way we seem to have forgotten just how important the first part of that amendment is. Opting instead for a myopic focus on the latter half. One DOES NOT WORK without the other.
Say they hit 100 owners tonight. This isn't a big state everyone knows where's cops live and sleep. They can't get all of us in a night but we can get all of them. Numbers game homie they aren't playing by rules they can't win with. It won't take much to galvanize an uneasy public. And as much as I despise the blm. Enemy of enemy is my friend. We have the fortune of living in a "utopia". I bet there are more guns in Lowell Brockton Lynn Lawrence Springfield Worcester Chicopee Holyoke Mattapan. Than every member on here owns combined. Not to mention the cops who disagree and will desert. And then the ones who know essentially they'll be walking into a bullet or putting their families in danger are out too.

As owner we think they're idiots because they can't get simple sh!t right. In fact they aren't stupid, there are discussions almost weekly on here discussing what to do in go time. You don't think they never talk about their plans? They just sit around thumbs up their asses wondering what color the sky is? Sadly no, they talk about it too and they know they can't win an outright fight. Not yet anyways

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This doesn't make sense to me. The police would have to present their case for prosecution, but the AG has already issued a directive that says she won't prosecute. So help me out here, I am not understanding how this would work in the real world...

Also, some people have commented about disobedience etc... such as modifying pre-July 20 weapons with previously banned items (sliding stock, flash hiders etc)... just remember that the AG would have the prerogative to prosecute if she wants to. In other words, keep your noses clean and don't go looking for trouble. IMHO.

This is what everyone worried about she won't prosecute never said boo about anyone else
This doesn't make sense to me. The police would have to present their case for prosecution, but the AG has already issued a directive that says she won't prosecute. So help me out here, I am not understanding how this would work in the real world...

DA prosecutes, but PD writes up that felony possession on your record. Good ****ing luck getting that off even if you're not charged- God knows this forum is littered with DUI's that have issues.
Exactly. Is any of this confirmed?

I know that GOAL issued a statement asking gun owners to not bring "these firearms" to the range. Not sure what all is banned anyway.

I will find the thread again but since all the posts that name the gun club are "deleted for the good of the club" it is hard to tell what club, but it was reported in that thread it was on Cape Ann, search on that
If the AG is the top cop in Mass articulating how law's should be administered, how does a local LEO and Prosecutor feel that they have freedom to stray from that guidance? She's stated in writing that there will be no prosecution for anything purchased prior to or on 7/20 How does a Cape Ann cop feel that they now have the go ahead to screw with people?

All it is is guidance. Cops and DAs enforce the law.

These rifles are now a felony to possess. To the best of my knowledge, there is no discretion by cops for a felony.

While they may not go looking for them, if they do find one, it is a felony to possess. While some cops may just look the other way and pretend they did not see it, others will arrest because that is their job. I don't see any possibility in taking property and not arresting since once they confiscate the property I don't think they have discretion to not arrest.

Maybe a cop can chime in here. Does the law allow a cop discretion when he sees a felony committed?
All it is is guidance. Cops and DAs enforce the law.

These rifles are now a felony to possess. To the best of my knowledge, there is no discretion by cops for a felony.

While they may not go looking for them, if they do find one, it is a felony to possess. While some cops may just look the other way and pretend they did not see it, others will arrest because that is their job. I don't see any possibility in taking property and not arresting since once they confiscate the property I don't think they have discretion to not arrest.

Maybe a cop can chime in here. Does the law allow a cop discretion when he sees a felony committed?



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I don't doubt she'd love to start the no-knock raids tonight. But she doesn't need to. She knows most of us would comply with a further edict; look what happened this time. A memo (not even sent registered mail) and an op-ed caused 100% dealer compliance within 24 hours. She didn't even have to lift a finger.

Too bad, in a way. I'm with those who doubt whether the sheeple have any stomach for a night of dead cops after an attempted seizure at a couple of houses. Let alone the police unions. She knows that kind of tactic would give the NRA its perfect martyr. I'm frankly not certain I'd become that martyr; who knows what you'll actually do when SWAT plows your door open and your kids are in the next room?

But someone will stand up and get killed, and take some cops down as well. I have no doubt of that, and I think Healey feels the same way. You won't see raids unless (until) she absolutely can't avoid it. I'm not sure I see that happening.
I don't doubt she'd love to start the no-knock raids tonight. But she doesn't need to. She knows most of us would comply with a further edict; look what happened this time. A memo (not even sent registered mail) and an op-ed caused 100% dealer compliance within 24 hours. She didn't even have to lift a finger.

Too bad, in a way. I'm with those who doubt whether the sheeple have any stomach for a night of dead cops after an attempted seizure at a couple of houses. Let alone the police unions. She knows that kind of tactic would give the NRA its perfect martyr. I'm frankly not certain I'd become that martyr; who knows what you'll actually do when SWAT plows your door open and your kids are in the next room?

But someone will stand up and get killed, and take some cops down as well. I have no doubt of that, and I think Healey feels the same way. You won't see raids unless (until) she absolutely can't avoid it. I'm not sure I see that happening.

There are quite a few of us that don't have children. And are tired of the non sense.

And now a days with social media, cell phones, email, I hope we will be alerted pretty fast about raids/confiscation.

I thought for sure this would have been Go Time. Maybe confiscation will trigger the alarm?
They have to remember not only did they take an oath to enforce the laws of the commonwealth, but also swore an oath to uphold the constitution.

they don't give a shit. they took the oath to get the job. they couldn't give two shits about the constitution or people's rights as long as they have the badge and the gun.
Based upon the AG's 'guidance', yes, I think the police could use MIRCS data to charge people with violating the AWB. But I really don't think it's likely to happen. I think most agency's would be reluctant to go on fishing expeditions. They're more likely to use the data to screw someone that's already on their radar.

But, I think the biggest reason is that a prosecution that originated from mining MIRCS data would open up a huge legal can of worms. If the right defendant had the right lawyer, the risk of setting precedent unfavorable to the state would be pretty high.
I happen to bump into the licensing officer for my town at the grocery store this weekend. I asked him what he thought about the AG decision. His reaction was like I put a 10 ton truck load of rocks on his shoulders, and he said he knows and that he's the licensing officer. He's actually a good guy and my interpretation of his reaction was he's eating a shit sandwich with the rest of us.
First, the Boston Chief and the other guys in no way shape or form speak for the rank and file officers. They are and always have been Democrat political puppets. So those are not who I'm talking about. I'm talking about the average officers.

And no cop is gonna show up in uniform. Why would they? Showing up at a political event representing the department tends to be frowned upon regardless of the event.

Heard back from a police chief and former head of the Mass Chiefs of Police Association (MCOPA) - he had no advance word about this and didn't find out until he heard about it late Wednesday. So the current head of MCOPA was up there supporting this without the knowledge of the state's police chiefs.
Based upon the AG's 'guidance', yes, I think the police could use MIRCS data to charge people with violating the AWB. But I really don't think it's likely to happen. I think most agency's would be reluctant to go on fishing expeditions. They're more likely to use the data to screw someone that's already on their radar.

But, I think the biggest reason is that a prosecution that originated from mining MIRCS data would open up a huge legal can of worms. If the right defendant had the right lawyer, the risk of setting precedent unfavorable to the state would be pretty high.

Preaching to the choir here but just the fact that it is possible, however unlikely it may be, is enough for the desired chilling effect. We're all living under a guillotine as long as 131M remains law.
Preaching to the choir here but just the fact that it is possible, however unlikely it may be, is enough for the desired chilling effect. We're all living under a guillotine as long as 131M remains law.

This. She knows this well. Don't make the mistake of assuming your enemy is stupid. Maura's execution was flawed, but she thought about this long and hard and her gamble worked on the dealers.
Cross-posting from another thread in case this is missed (sorry)!

Heard back from a police chief and former head of the Mass Chiefs of Police Association (MCOPA) - he had no advance word about this and didn't find out until he heard about it late Wednesday. So the current head of MCOPA was up there supporting this without the knowledge of the state's police chiefs.

He said he has concerns and is reaching out for clarifications.

I spoke to an LEO frend today. He's on our side, mostly. I asked him if he had received any guidance from above on this. He hadn't. I then posed the question of what would happen if an anti cop discovered an AW during vehicle stop. He said you prob wouldn't be arrested, but you weren't getting your property back.

So how does that work, exactly? The cop is going to seize your AR-15 but not charge you with anything? How does he determine that it is an 'assault weapon'? What does he do with the gun, and how does he/you explain what happened to it? On your renewal form how do you account for not having the gun any more?

This isn't at all the same as taking a bag of weed off a teenager and letting them go, but it sounds like your friend thinks it is.
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