Long Range Rifle Question

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When I really want to shoot long distance, I use my M1A Abrams. I mean, I can't believe no one has recommended it yet, but it is THE PERFECT THING FOR A BEGINNER (and 3 of his friends to serve as crew). I mean, there really isn't any recoil as far as I can tell inside the turret with auto-stabilization and my headphones, and that thing can shoot to 1000 yards "out of the box" according to Uncle Sam. If any FUDDs come along to bitch about how I just flattened all the benches, I just pop smoke, hit the .50 (WOOHOO, love .50!!!), and quickly make for the parking lot, crushing anything in my way. That'll teach those pesky sissy bastards and their concerns about "metal plate damage".

And the thing is very very accurate. I mean, I'm not sure what kind of groups I'm getting as I can never actually find the target, or the target frame, or even the berm... But I assume it must be grouping 3" at most, but more likely it holds 1/4" out to 5000 yards with factory ammo. There are a couple of permits and a waiting period, but no biggie. If you are interested, I can bring mine into your house... errr... I mean over your house... errr... I mean up to your house, and then we can go to your gun range and get you banned in no time. Then perhaps I could set you up on a payment plan?

[rofl][rofl]There goes my keyboard, just had to make me laugh with coffee in my mouth didn't ya! And is that considered bolt action?[rofl][rofl]

I vote .223 or .308 to start, Remmington or Savage out of the box, both are great, fun and have tons of aftermarket stuff to play with. If you win the lottery, buy that 50 BMG, all the ammo you want to practice with and enough land to make your own 1000+ yard range, no issues with club rules or worrying about pissing others off (well maybe LE or neighbors) Till then stay small(er), develop good skills and practice to perfect. Not many people have mentioned the scope here, or did I miss it totally? Just my two cents.

BTW to Acme.Armament, I understand you're partial to the 50 but I noticed you are selling one, is your endorsement partly based on this fact?
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Your funny in how you so frequently bash people with 50 BMG rifles. [rolleyes][laugh] That and your whining in your sniperhide thread, " He then called me a FUDD for not liking the .50" when I gave you that name it was because 3/4 of you first response after mine was nothing but 50 BMG bashing. I didn't even recommend that the OP get one, I just said that I was partial to them.

BTW to Acme.Armament, I understand you're partial to the 50 but I noticed you are selling one, is your endorsement partly based on this fact?

Absolutely not based on that. My thoughts and posts here a based on personal experience with 50 BMG and also .416 Barrett rifles.
Your funny in how you so frequently bash people with 50 BMG rifles. [rolleyes][laugh] That and your whining in your sniperhide thread, " He then called me a FUDD for not liking the .50" when I gave you that name it was because 3/4 of you first response after mine was nothing but 50 BMG bashing. I didn't even recommend that the OP get one, I just said that I was partial to them.

Absolutely not based on that. My thoughts and posts here a based on personal experience with 50 BMG and also .416 Barrett rifles.

And they are basically calling you an idiot over there after having read this thread. Not based on what I said, based on reading the thread and your comments.

I'm not bashing .50s, there is nothing wrong with them. I'm just tired of people who don't have a clue and think .50 is the answer. Keyboard snipers.

And you totally recommended the .50 for a beginner, it is right there in the thread, I even quoted it. So stop trying to backpedal, stop trying to "win". Let it go, laugh a little at yourself, and relax. Maybe one day we will run into each other at the range and you can get revenge by putting huge ass holes in my neat little target groups.
Ya, I was trolling on here but got interrupted to give some advice on decent rifles/calibers for beginning to shoot longer distances. On sniper's hide I troll too, but sometimes I get interrupted and give out opinions on some gear I own/bought for the help of others looking to make selections. I'm horrible. I'll go back under my bridge now.
Obviously you have never met Adam and I am guessing never fired a .50

I have met Adam and he's a great guy. He gave me a killer deal on some AR lower transfers a few years back. I don't make it down that way much but if I did I'd visit more. Again, this is not personal (for me anyway) and I have nothing at all against Adam.

I've also shot plenty of .50s, including the full auto variety. They are INSANELY fun to shoot. No argument there. It's still not a beginner rifle, that just is what it is. There are literally no ranges within 100 miles or more that you can shoot a .50 to it's full potential. It'd be like racing NASCAR at Lee Speedway. Silly at best, downright unsafe at worst.

Chalk it up to agree to disagree if you want. Again, nothing personal.
Why must one go to a club range? I know of two places in 25 miles from me I could shoot a .50 and reach out to 1000 yards. If I had Mitt for brains money I would grab a .50 in a heart beat as they are fun and very accurate out to those distances, the nice thing about starting with a .50 is it takes a lot longer to lose its thrill than a .308
Why must one go to a club range? I know of two places in 25 miles from me I could shoot a .50 and reach out to 1000 yards. If I had Mitt for brains money I would grab a .50 in a heart beat as they are fun and very accurate out to those distances, the nice thing about starting with a .50 is it takes a lot longer to lose its thrill than a .308

Up in NH you could probably find some public land with an appropriate backstop. I'll give you that. Just know your backstop and what's beyond it. (WAY beyond it in the case of the .50.)

I'll just add that while I'm still no master class shooter (not yet anyway, though that's one of my goals for 2012) I've learned more about the fundamentals of marksmanship behind a .22LR than any other caliber. Nothing, except maybe an air rifle, stresses the fundamentals more. That's probably why good small bore shooters tend to be excellent highpower shooters.
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That seals it, I am buying a .50 to learn how to shoot 1k+ with, just to piss of the folks in this thread. I am going to shoot it with my tactictroll AK next to me resting on my tactictroll chest rig. I will post pictures and watch people pee themselves and cross post it all over the webz.

Why are people so easily spun up into superiority complexes these days?
That seals it, I am buying a .50 to learn how to shoot 1k+ with, just to piss of the folks in this thread. I am going to shoot it with my tactictroll AK next to me resting on my tactictroll chest rig. I will post pictures and watch people pee themselves and cross post it all over the webz.

Why are people so easily spun up into superiority complexes these days?

I think it's just because it's fun to get pissed off on the internet. [laugh]

I'm just tired of people who don't have a clue and think .50 is the answer. Keyboard snipers.

So they are not for you. When I did recommend the 50 BMG it was because YOU said it was bad for them. You should get it straight. BTW, I'm not "trying to back pedal" or to win, just stating the facts.

I'll go back under my bridge now.


That seals it, I am buying a .50 to learn how to shoot 1k+ with, just to piss of the folks in this thread. I am going to shoot it with my tactictroll AK next to me resting on my tactictroll chest rig. I will post pictures and watch people pee themselves and cross post it all over the webz.

Why are people so easily spun up into superiority complexes these days?


Ak & 50 BMG. Good choices. You'll have many distances covered. Will you'll join another forum and complaing because someone is disagreeing with you?
Maybe one day we will run into each other at the range and you can get revenge by putting huge ass holes in my neat little target groups.

I don't need revenge at all. I'll bring my B/P rifle, but you probably wouldn't like that either as it is .54 caliber!

I think it's just because it's fun to get pissed off on the internet. [laugh]


I don't have to laugh at myself because I get to laugh at them. [laugh]
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I think it's just because it's fun to get pissed off on the internet.

Yes, and it is also funny, and way better than actually concentrating on work. I'm sorry you got so bent out of shape Acme (not for what I said, just that you take it soooo seriously). But you must admit, this was a HILARIOUS thread. And continues to be so. I got called a troll by someone who added nothing useful to this thread other than call me a troll, which in itself is trolling :-D
Yes, and it is also funny, and way better than actually concentrating on work. I'm sorry you got so bent out of shape Acme (not for what I said, just that you take it soooo seriously). But you must admit, this was a HILARIOUS thread. And continues to be so. I got called a troll by someone who added nothing useful to this thread other than call me a troll, which in itself is trolling :-D

I admit, I was trolling.
Yes, and it is also funny, and way better than actually concentrating on work. I'm sorry you got so bent out of shape Acme (not for what I said, just that you take it soooo seriously). But you must admit, this was a HILARIOUS thread. And continues to be so. I got called a troll by someone who added nothing useful to this thread other than call me a troll, which in itself is trolling :-D

I'm just try to be nice. I might start calling you f-king dick too.

Yes, I'm trolling.
Well stop admitting and keep going! HAHAHA. This better not turn into some sappy hug-fest or I'm going to have to go someplace else. Like some PETA forum.
Yes, and it is also funny, and way better than actually concentrating on work. I'm sorry you got so bent out of shape Acme (not for what I said, just that you take it soooo seriously). But you must admit, this was a HILARIOUS thread. And continues to be so. I got called a troll by someone who added nothing useful to this thread other than call me a troll, which in itself is trolling :-D

I didn't get bent out of shape. It is you that appears bent out of shape in the post that got you the 50 FUDD moniker. I'm laughing and shaking my head at you.
HAHAHA, well it was mostly surprise. I mean after your post my drink ended up coming out my nose all over the keyboard and I almost suffered an aneurism! Seriously, there could have been a medical lawsuit.

Being a FUDD isn't an insult, everyone is a FUDD to someone else. Most guys I know consider target shooting in general for FUDDs, if you aren't killing animals then there is no point. Of course I consider sitting in a tree at 5:45am in December when it is 10 degrees outside something that Elmer Fudd would do, but once again, everyone is a FUDD to someone else.

I rather be a ".50 FUDD" than a ".22 FUDD" if I had to pick. I mean, after all, it has .50 in it, right? You might therefore even be jealous :-D
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