Longmeadow MA Alert - CCW - AWB Bans proposed + Gun Registration!

Town Clerk's website should have bylaws on it in a PDF format.

Selectmen/Town Council website should have town warrant articles listed for any upcoming town meeting. You might have to make a phone call or pay a visit however, as by the time it is published, it's a done deal, just awaiting a vote.
This, check with the town clerk, he/she will be know when it is to be posted.
More info:

Longmeadow Massachusetts will be voting at town meeting on May 10th and could vote in some drastic anti-Second Amendment measures. Please see below for more information.

Please see the text of Article’s 26, 27, 28 from the 2016 town meeting warrant (see below). This was sent to us by a member. These articles are an outright assault on your Second Amendment rights. Article 26 would ban lawful carry of firearms on all town property including sidewalks. Article 27 would require gun registration upon renewal of license. Article 28 would ban many commonly owned firearms and magazines

Please know that the warrant is yet to be finalized.

Town Meeting begins May 10, click here for more information.

If you live in Longmeadow please plan on attending town meeting and voting NO on all three articles! See text below.

ARTICLE 26. Citizen Petition To see if the Town will vote to accept a bylaw for gun control on town property that reads, whoever possesses a firearm, rifle, or shotgun in any building owned by the Town, or on recreation area, conservation area, or other grounds owned by the Town, shall pay a fine of $300. The terms “firearm,” “rifle,” and “shotgun” shall have the meanings found in Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 140, section 121, or take any other action relative thereto. This proposed bylaw would prohibit anyone from possessing a firearm (defined under state law as a pistol, revolver, or similar weapon), rifle, or shotgun in a town building or on town property. ATM Warrant – May 10, 2016 Page 6

ARTICLE 27. Citizen Petition To see if the Town will vote to accept a bylaw for gun licensing requirements that reads, each person applying for, or seeking to renew, a license to carry a firearm or a firearm identification card with the Chief of Police or Police Department shall describe in writing each firearm, rifle or shotgun possessed by the prospective license holder. Such description shall include the serial number, make, model, and caliber of each firearm, rifle, or shotgun. The prospective license holder shall also certify that he/she understands and complies with the safe storage requirements of Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 140, section 131L. Whoever fails to provide a description for each firearm, rifle, or shotgun shall pay a fine of $300 for each firearm, rifle, or shotgun which has not been so described. Whoever fails to certify, or falsely certifies, his/her compliance with the safe storage requirements of Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 140, section 131L shall pay a fine of $300, or take any other action relative thereto. Under Massachusetts state law, licenses to carry a firearm (LTCs) and firearm identification cards (FID cards) expire after six years. This bylaw would require new applicants or those seeking to renew LTCs or FID cards to provide a description of each firearm, rifle, or shotgun possessed by the applicant. The bylaw would also require applicants to certify their compliance with the Massachusetts law that requires firearms, rifles, and shotguns to be stored in locked containers or to be similarly secured.

ARTICLE 28. Citizen Petition To see if the Town will vote to accept a bylaw for an assault weapon ban that reads, whoever possesses an assault weapon or a large capacity feeding device shall pay a fine of $300 for each day such assault weapon or large capacity feeding device is possessed within the Town. The possessor of an assault weapon or a large capacity feeding device shall pay a separate fine for each assault weapon and each large capacity feeding device. The term “assault weapon” and “large capacity feeding device” shall have the meanings found in Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 140, section 121. The possession of an assault weapon or a large capacity feeding device is unlawful even if such assault weapon or large capacity was lawfully possessed on or before September 13, 1994. The effective date of this bylaw shall be September 1, 2016, or take any other action relative thereto. Massachusetts state law prohibits the possession of assault weapons and large feeding devices (defined as devices holding large amounts of ammunition) but provides an exception for assault weapons and large feeding devices lawfully possessed on September 13, 1994. This bylaw would eliminate this exception and prohibit all assault weapons and large feeding devices in Longmeadow. The effective date of September 1, 2016 would allow owners of assault weapons and large feeding devices falling within this exception.

all cities and towns should be required to follow the state laws as it is impossible to know the laws and bans associated with 351 cities and towns...they are just trying to turn more law abiding citizens into criminals...
It actually started about 3 years ago in Westford, it's been spreading since. Prior to 2016 GOAL had stopped 12 or 13 towns from passing anti 2A articles during that time span. That might get tripled this year alone the way we're going.

eta, see post #1 for latest info.
all cities and towns should be required to follow the state laws as it is impossible to know the laws and bans associated with 351 cities and towns...they are just trying to turn more law abiding citizens into criminals...

^ This.

Same with hunting, need to check all the bylaws before you go into a new town. Then the towns go off the hinges and start coming up with stuff like this which should be illegal. State law should rule the land none of this town by town BS.
I didn't see any carve outs for law enforcement. It looks like article 26 would have the police paying the city for each of their sidearms and article 28 will have the police paying the city $3000 per day per magazine.
My uncle just applied for hunting and target ltc in longmeadow 3 weeks ago. Yesterday he received a class A with no restrictions. Now i read this, im all confused..
We gotta start making these folks that push this crap as uncomfortable as possible. Harass them at work and home. Ideally tar and feathering would be better, another day another age. But seriously we should be making their lives a living hell.
My uncle just applied for hunting and target ltc in longmeadow 3 weeks ago. Yesterday he received a class A with no restrictions. Now i read this, im all confused..

Fox, this is gonna get ugly. If these nonsense articles pass, then your uncle's LTC is only going to be good for pop tart guns and super soakers.

I hope the residents of Longmeadow are ready to vote these articles down.
My uncle just applied for hunting and target ltc in longmeadow 3 weeks ago. Yesterday he received a class A with no restrictions. Now i read this, im all confused..

It's simple. This is a "citizen petition." In all likelihood it took 10 signatures to get it put on the warrant. It has nothing to do with the CLEO/PD.
We gotta start making these folks that push this crap as uncomfortable as possible. Harass them at work and home. Ideally tar and feathering would be better, another day another age. But seriously we should be making their lives a living hell.
This...and in this moonbat hell hole we'd get charged with harassment, assault, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon (to wit: hot tar), and then for the icing on the cake the wingnuts will go Federal on us, take the feathers to a lab where a bowtied Cambridge scientist will "confirm" that they belong to some endangered species of pigeon....the Feds will charge you with endangering wildlife, animal cruelty etc....License revocation, PP, heavy fine, 6 months jail with 3 years suspended, your kids who are in the 2nd or 4th grade will be shunned and excoriated (YOUR DADDY KILLED THE BIRDIES!!!) etc etc.etc....

(And I'm only being semi-sarcastic, what with this being the CommonPuke of LiberChusetts...Go ahead, tell me you'd be surprised by something like this happening here?)
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I just talked to a buddy of mine from Billerica and mentioned about Lex and Longmeadow. He is a black rifle guy but evidently a fudd. He said he wasn't going to worry about it or pay any attention to it until it comes to his town. I tried to tell him that would be too late, like trying to keep the water out of his stateroom on the Titanic! But again he said there is nothing you can do about it in another town and if it comes to Billerica he would worry about it.

What an A$$, By the time it comes to his town it will be too late. It is the old Jews in Germany thing "first they came for..." I told him that he should watch what the Selectmen are doing and watch their agenda's, he said you cannot attend a Selectmen s meeting but I told him about the open meeting laws and that you have a right under open meeting to be there and even ask questions and give opinions. I may not have alot of scary black guns but "black guns matter"
I am walking the walk, being a RTM and watching the agenda's.

But these people who don't worry until it is in their backyard drive me crazy.
Crime and violence is on the rise in Springfield and they want to disarm and reduce guns & carry?! Have fun with that Longmeadowans.
Here in CT NO TOWN can make laws about firearms, period. Only the State can regulate them (and boy do they!) Is there no law against cities and towns in Massachusetts from passing ordinances that supersede the State's regulations? And not just about firearms, either. What if one town wanted to not only allow but encourage open carry? Could they do that? Could a town just simply make ownership of firearms illegal or require confiscation? Where do their powers begin and end? Seems to me that some of the towns in MA have begun to piggy back on authorities that they don't have the right to excercise. I understand the COP and their "unsuitablity clause" causing issues regarding permits being issued. But, for his town to be able to willynilly set down new laws that exceed the State's laws seems wrong. What's next? Tolls between towns? Special driver's licences for each town so they can get the revenue? I mean where will it end? What is the legal argument that can be proposed to derail Longmeadow's attempt to curtail firearms like that?

That is called "preemption" and there is no law against it in Mass. A town can and does enact laws stricter than state laws. I don't think they can contradict state law but they can go further that the state does.

Yes they could pass a law banning guns, The Mass Superior Court has held there is no individual right to own a gun in Mass, that would require confiscation
Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Whack-a-mole is right. If Longmeadow is successful I really feel for the rest of your state as the uber-liberal communities like Amherst will literally run to the town with charter changes that will affect your rights.

Preemption? Amazing.

Here in CT, one of our cities, New Britain, tried to outlaw concealed carry. Understand that we have NO laws against open carry nor do our laws even mention the word "conceal' anywhere in the regs. But, New Britain tried to ban concealed carry anyway and the state said no......only the state can regulate firearms, period. Many towns have tried (successfully too) to amend the application process for pistol permits by adding one literally pages of requirements such as 3 letters of referral, employer and neighbor interviews, credit checks and even education history. Anything that would intimidate an applicant from applying. Trouble is, one town would comport to the State's simple app process and in the next town, you have to bare your entire history and personal info. It was unfair and discriminatory. The State stepped in and issued an edict to cease and desist all "extra" requirements. We are still fighting this problem because uber-liberal mayors are balking but the law must be followed and no one can be denied a permit if they pass the basic state requirements and it has to be done with 60 days.

Here's the question I think you could have some success with:

How is it that Longmeadow (and the other towns) can discriminate against citizens of the Commonwealth legally? Why is it that citizens in one town are treated differently and are allowed different rights than another. Shouldn't All citizens be covered by the same freedoms and rights within the state's borders? As I mentioned earlier, what's to stop Longmeadow from changing any of the laws that affect it's citizens? Can they require that children go to school on Saturdays? Can they force wine shops to close on weekends? Where does their authority end and the state's authority begin? Seems to me that picking specifically the 2a and limiting it might be a stepping stone to curtailing rights on any of the other amendments of the constitution of which Massachuetts is a member......and original member at that.
In Mass each Police Chief gets to decide whether you are allowed to own guns. One town can say yes and the next town over can say no. We have 354 towns and 354 different standards for gun ownership. They can also decided what hoops to jump through.
Most liquor and wine stores are closed on Sunday's but not all, it is up to each town. The town next to ours has banned all restaurants from selling booze, it is a dry town, the town next to it has plenty of bars...
That is called "preemption" and there is no law against it in Mass. A town can and does enact laws stricter than state laws. I don't think they can contradict state law but they can go further that the state does.

Yes they could pass a law banning guns, The Mass Superior Court has held there is no individual right to own a gun in Mass, that would require confiscation

I don't undersand how with home rule, they are allowed to do this:
With the adoption of Amendment Article 89 and M.G.L. Ch. 43B in 1966, Massachusetts
created some separation from the Dillon Rule. In general, a city or town in the
Commonwealth can exercise a power or function through the approval of its legislative body
(town meeting, city council or town council) and its voters. They can exercise any power
through the adoption of an ordinance, by-law or charter that the state legislature has the
authority to delegate. In the strongest exercise of Home Rule rights, communities can enact
charters (through a charter commission process), without state approval, in order to organize
local government in a way that best meet the needs of their citizens.
However, there are significant limitations. Despite Home Rule, some local actions require
approval of the state legislature. Others are allowed only through local acceptance of state
statutes. In every instance, the legal doctrine of pre-emption prevails. That is, a provision of
local law will stand only so long as it is not inconsistent with the state constitution or general
laws. Lastly, specific constitutional language (Amendment Article 89, Section 7) reserves to
the state sole authority to regulate elections; levy, assess and collect taxes; borrow money or
pledge a municipality’s credit; dispose of parkland; enact private or civil laws; and impose
criminal penalties.
It is worth noting that "home rule" mandated that Boston get approval of the state legislature for the local AW ban.

Expect litigation if some town actually passes a ban.
There! That's what I'm talking about. Thanks, RIMike, for taking the time to post that up. It really clarifies the limits a town can exercise. If that did not exist, there would be no Massachusetts but 354 tiny 'fiefdoms' all ruling their citizens as the citizens allowed through the type of government they've created, Boston be damned. Boy oh boy wouldn't it be great to see Boston having to file suit and testify in FAVOR of the 2a against a town that had dissolved or diluted it to the point of not existing. Imagine that.

Ct has 169 cities/towns. Quite a few less than MA evidently.

I assume the towns pulling this crap are willing to be responsible for our safety at all times then right? Are they willing to be liable for anything that might happen that could otherwise have been prevented with the legal carry or possession of firearms?
I assume the towns pulling this crap are willing to be responsible for our safety at all times then right? Are they willing to be liable for anything that might happen that could otherwise have been prevented with the legal carry or possession of firearms?

Assume away. It'll never happen though.
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