Longmeadow MA Alert - CCW - AWB Bans proposed + Gun Registration!

Jw, the the answer is no. His head (an all those with like afflictions) is just a lump of excrement located two feet or so north of its origin point and eventual resting place.
They don't have a clue and never will. Ask a anti or non-gun owner what the difference is between a rifle, assault rifle, assault weapon, pre ban assault weapon and post ban assault weapon and see what you get. All they know is that black guns with pistol grips are bad. Jack.

They don't even acknowledge the question. They usually pull the "It doesn't matter what it's called or how it works--a child was killed by a bullet from that gun..." line. Just look at the MDA page for further variations of that line. [lol]
Remember Obama said that "if we can save even one life, then it is worth doing"

Well then we need to ban: toilets, 5 gallon buckets, hammers, golf clubs, sticks, cars, stairs, hands/feet, swimming, Doctors...
Remember Obama said that "if we can save even one life, then it is worth doing"

Well then we need to ban: toilets, 5 gallon buckets, hammers, golf clubs, sticks, cars, stairs, hands/feet, swimming, Doctors...

But banning guns will COST more lives that it will save. Guns stop upwards of 1.5 MILLION crimes per year!!

These people think that by taking guns away from law-abiding citizens, that this will decrease crime. There is absolutely NO evidence of this! ZERO! Its nothing more than a supposition!
Remember Obama said that "if we can save even one life, then it is worth doing"

Well then we need to ban: toilets, 5 gallon buckets, hammers, golf clubs, sticks, cars, stairs, hands/feet, swimming, Doctors...

I've always loved the hypocrisy of the "save one life" rhetoric, all the while the guy is running a drone program that zaps innocent people with no mercy.
But banning guns will COST more lives that it will save. Guns stop upwards of 1.5 MILLION crimes per year!!

These people think that by taking guns away from law-abiding citizens, that this will decrease crime. There is absolutely NO evidence of this! ZERO! Its nothing more than a supposition!

The anti's claim there has NEVER been a documented case of self defense with a gun.
I wonder if the requirement to list all your guns and give it to the Police, could that fall under a freedom of information request?

If it does then the town meeting should be told that this info could be requested and made public.

Also does town property include roads?
1. The first of the gun control warrant articles calls for a $300 fine to be imposed on anyone who possesses a firearm, rifle or shotgun in town-owned buildings or on recreation property.
2. The second would require gun owners to provide the police department with descriptions (including the serial number, make, model, and caliber) of each firearm, rifle, or shotgun they own.
3. A third proposed bylaw would ban assault weapons in Longmeadow, and impose a $300 per day fine on people who own them within the town.
The NRA's Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) last month sent out an email condemning the three articles.

"These proposed articles will create unreasonable restrictions on law-abiding gun owners in the neighboring town of Longmeadow," the NRA's email reads. "Please attend the town meeting to support residents in Longmeadow and to prevent the proposed articles below from coming to your town!"http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2016/05/longmeadow_to_hold_town_meetin.html#incart_river_home#incart_m-rpt-1
It would not be surprising to hear a motion for a secret ballot, when these articles are heard. I'd keep an eye out for those who're in favor.
I am not sure how this will work if passed, a list of firearms that you own will have to be submitted to the police. What if the list that is submitted contains an alleged Longmeadow illegal assault weapon? Will the Longmeadow police now come knocking on your door to verify that you no longer have the alleged assault weapon and ask for verification that you have disposed of this Longmeadow illegal firearm. If you don’t have the documentation of disposal will they now write you a citation making you liable to pay $300.00 a day until you are able to submit the proper disposal documentation. What will happen if you decide not to pay? How will that play out, what would the penalty be for not paying the fine? What if you do not include the alleged Longmeadow illegal assault weapon in the list you submit to the police? Will the police then verify your list with the state information? If a discrepancy is found will the police now show up on your door with a search warrant? How will any of this be enforced? Will Longmeadow become some sort of police state with random checking to see if anyone is carrying a firearm on city property? What’s to actually force anyone to comply?
Doesn't the town own the roads? If so they are city property! SO if you have a gun in your car on the way to the range you are violating the law!

Will they set up roadblocks and do gun checks like for drunk drivers?
My God, what a disgusting, vile , vomit inducing human being. He freakin' has "My wife hits me with a shoe every evening until I cry" written on his forehead.

Dude, you were being polite. I would love to go to that TM tonight to watch that bobblehead get smacked down
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