Looking for 1911 suggestions

Thanks all for the info and suggestions. I picked up a new Remington R1 this morning. Took it to the range today and was very very pleased with the first 100 rds I put through it.
Now the only problem is I have to find and fund 45 ammo purchases!
Thanks all for the info and suggestions. I picked up a new Remington R1 this morning. Took it to the range today and was very very pleased with the first 100 rds I put through it.
Now the only problem is I have to find and fund 45 ammo purchases!

You can get Aquilla 230 grain range ammo at Outer Limits in Holbrook. Not that far of a ride from Brookline. If you pick up a bunch it will be worth the ride. They'll sell you a case if you want it. If you buy a case it goes down to $21 per box. I'm not associates with them at all. Just found out about them actually.
Thanks all for the info and suggestions. I picked up a new Remington R1 this morning. Took it to the range today and was very very pleased with the first 100 rds I put through it.
Now the only problem is I have to find and fund 45 ammo purchases!
I will just reiterate everything that was said here already, the Ruger SR1911 is a nice firearm as is the SIG TTT which isn't much more and to me appears to be a nicer firearm. I currently have a SIG 1911 TTT and used to have a Ruger 1911.

I would really suggest a used 1911 by the way of a S&W 1911 or a Colt which would be a few hundred more than the Ruger but a nicer gun with better resale. If you look for a S&W make sure it is an e-series, a gunsmith that I trust told me there are quite a few improvements over the guns with the straight slide cuts and if you shop carefully they are the same price on the used market.

I owned a Auto Ordinance 1911 and it was fine, the stock sights were terrible (like the original) and really needed to be replaced. The more modern 1911s come with nicer sights.

Good choice. The Rems are a good value right now. I have both a R1 and Enchanced and they run flawless. Maybe I got $1100 into the pair, bought the Enhanced pre-owned. I also own Colt's, S&W's and a few other manufacturers but my R1 Enhanced has become a favorite and always goes out to the range with me. Enjoy the pistol.
I love my Sig, too. It's a TTT that I bought at Four Seasons a week before the 2012 elections. Love it! I put an Advantage Arms .22LR conversion on it, and that runs great as well.

check the specs. With the Sig, you get checkering on the front and rear of the handgrip. Night Sights are standard, too. Very good trigger. Mine was under $900.

I saw a nice one at First Defense when I was there Saturday. The wood grips were beautiful.
This is a bit random but is there any scenario where slam fire is possible with a 1911 that has a firing pin block?
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