It's funny, my last post about 24 hours ago I was convinced and set on buying a P225, and today I stopped by a gun shop I hadn't been to before and found a beautiful looking S&W 64-1 for only $200. It was recovered by police in an alley at one point in time, sold at an auction, and the shop owner had just bought it from one of his own employee's who sold it because he didn't like revolvers. It had only been in the store for about 4 hours. I hadn't planned on buying anything at all today, and now have to figure out how to tell the wife I spent $200. She's not exactly a gun-lovin' girl, she isn't anti but would never spend money on one. I feel like I got a pretty good deal on it, I checked my couple-year-old Gun Values book and it lists the 64 as about $290 in 90% condition, and this one is at least that good. It locked up pretty tight, a little play side to side and front to back, but not as much as my Single-six Ruger. It doesn't have the original grips, it's got a pair of Hogue-like plastic grips that I'll probably replace with real wood of some sort. The guy said it was either made in 1976 or 77. No picture yet because i haven't brought it home yet. I hadn't planned on buying anything and had other places to go, so I'm going back tomorrow to get it. Probably stop by the range and shot a box of ammo through it before I go home.