Looking for a 9mm or 357 - help me decide?

That almost makes me want to put these in the safe and put the ol' ugly one's back on it! Maybe I will get those Ahrends just so I'm not worried about hurting these.
Keep in mind that N frame grips generally bring more than K frame grips and yours is a K frame.

That being said, it looks like yours might have come off of a 17-6. I've read that the 17-6 is the only one that had those grips from the factory.

So yeah, those grips are a little scarce.

I find no problem at all with the feel of the grips on my 17-6. Quite the contrary, they feel great and make the gun shoot exceptionally well.

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That raised edge on the speedloader cut is no bother when shooting .22LR out of a 38 - 40 ounce pistol.

Not so with centerfire cartridges.
Finally got my Sig! It's not exactly what I thought I was getting, I thought it'd be labeled as a P6 but it's labeled P225, and the first picture is what I thought I'd get, the next 2 pictures are what I actually got. I had been going back and forth about whether I'd want to add the Pachmayr grips or not, some people seem to like them and others said they made the gun too fat, but I didn't get a choice so I'll shoot it as is and if I decided I want to try the factory grips instead I guess I'll need to buy some somewhere.



I think I'm going to try Brownells GunKote and finish just the slide in gray, it looks ok in pictures but it's got a decent amount of holster wear. I was concerned I bought a lemon when I first looked down the bore, it looked very rusty, but a bristle brush and some CLP and Hoppes and it's nice and clean looking now.
Congrats Kingston 73....You ended up with two good guns.....This forum is a great source of excellent information and great folks....Good Luck and good shooting
Finally had time to go to the range and shoot both, overall not bad for my first 50 shots of each gun. The Smith shot about 2 inches high at 10 yards with 158g LRN, but it was dead on for windage. The trigger is sweet, the single action is the best I've ever felt, and I shot almost as good double action as I did single. It's not great, but I managed a 25 shot DA group of about 4 inches, and an SA group of about 3 inches. I'm pretty sure I'll get better with practice, the only thing I did notice about the smith is it spits lead out the side. Normal for an S&W?

The Sig was fun to shoot also, didn't get as good a group as the smith but not bad for my first time. It was about 2 inches low with 115g FMJ, but again right on for windage. It had a single failure to feed, the very first round didn't feed right but all 49 after that fed fine. The only other issue I had was it locked back one single time with a round left in the mag. Any ideas what causes that? Overall I'm wicked happy with my purchases, now I need to pay up for a range membership so I can go every week.

Almost forgot, the new grips for the Smith were nice, didn't hurt at all. They're a little slippery when my hand's sweating, but with standard 38's at least they felt good.
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The Sig was fun to shoot also, didn't get as good a group as the smith but not bad for my first time. It was about 2 inches low with 115g FMJ, but again right on for windage.

Keep in mind that if you have a dot on the Sig front sight, it's probably setup for the dot, not the tip of the sight, to cover the point of impact.
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