Looking for a nice Ar15 lefty upper

Mar 10, 2025
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Hey folks I’m new here!! A Freind told me to join so I’d figured I’d give it a go. I know I know stupid lefty shooter!! lol! Looking to build another piece to the collection and have been searching for a reliable lefty upper that’s not bottom dollar but also not a fortune. Thank youu
Hey folks I’m new here!! A Freind told me to join so I’d figured I’d give it a go. I know I know stupid lefty shooter!! lol! Looking to build another piece to the collection and have been searching for a reliable lefty upper that’s not bottom dollar but also not a fortune. Thank youu
I’m a lefty and have never used a lefty upper. I do like ambi controls.
The only issue ever encountered with the AR-15/M16 rifles with regard to left or right handed shooting was the lack of a brass deflector on the early "slab side" guns. The military used to issue a plastic brass deflector that snapped into the carry handle for left handed shooters.
The newer upper receivers have long since resolved that problem. It makes no difference whether you are left or right handed, the brass goes away from you.

I'm lefthanded and have never found the need to have a left ejecting AR or any subgun. It's a non-issue. Don't waste your money.
As a fellow lefty if you already have standard (righty) builds then go Rock River. If you don’t already have standard uppers then just forget the lefty thing for now. Everything of consequence you could want ambi is on the lower anyway. Grab a radian raptor and let the shell deflector do it’s job.
As a fellow lefty if you already have standard (righty) builds then go Rock River. If you don’t already have standard uppers then just forget the lefty thing for now. Everything of consequence you could want ambi is on the lower anyway. Grab a radian raptor and let the shell deflector do its job.
I have a lefty now but it keeps jamming on me. We tried four different mags different ammo. Cleaned the shit outa it. Oiled it till it was dripping everywhere. My buddy’s 30rd mag worked the best. Not sure if I gotta get a different buffer or what. But was nailing 400 yards out no problem when it shot.
The only issue ever encountered with the AR-15/M16 rifles with regard to left or right handed shooting was the lack of a brass deflector on the early "slab side" guns. The military used to issue a plastic brass deflector that snapped into the carry handle for left handed shooters.
The newer upper receivers have long since resolved that problem. It makes no difference whether you are left or right handed, the brass goes away from you.

I'm lefthanded and have never found the need to have a left ejecting AR or any subgun. It's a non-issue. Don't waste your money.
So basically just get the standard right sided upper ? The only reason I bought it was it was on the shelf and it was 800 bucks so I said why not.
If you are shooting suppressed and you actually shoot a lot, shooting a RH AR blows, and most folks that put down LH uppers aren't in that category of shooters. There are a number of LH uppers out there -- all you need is the upper itself and a LH BCG. Stag, Gibbz, KAK are just a few of the companies that make LH uppers and BCGs. There are also some other easy mods -- KAK makes a special BCG that deflects gasses downward to some extent. Radian also makes a downward venting charging handle. Can also get an adjustable gas block and a good flow through suppressor. But getting the ejection port on the left is the best route to take and don't let others dissuade you. There's no downside to getting a LH upper other than resale value if that matters to you. If you'd prefer to not inhale gas all the time and end up with carbon on your face, go with the LH upper.
So basically just get the standard right sided upper ? The only reason I bought it was it was on the shelf and it was 800 bucks so I said why not.
Basically, yes. More options, better reliability(apparently?) and easier to sell if you ever want to. The only left handed piece of equipment I own is a Tikka. Even my .22 bolt guns are righty. At that price and for a bolt gun it seemed appropriate to go lefty.
stag arms was making some, but i think an every LG lower will call a $200 or so premium.
not sure why it would be so important, as the LH upper makes more sense not to throw brass in front of your face. but a lower, well, it is not so critical.
I’m just so used to shooting a right handed gun and living in a right handed world

There are some I’ve owned that aren’t lefty friendly
Any right handed bolt action rifle
Aw, c'mon, dive in with both feet[smile]. Buy a few AR tools and build your own, starting with a lefty upper receiver. The satisfaction and pride of doing it yourself will be worth the extra time and $. Then, forever after, you'll be on that slippery slope collecting parts and playing Mr. Potato Head with them.
I’m just so used to shooting a right handed gun and living in a right handed world

There are some I’ve owned that aren’t lefty friendly
Any right handed bolt action rifle
There's no difference between RH and LH shooting for ARs because the lowers are the same. Just a left handed ejection port on the upper. That's the only noticeable difference. If you want an ambi lower, the only real ambi feature is the right-side bolt release and a lot of companies are moving to full ambi controls anyway (e.g., Sig, Noveske, many others). So if you want less gas to the face, it's a no brainer to get a LH upper and BCG and just swap the barrel over.
I wanted a left eject upper cause even with an ambi safety and charging handle, when shooting suppressed, the gas cutting across your face and getting inhaled sucks. Most of it's mitigated by an H2 or H3 buffer but still, having brass eject away from your face on the same side as your cheek to stock is the way to go. If you're not shooting suppressed, really don't need a left eject upper - just make sure to fine tune your weights until brass spits where you want it to go and not on your nose.

Aero did me dirty when I ordered an upper from them, zero communication, took my credit card payment and sat on it for about a month and I had to do a chargeback. I found some small shop boys in Montana to build me a custom one to spec. Very well assembled with a lefty toolcraft nitrided bolt. It says everything's out of stock but get in touch and tell em what you want and they'll make one for you.

I wanted a left eject upper cause even with an ambi safety and charging handle, when shooting suppressed, the gas cutting across your face and getting inhaled sucks. Most of it's mitigated by an H2 or H3 buffer but still, having brass eject away from your face on the same side as your cheek to stock is the way to go. If you're not shooting suppressed, really don't need a left eject upper - just make sure to fine tune your weights until brass spits where you want it to go and not on your nose.

Aero did me dirty when I ordered an upper from them, zero communication, took my credit card payment and sat on it for about a month and I had to do a chargeback. I found some small shop boys in Montana to build me a custom one to spec. Very well assembled with a lefty toolcraft nitrided bolt. It says everything's out of stock but get in touch and tell em what you want and they'll make one for you.
This. If you aren't shooting suppressed, LH is less of any issue though it's still convenient to get the brass going away from you. If you get an adjustable gas block, you won't need to fuss with different buffers and springs. But in all cases it's super easy to just put a barrel on a LH upper and build it yourself.

I had a similar experience with Aero and avoid them now. Also had to do charge back. I heard all the bad stories and yet proceeded anyway. Bad idea.
There's no difference between RH and LH shooting for ARs because the lowers are the same. Just a left handed ejection port on the upper. That's the only noticeable difference. If you want an ambi lower, the only real ambi feature is the right-side bolt release and a lot of companies are moving to full ambi controls anyway (e.g., Sig, Noveske, many others). So if you want less gas to the face, it's a no brainer to get a LH upper and BCG and just swap the barrel over.
I’ve already adapted to running one in RH configuration. The only PITA is the safety. But I really like being able to manipulate my own, and any other AR platform from muscle memory.

Lotta people crap on the M14 platform but it is actually pretty LH friendly out of the box, as an aside
I’ve already adapted to running one in RH configuration. The only PITA is the safety. But I really like being able to manipulate my own, and any other AR platform from muscle memory.

Lotta people crap on the M14 platform but it is actually pretty LH friendly out of the box, as an aside

I throw this on every AR I have.
I’ve already adapted to running one in RH configuration. The only PITA is the safety. But I really like being able to manipulate my own, and any other AR platform from muscle memory.

Lotta people crap on the M14 platform but it is actually pretty LH friendly out of the box, as an aside
There’s nothing to adapt to as between RH and LH as the lowers are the same and you can configure the selector any way you want. Only difference is brass goes left. So there’s nothing for you to adapt to with a lefty upper.
There’s nothing to adapt to as between RH and LH as the lowers are the same and you can configure the selector any way you want. Only difference is brass goes left. So there’s nothing for you to adapt to with a lefty upper.
Fair and yes I understand
But I’ve got 20+ years running them in full RH configuration.
As a lefty (not sure if you’re one) but some things are better to adapt to than change the wheel. Try buying a pair of scissors 🤣
Fair and yes I understand
But I’ve got 20+ years running them in full RH configuration.
As a lefty (not sure if you’re one) but some things are better to adapt to than change the wheel. Try buying a pair of scissors 🤣
If you run suppressed and don’t mind the gas in the face, then I agree no need to change anything.
No suppressors here behind the wall

When I cross that bridge I’ll reconsider it
yup. Like I said, if it’s not bothering you - which I can understand if you aren’t running suppressed - then just keep as is. If you ever are able to run suppressed, particularly on a SBR, you might change your mind.
I have several left eject uppers. I’ll echo what others have said about shooting suppressed. I’ve also looked at it as a safety issue, if there is a failure in the chamber or bolt I’d rather have the opening away from my face.
Do your thing, get what you want! I"m lefty and have a LH upper on an ambi lower and it is great fun.
I've also adapted to RH uppers without any issues!
Not sure if the price is right (or if you can find one) but I also have a Tavor in LH configuration!
I remember at one of the NES Car Shoots, pelting the poor guy on my left with flying brass!! LOL
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