Looking for some scope input.

Dec 27, 2009
Hanging out in VT with my newly adopted GSD Chloe.
Feedback: 7 / 0 / 0
I’m considering trying out this PA scope on a Ruger PR 6.5cm. I’ve used a PA 4-14x on my 308 for years and have found it to be quite satisfactory. For the price, I couldn’t be happier. However, I’ve never used a bdc reticle like the one in the link below. It looks like it would be convenient for PRS matches. Has anyone had any experience with this scope or something similar?

If not that, I’d be going with a Vortex PST with the mil reticle I’m used to. Just exploring options and looking for input.
No experience but that reticle does not look like it would be close enough accuracy at distance for smaller targets for PRS if you ask me. You may be better of with the PST
No experience but that reticle does not look like it would be close enough accuracy at distance for smaller targets for PRS if you ask me. You may be better of with the PST
I did a lot more thinking on the PA today. It looks like fun for plinking steel, but if it's not tuned perfectly for your load, it has to be difficult to be precise enough to compete with.
No experience but that reticle does not look like it would be close enough accuracy at distance for smaller targets for PRS if you ask me. You may be better of with the PST
Im curious is there a standard for target size. I down loaded a PRS rule book but it only went to 600 yards with stage 4 ? States 1.5 moa targets so that is a 9” plate ( 9.423” if using actual MOA 1.047) at 600 yds.
Are you saying tou cant hit a 9” plate with that scope ?
Now for the record I have a hard time with all that clutter of those ,grid,graph, Xmass tree reticles
I loose the target with in that clutter?
I been trying to get a few locals to do a 22lr type prs match here at up to $200 just for fun.
Im curious is there a standard for target size. I down loaded a PRS rule book but it only went to 600 yards with stage 4 ? States 1.5 moa targets so that is a 9” plate ( 9.423” if using actual MOA 1.047) at 600 yds.
Are you saying tou cant hit a 9” plate with that scope ?
Now for the record I have a hard time with all that clutter of those ,grid,graph, Xmass tree reticles
I loose the target with in that clutter?
I been trying to get a few locals to do a 22lr type prs match here at up to $200 just for fun.

I'm not saying that at all. I said it would not be close enough accuracy at longer distances, possible with that scope, yes. But the large dots of a BDC scope and a full mil or 2 between them leaves way too much guesstimating for error. The trees with closer graduations for holdovers works better for when you need to quickly acquire targets at varying distances if you don't have time to dial. If you have the extra seconds it takes to dial, then by all means do that. I think the clutter is a matter of getting used to. I don't like the Horus reticle because of that. I have a Sig Sauer Tango 6 that has a nice reticle and have used it to shoot a stage that began around 280 yds, then gradually went up to 500, 5 targets 2 shots each, I did it by holding under for the first target while zeroed at the second, then holding over three different amounts for the last three. A card with the info on the side helps if you forget the numbers. Usually to shoot these and find the target quickly enough or at all, you need to back off the power and start at 10 or so, if you are shooting in prone position then start low and once you have it , you can increase power of the scope.

Targets do vary in size, I think they use stuff like 6" round, 6" square or diamond, 8" ,10", 12", 24" then there are animals too like coyotes and there are different size IPSC.

We are planning to do a .22 PRS/ NRL type match at Monument Beach this year sometime one of the third Saturday matches. We will utilize some of the props I made last year.

If you set one up at Old Colony and I am available, I am sure I would be interested too.
There are no rules as to target size for PRS matches with the execption of skills stages. PRS came up with 3 or 4 standardized stages meant to be used as tie-breakers. There is typically only one of those stages per match. The rest of the targets are up to the match directors discretion.

The tree type reticles most commonly used don’t obscure the targets at all. I’ve even used a tree-type reticle to shoot NRA Highpower. Those type of reticles are very helpful when holding for elevation AND wind.
I'm not saying that at all. I said it would not be close enough accuracy at longer distances, possible with that scope, yes. But the large dots of a BDC scope and a full mil or 2 between them leaves way too much guesstimating for error. The trees with closer graduations for holdovers works better for when you need to quickly acquire targets at varying distances if you don't have time to dial. If you have the extra seconds it takes to dial, then by all means do that. I think the clutter is a matter of getting used to. I don't like the Horus reticle because of that. I have a Sig Sauer Tango 6 that has a nice reticle and have used it to shoot a stage that began around 280 yds, then gradually went up to 500, 5 targets 2 shots each, I did it by holding under for the first target while zeroed at the second, then holding over three different amounts for the last three. A card with the info on the side helps if you forget the numbers. Usually to shoot these and find the target quickly enough or at all, you need to back off the power and start at 10 or so, if you are shooting in prone position then start low and once you have it , you can increase power of the scope.

Targets do vary in size, I think they use stuff like 6" round, 6" square or diamond, 8" ,10", 12", 24" then there are animals too like coyotes and there are different size IPSC.

We are planning to do a .22 PRS/ NRL type match at Monument Beach this year sometime one of the third Saturday matches. We will utilize some of the props I made last year.

If you set one up at Old Colony and I am available, I am sure I would be interested too.
Nice, i been trying to get down your way for some of your events. Hope fully this year theres not a dozen parties/weddings/events going on.
I doubt I will get anything going anytime soon.
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