Looters...More reason you need to protect yourself

Powerless homes tempting for NH thieves

By WHDH-TV Staff and Associated Press
updated 5:49 p.m. ET, Tues., Dec. 16, 2008

DERRY, N.H. - Police in several New Hampshire towns have seen in an increase in burglaries as thieves take advantage of empty homes without electricity.
In my team meeting Wednesday, one of my coworkers came out with this:
"I was walking around my house with a golf club in my hands in case of looters. I needed it even more at 11 PM after power came back on and my house was one of the only houses lit."

Mind you, this is the idiot who keeps making fun of my being a gun owner. And he sees nothing ironic in the above statement... [rolleyes]

When talking about the next day, when we lost power at work (Sunday), his comment was "I had to make the decision to come here or stay and defend my family." I've seen pix of his wife... He's doubly an idiot for coming in. I'd have stayed with her.
So glad I can open carry to home depot and lowes :) I don't think anyone would follow me with my 500 S&W on my belt.
Hey, when did you get the hand cannon?

Let me tell you , if lived in NH and i had heard of people looting, oh boy, that would be the perfect excuse to have USMC flashbacks and get away w it. I can see it now all decked out in my combat gear patroling my own neighborhood armed. It would be fun. besides My neighbors would think I am nuts but feel safe knowing some one is on gaurd.
Feel free to come and patrol my neighborhood, Marine! I'd have the hot coffee waiting for you.
"Town Police. You are being recorded. What is the nature of your emergency?"

"Got me a couple of them looters. No rush, they were dead before their decapitated bodies hit the ground. Just wondering what I need to keep before I feed the pigs."

"Ah... I'm sending a car right over sir."
Probably a stupid question..
But, hypothetically. If you are in your own home. Without power, phones down (cell and land lines). Roads largely, impassable. A (presumed) looter, or someone that has no business being on your property, or possibly in your house confronts you.

Does the use of justification for use of deadly force change?
Without phone or power, no alarms, no way to call police, emergency people.
Roads laregly impassable, access to urgent medical care not available.

And to tag off of lemans.. If you have a generator, providing you with heat, and possibly survival.. does defending the generator, constitue defending your life?

Without getting into "shoot, shovel, Shut up", Thoughts??
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Considering we just got our power back yesterday, I can relate to this. If the power is out and my only means to keep my family warm is the generator in my driveway, I will protect it. You can take that how you want, but protecting my family will always come first, legal issues will be second to that. I have no regard for someone who want's to take life support from my family for their own gain.

Thankfully there is only one road in and out of my subdivision. Many are well armed. You wouldn't know the power was out here since 90%+ of the people here were powering their homes with generators.
Probably a stupid question..
But, hypothetically. If you are in your own home. Without power, phones down (cell and land lines). Roads largely, impassable. A (presumed) looter, or someone that has no business being on your property, or possibly in your house confronts you.

Does the use of justification for use of deadly force change?
Without phone or power, no alarms, no way to call police, emergency people.
Roads laregly impassable, access to urgent medical care not available.

Without getting into "shoot, shovel, Shut up", Thoughts??

Forced entry = open season

Tresspassing outside my not be sufficient, even under those circumstances, to present the typical fear in a "reasonable person" jury. Once there's a weapon or other physical evidence of intent to harm, like a kicked in door, fence, etc., then have at it. Castle doctrine state, you'd probably need at least evidence of partially successful forced entry. Make my day state, you probably just need attempted (even if incompetent or failed) forced entry.

Someone entering your home to steal and potentially endanger your life while you are home without power is no different than someone entering your home to steal and potentially endanger your life when there is power
"Town Police. You are being recorded. What is the nature of your emergency?"

"Got me a couple of them looters. No rush, they were dead before their decapitated bodies hit the ground. Just wondering what I need to keep before I feed the pigs."

"Ah... I'm sending a car right over sir."

I work with a guy who lives in New Ipswich - from his description of what a bunch of the people in town are like: your post sounds like it must have been taken directly from their police log.

He says that up in that area the National Guard has been patrolling the streets - and there have been incidents of people coming right into occupied homes and "looting" things while the people were there.
Someone entering your home to steal and potentially endanger your life while you are home without power is no different than someone entering your home to steal and potentially endanger your life when there is power

yes but... What about someone in the process of stealing your generator, (potentially your families life support system)?

Or as medical attention will not be forthcoming, is the bar of what might consititue "Life threatening" therefore lowered?
yes but... What about someone in the process of stealing your generator, (potentially your families life support system)?

Or as medical attention will not be forthcoming, is the bar of what might consititue "Life threatening" therefore lowered?

Were you truly in fear of your life or the life of a loved one? If you can answer yes that is the gauge I would use. If were are without power for an extended period during freezing cold nights and that generator is your only way to keep warm, I would say that is a real threat. Of course much of the legal ramifications are up to the prosecutor, your legal council, and what you can make a jury believe.

It depends, does the prosecutor want to press charges? Do you have a good lawyer? Did you keep your mouth shut when the police arrived? I would think if the worse happened and you were charged, it would depend on your situation. Is it just you in the house, or your family? Could you easily get to a shelter? Is there elderly or very young children in the house? Does anyone in the house have any medical devices that require electricity?

I personally have an infant son that requires an inhaler with a nebulizer that requires electricity. So for me yes, I would feel threatened if some piece of shit scumbag wanted to take this away from my family. Keep in mind I didn't say I would use deadly force, but simply that I will keep my family safe. That being said most of these cowards would beat feet rather than be confronted, so the option is leave or continue the process of taking my stuff and escalate the situation to a point where I need to defend myself.

In short there is NEVER a clear cut simple answer.
I was without power till wednesday night. Us and a lot of our neighbors had generators, and the ones that didn't went to the shelter or stayed with family. As far as I am aware, there were no break-ins or thefts of generators in my area. So I guess I lucked out. I'm in Gardner MA, and I always thought my area was a likely canidate for this sort of crime.
I would defend my families power and heat, but chances are the low lifes will turn tail the instant the back door opens.
I was thinking the same thing - what is up with NH? Reports of generators being stolen, I have heard the National Guard was patrolling some towns, I got stories from a few people I know who talked about incidents at Home Depots, etc.

Is this all the MA idiots who moved up there going on a panic? I didn't see anything like this down here. Up the street from me one of the utility companies left a nice 3000W Honda generator sitting at the bottom of a pole sometime Saturday - as of last night it is still sitting there and nobody has touched it.

If reports are to be believed it seems like MA was a more sane place to be in this case than NH was.

I have seen that generator, you must be close by.
Pair tries to steal generator
By Jim Patten
[email protected]


December 18, 2008 10:42 pm

HAVERHILL — An Observatory Avenue resident told police that he heard his generator stop and when he went out to check on it, he spotted two men trying to disconnect it and steal it.

Both men were wearing black hooded sweatshirts.

He told police he chased the men out of his yard and they ran down Observatory Avenue and turned left onto Washington Street.

Police said Observatory Avenue and several surrounding streets were without power and the area was in darkness at the time of the incident.

The attempted theft was reported at 1:12 a.m. Tuesday, police said.
yes but... What about someone in the process of stealing your generator, (potentially your families life support system)?

Or as medical attention will not be forthcoming, is the bar of what might consititue "Life threatening" therefore lowered?

Jump in front of the vehicle. Now they are trying to run you over, head shot for 10 pts and GTF out of the path of the car.
Caught four guys stealing downed wires a few days ago, they don't care that copper isn't worth as much anymore or that they are making it take four times longer to restore power.

I'd find it quite enjoyable if one of those lines was still live when they grabbed on to it. But then, that's just me.

Looters should be shot on sight by police or citizens, 'Pour encourager les autres' as the French say.
Migmojo; the generator is used to power slc systems for pair gain telephpne systems,when the unit loses power it switches to battery backup ,for about 24hours.the batterys are dead now.verizon then uses portable power, No gererator no telephone or alarms for about 1800 lines.
My brother's been babysitting 4 houses in East Bum Fawk NH with a couple of other guys all of them carrying shotguns and M-4's. The Mass-plated vehicles just roll on by for some reason.

You mean, you are actually in your yard in full view carrying M4's? And a 200-person swat team with APC's doesn't quickly show up? I so much want to move to NH!
Migmojo; the generator is used to power slc systems for pair gain telephpne systems,when the unit loses power it switches to battery backup ,for about 24hours.the batterys are dead now.verizon then uses portable power, No gererator no telephone or alarms for about 1800 lines.

I figured it was for something like that. I knew it wasn't the cable TV or internet - since those were out during this whole thing. The only utilities that still worked for us were the cell phone, landline phone, water - and natural gas. Electricity and anything cable related was out.
I'd find it quite enjoyable if one of those lines was still live when they grabbed on to it. But then, that's just me.

Looters should be shot on sight by police or citizens, 'Pour encourager les autres' as the French say.

Ha. Same thought ran through my head too. [smile]
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