LTC Question

Took me 49 days from date of application. It was issued in early august but I did not actually receive the card until September 1st.
I don't know at what point I was approved but the process went like this...
I had an 8am appointment on a thursday.
The Sgt. asked me 2 questions, (1) Is your application complete and singed? <yes> (2) Do you have your check for $100? <yes>

He took my app did some stuff on the computer, couldn't get the camera to work, asked me to come back the following morning.

I did, he printed me, took my picture told me that my ID would come with a PIN number in about 30 - 45 days... ~3 weeks later I got a call from the PD to go pick up my LTC. It was LTC-A ALP, quite the pleasant surprise.

I've since moved and don't think it'll be quite that easy when I need to renew in 4 1/2 years.
Took me around 100 days... It really depends on the where you apply.

ETA: Welcome to the forum... [wink]
[shocked] That long? How the hell did you pull that one off?

I asked the same question. Apparently, I hit it just right. My local police processed it right away and it got to the state as they were processing them. From what I understand, the state does them in "batches" so even if your local police send it in right away, it could sit for a while.

Either that or I'm special.
Took me almost 5 months in Boston for my last renewal..

That is BOSTON; I am sure CHSB was not responsible for that delay. Having checked on delays before, I have always found the delay was the town either not submitted when filed or not acting on the CHSB clearance.
I imagine some place you hit a double batch system. First, the locals will wait until they have a big enough batch to send to the state. Then, the state will wait until they have a big enough batch to process. Just a wild guess though.
I imagine some place you hit a double batch system. First, the locals will wait until they have a big enough batch to send to the state. Then, the state will wait until they have a big enough batch to process. Just a wild guess though.

I figure by "state" you mean the Criminal History folks. Having spoken with some people there, they are just as fed up with the local PDs as we are! How would you feel if people were always blaming you for not processing paperwork you never even got? [thinking]
100 Days; after repeated useless phone calls and a number of in-person visits.

The majority of that time was spent "waiting for the CHSB". They must've been waiting for them to come pick it up, because it sat buried on someone's desk for about 2 months.
100 Days; after repeated useless phone calls and a number of in-person visits.

The majority of that time was spent "waiting for the CHSB". They must've been waiting for them to come pick it up, because it sat buried on someone's desk for about 2 months.

You were being lied to by the PD. CHSB churns them out as they get them in. This isn't the first time I've heard of an app "being processed" when, in fact, it was sitting in a folder, untouched since the day the PD took it in.
My renewal took about two months here in MA. I sent in an application for a non-res LTC in New Hampshire on a Monday and got it back that Saturday...


You were being lied to by the PD. CHSB churns them out as they get them in. This isn't the first time I've heard of an app "being processed" when, in fact, it was sitting in a folder, untouched since the day the PD took it in.

This is 100% truth. The first few phone calls resulted in them "checking on my app status" while I was on hold. They placated me with the typical nonsense about delayed processing etc. I have no doubt that they didn't even take the time to check ANYTHING. They're programmed to ask how long you've been waiting, and return: "the typical wait time has been <your answer + 2 weeks>". After 80 days, I decided to stand there and insist that they check the status while I waited. Lo and behold, an office search yielded my app in a folder on someone's desk... never even sent out.

10 days later they had the affirmative response from CHSB. 10 days after that, they had my permit in hand.
I was out to sea when mine arrived at the PD, but it was right around 30 days.

Vector is still wating for for his LTC, and it's getting up on 70 days, and he's been finger-printed 3 times now.


-Weer'd Beard
I have to confess, Somerville sucks on its limited ability to dole out ALPs, but I've never heard of anyone waiting more than 40 calendar days to get their license.

I got my castrated license at around 30 days, Patrick just renewed and also got it around 30 days. But his has balls now! [smile]

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