LTC renewal issuance date forward dated?


NES Member
Feb 9, 2020
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Just had a weird encounter trying to do a private transfer as the seller. I put my (seller) information and his (buyer) information in the gun transfer portal and get kicked back with this message:

"The BUYER must contact the licensing authority (police department) that issued the BUYER's license for additional information"

So now I'm thinking, wtf, I have this guy's LTC in my hand and it's not expired or anything. I ask him what's going on and he said he doesn't know, he literally just got it renewed and this was his newly issued one.

Then I take a look at his Issue date on the top, and it's forward dated (July 2023). They "issued" his renewal on his birthday in July, but obviously that's almost 2 months away. Is this normal? I'm still on my first issuance and haven't had to renew yet. Is his LTC not valid until July? That doesn't make sense. Did his issuing dept f*** up his renewal? Or was there another reason I got that error message I posted earlier?
I'll assume that this is MA we're talking about ... yes, they will issue your renewal with a date that immediately follows the expiration ... so yes, you need to carry the old one until it expires and then go to the new one.
I think (but can't recall for sure) that the number stays the same ... but then I have a non-resident one, so that part might be different.
Thank guys. Im texting with him now, he confirms they are different numbers. We're gonna give it another go tomorrow with the old one.

FWIW: The PIN changes with renewal as well.

ETA: The license can be checked at the portal to see if it’s valid before you waste more gasoline.
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