M&P 45...Man is it sweet

I've heard rumors to this too, but I don't get it. If a dealer won such a ruling:

1. Why wouldn't he advertise the fact? He would be the busiest shop in the state.

2. Why wouldn't the same ruling apply to all other dealers?

Maybe he doesn't want to devote that kind of time to the business?

Also, I think there are some rulings that wouldn't set a statewide precedent
Bad News, I was told today by my "mole" inside S&W that the AG is demanding a 10 lbs. trigger. Obviously S&W said b/c it has a thumb safety it did not need the ridiculous trigger and started to sell them. I just don't see how the AG can justify this completely B.S. demand. What about 1911's?[rolleyes]

Onces again this state SUCKS, Thank you Martha for keeping me safe from myself, you useless POS.[frown][angry]

Goodness gracious. I hope S&W grows a set a b*lls and stands up to the AG.
I wonder if you could make the argument that a excessively heavy trigger pull actually makes the shooter more inaccurate due to the force required to pull the trigger. Hand shake etc
The thumb safety and LCI should suffice and cover the issue but who knows what the AG's "firearms experts" think.

And Martha I take back my POS comment, I don't think you are a POS just uniformed and deluisional on the subject.[smile]
The guys at Four Seasons yesterday said the whole thing revolved around paperwork and they are just waiting to get the ok to proceed from S&W.
I was in NE Trading yesterday, the S&W rep was there for the day for a "Sale", He claimed that the A.G. was giving them crap about the trigger pull weight even though it has a manual safety. They're hoping to get it worked out without having to up it to a 10# trigger. In other news, he said the compact .45 is more than likely a year from being on the roster, and the Walther PPS is being submitted and could be ready for MA sales as early as September.
Let's hope that we can get this "paperwork" done soon. About 4 months ago I bought one of the M&P 9mm compact. I have to say, the trigger is the worst I have ever used. My trigger pull measured almost 15lb! Pretty much impossible to shoot. I got somewhat lucky and found a standard sear from Brownell on line. It now is still close to 10lb but at least usable for home defense and occasional range shooting. Frankly, I don't really like the gun and would trade it for a G19 in a heartbeat. For now the M&P 45 is my hope. If it is to be had with a 6lb trigger, I will get it. If not, no way! Would rather pay though the nose for a used glock!
Let's hope that we can get this "paperwork" done soon. About 4 months ago I bought one of the M&P 9mm compact. I have to say, the trigger is the worst I have ever used. My trigger pull measured almost 15lb! Pretty much impossible to shoot. I got somewhat lucky and found a standard sear from Brownell on line. It now is still close to 10lb but at least usable for home defense and occasional range shooting. Frankly, I don't really like the gun and would trade it for a G19 in a heartbeat. For now the M&P 45 is my hope. If it is to be had with a 6lb trigger, I will get it. If not, no way! Would rather pay though the nose for a used glock!

Sureshot... I've posted this a few times. Yes, the "std" sear ASSEMBLY is NOT the only thing the forgot to include in the MA guns! Replace the trigger return spring and trigger bar... the MA
trigger return spring has bigger coils than most trucks!!!
I like the M&P45 enough that if they can't get this variation past the AG I will still buy one with the bad trigger and get it fixed. I just hope if it comes to that S&W has the heavy triggers ready to go in the thumb safety model.

From what I hear we should know by the middle of the week, but this is MA so who knows?
If I should buy one (and I think I'll hold off til the M&P .45c is out) I'd get the trigger worked on anyway by Dan Burwell or our own Greg Derr. That 3.5# pull spoils you...
Let's hope that we can get this "paperwork" done soon. About 4 months ago I bought one of the M&P 9mm compact. I have to say, the trigger is the worst I have ever used. My trigger pull measured almost 15lb! Pretty much impossible to shoot. I got somewhat lucky and found a standard sear from Brownell on line. It now is still close to 10lb but at least usable for home defense and occasional range shooting. Frankly, I don't really like the gun and would trade it for a G19 in a heartbeat. For now the M&P 45 is my hope. If it is to be had with a 6lb trigger, I will get it. If not, no way! Would rather pay though the nose for a used glock!

Just take it to a gunsmith and have it fixed! For goodness sake.

Greg Derr will fix it for less than $100. Or send it to Burwell. Or call up LaRocca.
Lugnut, M1911:

I know that I also need the "standard" trigger bar and spring. Unfortunately as soon as I figured that out, the supply was dried up and I was unable to buy the "normal" trigger bar and spring.

I know that I can sent it out and have the trigger worked on but it seem nuts to have to ship a new gun to a smith just to make it usable. Having said so, if I can't get a trigger bar and spring soon I probably will do so.

That is one reason I love glocks, trigger can easily be changed by anybody!
That is one reason I love glocks, trigger can easily be changed by anybody!

Same with the M&Ps... there's just a supply issue going on with all the demand. ;)

Not to keep beating the dead horse... but honestly... I like my M&P triggers better than the Glock's.
I know that I can sent it out and have the trigger worked on but it seem nuts to have to ship a new gun to a smith just to make it usable.

Most revolvers need a trigger job out the box as well. Unfortunately that is the legal climate we are in.
I was in NE Trading yesterday, the S&W rep was there for the day for a "Sale", He claimed that the A.G. was giving them crap about the trigger pull weight even though it has a manual safety. They're hoping to get it worked out without having to up it to a 10# trigger. In other news, he said the compact .45 is more than likely a year from being on the roster, and the Walther PPS is being submitted and could be ready for MA sales as early as September.

I heard the Walther PPS mentioned in another post and replied with this (God I hope I'm wrong):

I was talking to Earl @ Earl's Repair Service in Tewksbury. (He sells just about everything made by Walther) He said the PPS will NEVER be available in MA because it is SAO (like a Glock trigger) and will never pass the drop test.

I don't know why they didn't make it with the AS trigger like the new P99s, like a thinner, single stack P99c. I can't see how it can get much better than that.

It's too bad, it looks like one of the thinest 9mms out there and would be a much better summer carry piece than my .38 snubbie or a PPK with the neutered .380 round.


Any other suggestions for a better summer carry piece than a .38 snubbie? The cylinder is just too wide and when carrying IWB makes my pants look funny. Maybe a better holster would do it, but I was looking forward to having a singlestack, DA/SA with 7-8 round capacity rather than a 5 round DAO 10lb trigger with useless sights (the laser grips help alot, though).
I was talking to Earl @ Earl's Repair Service in Tewksbury. (He sells just about everything made by Walther) He said the PPS will NEVER be available in MA because it is SAO (like a Glock trigger) and will never pass the drop test.

A glock is not a SAO trigger. Not anywhere close. The striker does not have enough tension on it in it's "loaded at rest" position for the
gun to fire. It's more like an "assisted DAO" when you look at the internals- basically a spring is there to "help" you pull the striker

I don't get why he thinks that the PPS is so bad that it wouldn't
pass the MA drop test. It probably has at least an FP safety in

IMO it will probably make it on the EOPS list but might never make
it past that. If it does get there, though, that's a huge improvement.

drgrant is right, no offense to Earl but he has no idea what he is talking about and his statement if completely false. If Walther wants to put a 10 pound trigger in it the earliest you will see it is Sep. and if not then probably march of next year.

I can't imagine any gun manufacturer making a modern firearm that can't pass the required tests.
Any update to when the AG will allow the .45 M&P to be sold? I have been holding out to buy one since they first came to the market to the rest of the country over a year ago. Hopefully the AG will allow them to be sold without a 10lb trigger. Otherwise we will be waiting several more months for S&W to make the changes then resubmit them for approval.
drgrant is right, no offense to Earl but he has no idea what he is talking about and his statement if completely false. If Walther wants to put a 10 pound trigger in it the earliest you will see it is Sep. and if not then probably march of next year.

I can't imagine any gun manufacturer making a modern firearm that can't pass the required tests.

Boy, I hope it (Walther PPS) ends up available. I'll be one of the first to get it. Looks like the perfect summer CCW.

Back on topic:

Isn't the M&P limited to 10 round mags (or does it not hold more than that anyhow)?
Just got off the phone with Ware Gun and they said it is a no go. They said "it will be another year before the can sell them."

If indeed it is going to be another year then that would probably mean our beloved AG wants the 10 pound trigger and S&W has to make them first.

Anyone else heard any thing?


I hate this state...
I just called Nick's (who is holding mine) and they said "there will be a message released on Tuesday about the situation".

So there might still be hope.

I hate this state...
It also sounds like a golden opportunity for MA dealers to get together to punch the AG in the face legally. This "blocking" even
contradicts the AG's own regulations- even in an MA court that has
to mean something.

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