M&P 9 Potential Problem - Advice needed

Oct 25, 2007
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Hi Guys,

I need some technical advice on M&P 9. Its relatively new (approx 500 rounds) and when i shoot the gun to slide lock, drop the mag, and insert a new one, the slide is releasing and loading the first round. I can't seem to replicate this any other way though. For example, if I lock the slide back with no mag, I can slap, hit, jiggle the gun and it won't release. Also if the mag is empty the slide won't release. Its only when the mag has a round in it does the slide automatically release when the mag is seated. Is this by design? Anyone else experiencing this? I've never had this happen to any of my other guns so I'm not sure what the problem is.
This has been reported previously, I don't remember if S&W sees this as a warranty issue. Both of my M&Ps do this on occasion, I look at this as saving me a step. I don't have to rack the slide while doing a mag change after shooting to slide lock.
I've seen it on other guns too and always thought it was a feature. If I very gently push the mag up and in, then the slide didn't move forward, but normally it'd move forward and set me up to continue firing right away.

My MP9 doesn't do this though, so maybe this is a "problem". I prefer that a gun do something because it was designed to do it, not because something went wrong that just happens to have an accidental benefit.
Mine will do that occasionally too - but only if I really slam the mag in and only with some of my mags. I've got 4 - the 2 that came with the gun and the 2 I got through the rebate deal. The ones that came with the gun are the ones that do it - they're 'slicker' for want of a better word. They've got a very glossy finish to the metal. I noticed the 2 I got via the rebate have a more satin finish and I haven't been able to get the gun to do it with them. Don't know if it's coincidence or what but worth noting.

Just make sure she's pointed down range when you load and don't worry. I too consider it a plus - one less step in a quick reload.
Thanks guys for the replies and advice. Good to know some other guns are doing it as well and it may not be as big of a deal. It doesn't really bother me per say but I'm trying to get used to using the gun for IDPA. I'm a CDP shooter so when I practice it continues to catch me by surprise as I'm used to having to release the slide on my 1911. I've still got that hesitation of "wait what just happened" when I jam in my next mag.
I have the full size and compact M&P in 40 S&W, the slide goes forward on both when I insert the magazine.
mine does NOT do this. if it did, i don't think i'd mind though.

-M&P9c :)

*my brother and a buddy have M&P40's and theirs do NOT do this either. wierd thing, one has a mag disconnect safety, one does NOT.
Mine will do this too, usually after going through a couple of mags' worth of ammo. I always figured it was carbon buildup or something. I only worry about it when I have a noob shooting. They don't always keep the booger hook off the bang switch.
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