esOK, so now I finally got Imgur working again. Here's the HRA M1 purchased from a friend- serial number ~5.6M puts it at 1955, LMR barrel produced 3/55, ME 2 and TE 1. Put it in the DuPage stock given to me at CEATS in Vermont. Other rifle is my USMC 1941 clone project now in an old pre-WW2 C-stock.
I applied all the CMP-legal accurizing tricks I have learned from folks like
@mac1911 and someone we refer to as the Spaghetti King. Memorial Day means milsurps to the range for me, so I broke this in with some Greek HXP surplus ammo. I shot my most crappy HXP, a batch of '77 that came in the enblocs. Accuracy was pretty damn good considering the ammo. Shot a couple 3-shot ~1/2" groups with a couple 'flyers' out there to make no worse than 2.1" 5-shot groups at 100 yards, off the bench. This one will go into rotation for CMP matches.