M1 Garand Megathread

I am in Western Mass a little above Springfield.

This won't be a match rifle, but I think he is a little disappointed from our first outing. He was all over an IPSC target from 50 yards, offhand.

Hopefully we'll get out later today. This time we will fire from a rest.
Isolate whether it's the gun or the shooter. Shoot it from the bench, preferably a skilled shooter, if it dramatically improves then save your money and spend it on practice ammo. The garand is a heavy gun, and just based on my observations, there seems little emphasis placed on proper form and fundamentals in younger shooters (20-30). I saw an example of this recently, someone was telling a new shooter to keep their elbow down and tucked in. Sure, if you're clearing rooms with an AR, but bullseye shooting with a heavy rifle, No. Keep your elbow up and learn how to use a sling properly.
I am in Western Mass a little above Springfield.

This won't be a match rifle, but I think he is a little disappointed from our first outing. He was all over an IPSC target from 50 yards, offhand.

Hopefully we'll get out later today. This time we will fire from a rest.
How well does he shoot off hand to begin with ? If your son was handed a 50 yard match rifle like a Anchutz 54 - dating myself a bit. Cn he keep them in the black of a 4" aiming black at 50 yards ?
IPSC target ----toss that thing. My personal feelings is these torso targets get a "hit on target" mentality grained in vs Aim small hit small.

Take a large clean backer and put a 3" bull at 50 yards and see what happens.

Also when you go to bench test it support the rifle just forward of the trigger guard and rear of the sling swivel. I see so many shooters rest the front hand guard on the rest.

Make sure all is tight that should be.

My recent SG SA tag says +2 and +3 respectfully up until I screwed up I was hitting the 10 ring of the SR at 200 yards.
I will be shooting this rifle again on the 12th this time I hope not to mess up my reload on the rapid stage.

View: https://youtu.be/DVf95NjQbp4

that rifle is here
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I am in Western Mass a little above Springfield.

This won't be a match rifle, but I think he is a little disappointed from our first outing. He was all over an IPSC target from 50 yards, offhand.

Hopefully we'll get out later today. This time we will fire from a rest.
Theres a clinic at OCSA on the 12th bring son, rifle , sling , ammo
and lets run that rifle . Mountain makes the trip and hes a bit northwest of you.
I am in Western Mass a little above Springfield.

This won't be a match rifle, but I think he is a little disappointed from our first outing. He was all over an IPSC target from 50 yards, offhand.

Hopefully we'll get out later today. This time we will fire from a rest.
Also keep in mind
The armory used the best lots of ammo for testing - M2 ball passed if it average under 5moa shot through a accuracy device
M1 garands where sent out the door if it could hold a 5 shot group under 5.5” at 100 yards from a mechanical rest. The SR targets is 6moa for a reason.
Now toss in 70 plus years , old ammo and all that ——- expectations can be high for a rifle and ammo that was GTG at 5moa

View: https://youtu.be/jmiVuP_GXzA
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Does anyone here have a muzzle gauge for an M1?

My son did the field expedient test to the barrel on his rifle (using a loaded round) and he said that the bullet went all the way in to the case.

He wants to order a new barrel like right now but I'd rather do a little more testing before we jump into that solution.
It would be prudent to order one now. That bore ain't gonna get any smaller...

Just don't install it until you are ready... ;)

Maybe a .308?

M1 Garand Barrels | USGI & Criterion
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After five months tomorrow is going to be the big day (hopefully). Only downside is it also happens to be my shooting buddies first day of school. So I might have to wait till the weekend for the range report. Fingers crossed for nice rifles…. Looks like a SA 9/42 and a post war H&R. Never the less I’ll be happy.
For all the new Garand owners, even if you don't plan on being a regular competitor you can learn much about the M1's and how to shoot them effectively by attending one of the local matches / clinics. Others feel free to add, but the ones I can think of:
  • Old Colony, Pembroke MA
  • Hanson, MA
  • Ames Rifle & Pistol, Easton MA
  • Chicopee MA
Probably there are others in New England that can be found in the CMP competition tracker.
I ordered a Service Grade at the beginning of May - beat the Out of Stock deadline (I think); Have not heard anything yet. It is my understanding that FGs are shipping more quickly than SGs.
Theres more field grades than anything if the “reports” are at all correct.
The good thing is it looks like alot of field grades have new or close to new barrels
I just looked it up. I sent in my paperwork on 5/18. I received the paperwork received email on 5/20. My order was processed on 7/19.
Got it, I sent my paperwork in a few weeks before you for SG, still haven’t gotten the paperwork received email, expecting they soon
No movement other than the DBU email for my SG IHC ordered beginning of April.

A lot of nice FG's that are shipping quickly, so I decided why not? Will send order for one today. I bet it ships before my IHC.
No movement other than the DBU email for my SG IHC ordered beginning of April.

A lot of nice FG's that are shipping quickly, so I decided why not? Will send order for one today. I bet it ships before my IHC.
It's so hard. I keep watching this thread. I don't need another; I hardly shoot the one I have. (Going to try for the October OCSA event, we'll see what life throws at me by then) FGs now cost what I paid for my SG in '13.

And still, I wonder: should I pick up another? They're not making more. They're not getting cheaper. As it stands, that stacking swivel is going to waste...
No movement other than the DBU email for my SG IHC ordered beginning of April.

A lot of nice FG's that are shipping quickly, so I decided why not? Will send order for one today. I bet it ships before my IHC.
I honestly think I'm in the same boat here, I may send a FG order in this week and see which makes it first...I have an order of CMP 30-06 showing today, so maybe that will push me to order another
I did not, but I also haven’t even gotten the email saying we got your order
Depending on when you ordered it you looking at 16+ weeks before you see or hear anything . Dont know when they increased order time but if your ordered arter say jun your probably looking closer to 20-24 weeks ?
If you mailed in your order today you are looking at mid march 22 for delivery
Depending on when you ordered it you looking at 16+ weeks before you see or hear anything . Dont know when they increased order time but if your ordered arter say jun your probably looking closer to 20-24 weeks ?
Right, my order should have been received right around May 1st (+/- a few days), based on that we are at about 16 weeks right now, once I get the email I will definitely report back here
It's so hard. I keep watching this thread. I don't need another; I hardly shoot the one I have. (Going to try for the October OCSA event, we'll see what life throws at me by then) FGs now cost what I paid for my SG in '13.

And still, I wonder: should I pick up another? They're not making more. They're not getting cheaper. As it stands, that stacking swivel is going to waste...
If there is any reason to have 3 M1s it is to stack them!

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