Ma Compliant muzzle breaks

Same one I would vote for. I have it on a few of my rifles and it works great. The fact that it also has some flash hidey capability is good too.

It (PWS FSC556) works great but you won't make any friends on the line when you're shooting it.
Herrminator - I am also looking for a MA compliant muzzle break. In your post you mention it could be "something that you might need to cut off one day..." Is there a feeling that MA will at some point mandate that existing owners remove muzzle break? I just bought a nice new M&P and would hate to add the muzzle break only to find that I need to remove it. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Herrminator - I am also looking for a MA compliant muzzle break. In your post you mention it could be "something that you might need to cut off one day..." Is there a feeling that MA will at some point mandate that existing owners remove muzzle break? I just bought a nice new M&P and would hate to add the muzzle break only to find that I need to remove it. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

No, chances are you will not HAVE to remove it, but if you move to a state that respects your 2A rights, you may WANT to remove and replace it with a flash hider, or a brake that accepts a suppressor.
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