MA Gun Laws

You've got it covered.

Cambridge is a big mistake! You will likely get jerked around 6+ months and get a neutered license that will allow possession but not carrying. Move to Arlington and get your LTC-A/ALP so you can own and carry (if you wish).

Arlington is only a few miles up Mass Ave and you can take the same T buses to get into Cambridge.
Thanks for the info. I need to look at the options for surrounding areas, sounds like on campus housing is not the ideal situation. Anybody have a good idea of what areas are better than others for both quality neighborhoods and friendly to firearms, with an easy short commute to the campus? I've looked at maps but they unfortunately don't tell me anything about the quality of the neighborhoods.
Arlington! Best bet, but not cheap rent. Nothing near Boston or colleges is cheap.
I don't know what part of California you're moving from, but while traffic congestion is as bad here as in L.A., distances are negligable. From Boston to New Hampshire wouldn't take you from one end of L.A. to the other. Arlington, which is infinitely better for gun rights than Cambridge and right next door. You FAL should be OK, here, as should anything that wouldn't have been in violation of the old federal AWB. The only thing you need to be particularly cautious of is high cap magazines; any made since the expiration of the federal ban are illegal here, and simple possession is a felony.

I have to renew my FID card in August. When I got it I'm pretty sure we had a different police chief. I have a class A for all lawful purposes. Can the new chief change that? Legally?
I have to renew my FID card in August. When I got it I'm pretty sure we had a different police chief. I have a class A for all lawful purposes. Can the new chief change that? Legally?

Which do you have? an LTC-A and an FID are not the same thing. If it
is an FID, there's not really much they can do to you, as it's basically "shall
issue". If it's an LTC the chief can deny you because he doesn't like the way
your breath smells. [laugh] If you have an LTC-A, and the new chief is an anti,
a "downgrade" on a license is certainly possible. A lot of times existing ALPs
will get grandfathered by anti chiefs, but it's not something that you can count on.

Best idea regardless is to call the PD and ask what the procedure is, and if it has
changed, and try to find someone who has gotten a license under the new chief
to see what their experience was. If the new chief isn't an anti, I doubt it will
have changed much.

My license simply states RESTRICTIONS: NONE. They had to make the license twice because the wording is changing again. The "reason for issuance" label is going away I guess. When I recieved my license, they looked at the wording and took it back and told me they would send me a new one with the updated wording. Who knows, I have a feeling CCW will be a thing of the past in Massachusetts in the next couple of years.
My license simply states RESTRICTIONS: NONE. They had to make the license twice because the wording is changing again. The "reason for issuance" label is going away I guess. When I recieved my license, they looked at the wording and took it back and told me they would send me a new one with the updated wording. Who knows, I have a feeling CCW will be a thing of the past in Massachusetts in the next couple of years.

Only if we let it. The national trend is towards CCW, not away from it.
Only if we let it. The national trend is towards CCW, not away from it.

I doubt that the MA licensing system will ever completely dissolve- after all,
the super-rich and privileged still need a way to carry guns. [rolleyes] I
think the biggest threat to CCW in MA is the discretionary issue system... if
cities get bigger and they trend towards more so called "progressive" police
chiefs, they might trend towards the side of being more restrictive in license
issuance. The problem is that the laws in this state essentially allow that to

My license simply states RESTRICTIONS: NONE. They had to make the license twice because the wording is changing again. The "reason for issuance" label is going away I guess. ...

Who determines this? Is it a law change? A procedure? Who actually does it? Is it the GCAB? FRB? AG? EOPS? GOAL? ... M-O-U-S-E?

Surely there should be some oversight here somewhere?
I had a question. Its been debated over and over on the forum. Still no straight answer from anyone. Can you legally ship ammo to MASS from another state .
I had a question. Its been debated over and over on the forum. Still no straight answer from anyone. Can you legally ship ammo to MASS from another state .

Your search foo must be broken!

It's been answered directly numerous times.

Yes it is legal. AG "stretched" his interpretation of MGL and ignored UCC, then he threatened a few dozen companies. Most companies then got scared and refused to ship here. It's that simple.
Your search foo must be broken!

It's been answered directly numerous times.

Yes it is legal. AG "stretched" his interpretation of MGL and ignored UCC, then he threatened a few dozen companies. Most companies then got scared and refused to ship here. It's that simple.

what companies do you recommend that will ship to MA? any?
NO recommendations will be posted! Any that do will have their post edited or deleted.

If you don't understand why, do some Advanced Searching here on NES.

Aside from that I have NOT bought any ammo online since ~2002 (and that was C&R stuff). I bought a lot from Carl at Four Seasons when ammo was a great deal cheaper and he was running case lot sales. S/H made it unattractive to me to mail-order ammo (heavy).
Can I suggest that people use Google to search the forum instead of the NES search, it is easy and less restrictive, No offense to NES search engine. :)
Can I suggest that people use Google to search the forum instead of the NES search, it is easy and less restrictive, No offense to NES search engine. :)

Personally, I find the search engine on NES offensive! [wink]

So no offense taken.

Seriously, the search engine on the forum software is only really useful to narrow down to a single forum (e.g. looking for specific item in For Sale v. anywhere else).
Your search foo must be broken!

It's been answered directly numerous times.

Yes it is legal. AG "stretched" his interpretation of MGL and ignored UCC, then he threatened a few dozen companies. Most companies then got scared and refused to ship here. It's that simple.

no problem anyways i have found my answer.
Can I target practice in my yard???

Hi All,

I feel stupid but I can't find the answer to this.

I have a sloping 1 acre yard with woods beyond my property line.

I have an area that would make an excellent backstop.

My question is, can I do target practice in my back yard?

I'm thinking the answer is no but I'd like to know the law.


Under your seat, on the passenger's seat, on the floor, behind the seat. I'd avoid in front of your seat, since it might move and block one of the pedals. IOW, no legal or regulatory restrictions.

Hi All,

I feel stupid but I can't find the answer to this.

I have a sloping 1 acre yard with woods beyond my property line.

I have an area that would make an excellent backstop.

My question is, can I do target practice in my back yard?

I'm thinking the answer is no but I'd like to know the law.



It's probably "no". The two restrictions (other than possibly disturbing the peace) are not within 500 feet of any occupied building and not within 150 feet of any hard-surfaced highway.

replacement gun for a defective, non-mass complaint weapon

While I am sure you are asked many annoying questions such as this, I fear I am at a loss to interpret these firearm laws without a little
professional advise.

Situation: I own a charter arms 357, from when i lived out of state
(CT) gun was made after 94. Gun has broken 3 times, factory is
offering to replace the gun with a charter 44 (on the list).

Does that sound kosher to you? I don't want to do anything wrong, and the factory is asking for a dealer that they can send the 44 to. Does anyone have any suggestions? Similar situations?
Does that sound kosher to you? I don't want to do anything wrong, and the factory is asking for a dealer that they can send the 44 to. Does anyone have any suggestions? Similar situations?

There's no issue with the law. If you're happy with that model as a replacement, you're all set. Just find a dealer and do the transfer.
Home Defense

I've been living in Western MA for 63 years now and have had my LTC-A, with no restrictions, for the better part of 40 of those years. My son, who is currently living with us, has the same license. However, my wife has no LTC, nor an FID card at present. She is not an active shooter, but well versed in handling of all types of guns, which she occaisionally shoots at a local range with me. After having found this site and in reading it's contents, it has brought to mind this "what-if" scenario. Does she have the right to defend herself (within our home) and/or our home (break-in) with a firearm?
I've been living in Western MA for 63 years now and have had my LTC-A, with no restrictions, for the better part of 40 of those years. My son, who is currently living with us, has the same license. However, my wife has no LTC, nor an FID card at present. She is not an active shooter, but well versed in handling of all types of guns, which she occaisionally shoots at a local range with me. After having found this site and in reading it's contents, it has brought to mind this "what-if" scenario. Does she have the right to defend herself (within our home) and/or our home (break-in) with a firearm?
So what's stopping her from getting a license?

It's in YOUR interests as well as her's, especially if she gets stopped with ANY ammo, or even cases, in it.

It would also allow her to carry a defensive spray.

What's stopping us is the $85. for a NRA firearms certification course and another $100. on top of that for the license (FID or LTC). She doesn't do much shooting and has no interest with carrying outside the home. Being both retired now and on a fixed income, it is going to be tough to come up with that money.
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