Of course... problem I have with this is... wheres the
proof? I see generations of glock mags here... but where is the supporting
documentation (from someone in the know, say at Glock) that says "x was
made during Y" etc. Is there a released statement from glock, or say, a
publication from the AFTE (association of firearm and tool mark examiners) or
somesuch that would be able to conclusively verify which is which. I'm
guessing at one point glock had changed the way they fabricated magazines.
Depending on where you go for the info, things change. (eg, Glockmeister
has a pic which clearly shows prebans as being the "jail bait" mags).
There are obvious ones... like we all know anything that says .357 on it
is generally made during the ban or after it was passed. But everything
else is considerably more muddy.
Reason I ask is that this stuff is always muddy. A perfect example
is the HK USP .45 mag controversy. There are a group of people who
claim that there are prebans, because at least one individual had imported
prebans which were manufactured by HK germany, before the ban took
effect, even though the gun didn't exist here at that time. Of course
HK-USA swears up and down they're not prebans, but they don't know about
this one vendors end around on their supply chain. (And he obstensibly got
BATF approval to import the things, too... if they were illegal, he would have
been denied an import permit.).
When are you guys going to realize that if a law is open to interpretation IT IS NOT A LAW!!!!